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Charles Barkley tries to play both sides of the fence. He feels like in order to criticize them, he has to criticize us. It's not trying to appease us, it's trying to appease them. That's why he's one of their go to people. He takes away the blame from them, when many of our conditions are because of them.

How did education not become cool to some us? Maybe because we were denied the ability to read and an equal one for hundreds of years.

I don't get the get over it mentality. Nobody ever says get over those monuments. Get over Columbus Day. I saw them on Faux News yesterday whining about losing their history. When he was Spanish and didn't even discover America.

But for someone who says he isn't a role model, he's always giving his damn opinion.
Making fun of people for being smart was never something I saw growing up.

People got made fun of for everything you could imagine, but I have never (growing up) heard a bully joke about a kid doing well in school. Maybe these people who always bring this up grew up in a different environment, because that's so far from what I experienced.

And even if it was something that Chuck and so many others did see, 40 years later and you're still saying that black boys and girls will never be successful because of what you experienced in your tiny bubble.

The most egregious part of it is he just continues to give material to ignorant people who also have no real experience today in black schools another talking point with a black face.

**** Charles Barkley. Nothing new, though. It's been **** Charles Barkley for years now. I don't put much credence into what he has to say and neither does anyone else. Only time you see Chuck quotes all over the place is when it supports someone's ignorant opinion who's too cowardly to stand by it themselves.
Chuck grew up poor, got NBA money and a white wife and racism don't exist in his mind. I seriously ain't even read that whole quote, I stopped at "we as black people". Chuck is pretty much another proud sellout like Jason Whitlock.

Chuck has a small list of things he can talk about that I want to hear from him. Race is not on that list
Not sure if it's a good idea for Charles Barkley to be talking about doing well in school when he himself was given a free college education that millions of other black kids can't afford, and he chose not to finish that education because he was good enough at basketball to become pro.
Making fun of people for being smart was never something I saw growing up.

People got made fun of for everything you could imagine, but I have never (growing up) heard a bully joke about a kid doing well in school. Maybe these people who always bring this up grew up in a different environment, because that's so far from what I experienced.

It occurs less now. Charles Barkley is speaking on his experiences or what he saw 40+ years ago. That's why I hate him haphazardly throwing out stereotypes. It just supports a narrative and he's ill informed to speak on it.
It occurs less now. Charles Barkley is speaking on his experiences or what he saw 40+ years ago. That's why I hate him haphazardly throwing out stereotypes. It just supports a narrative and he's ill informed to speak on it.
Just reinforces the arguments of those idiots who have never met a black person but hold onto hatred. Just feeding that confirmation bias. I'm not sure how any self-respecting adult black male could talk the way he talks about his own people. To say that black kids will never be successful. Someone gotta tell this dude to shut the **** up eventually, right? He's been slandering his own people for years, and he honestly doesn't offer anything to offset that. Get this ***** out of here.
I posted about Barkley's comments in another thread. Based on my experience, what he is saying makes sense. But it seems from this thread that the general consensus is that kids no longer get made fun of for being smart/ "nerdy"? That must be a recent change in the last decade or so. I can't speak to the current situation, but it is a fact that depending on the school attended it was "cool" to be smart, or "cool" to be dumb. This is why many parents worked so hard to send their kids to certain schools. Again, if that is no longer the case, then his analysis is outdated.
Parents I know send their kids to better schools because of the resources, not because their kids get made fun of for being smart

Barkley is an agent
Parents I know send their kids to better schools because of the resources, not because their kids get made fun of for being smart

Barkley is an agent

I hear you. But it is not a good environment for kids to be around kids who don't find value in education. In some schools, it is competitive to be at the top of the class. In others, being smart is pretty much frowned upon by other students. And this dynamic happens regardless of the resources that the school has. Its simply based on the culture of the school.

Edit: I fully understand that high school could have changed substantially since I was in it. So if that is no longer the case I will take your word for it.
I posted about Barkley's comments in another thread. Based on my experience, what he is saying makes sense. But it seems from this thread that the general consensus is that kids no longer get made fun of for being smart/ "nerdy"? That must be a recent change in the last decade or so. I can't speak to the current situation, but it is a fact that depending on the school attended it was "cool" to be smart, or "cool" to be dumb. This is why many parents worked so hard to send their kids to certain schools. Again, if that is no longer the case, then his analysis is outdated.
Kids never got called nerds for being smart. It had everything to do with the clothes you were wearing. I really don't get where this idea comes from.

And you know, if this were truly an issue and something that needed to change, wouldn't being active in the community and trying to make an impact on those kids who you were once be a more prudent way of dealing with it than telling the world that little black kids will never be successful.

I hope none of you are defending Barkley in this. It's ironic how we kill the messenger any other time, but people are grasping at straws to support an ignorant point from an ignorant person by concensus.

Like I said, you only see his quotes all over the place when it reinforces someone's ignorant opinion who's too cowardly to stand by their own words.
My niece apparently gets bullied she’s top in her grade and wins the 5k for her grade since 3rd grade she not the show off type but they live Indiana she was born here in Texas is a little dark skinned
Kids never got called nerds for being smart. It had everything to do with the clothes you were wearing. I really don't get where this idea comes from.

And you know, if this were truly an issue and something that needed to change, wouldn't being active in the community and trying to make an impact on those kids who you were once be a more prudent way of dealing with it than telling the world that little black kids will never be successful.

I hope none of you are defending Barkley in this. It's ironic how we kill the messenger any other time, but people are grasping at straws to support an ignorant point from an ignorant person by concensus.

Like I said, you only see his quotes all over the place when it reinforces someone's ignorant opinion who's too cowardly to stand by their own words.

You and I attended different schools (I assume). I am not denying that this was your experience. But I don't know how you can possibly speak for everyone's experience. It is a fact that other black kids said "you talk white" to people that used proper English. It is a fact that people got clowned for being in chess or math club. It didn't matter if you rocked the freshest jays, or played on the basketball team... Being smart was not "in" in certain schools. Whereas in other schools, not being a top student made people feel lesser than. That's why I said it depends on the culture of the schools.
I posted about Barkley's comments in another thread. Based on my experience, what he is saying makes sense. But it seems from this thread that the general consensus is that kids no longer get made fun of for being smart/ "nerdy"? That must be a recent change in the last decade or so. I can't speak to the current situation, but it is a fact that depending on the school attended it was "cool" to be smart, or "cool" to be dumb. This is why many parents worked so hard to send their kids to certain schools. Again, if that is no longer the case, then his analysis is outdated.

I hear you. But it is not a good environment for kids to be around kids who don't find value in education. In some schools, it is competitive to be at the top of the class. In others, being smart is pretty much frowned upon by other students. And this dynamic happens regardless of the resources that the school has. Its simply based on the culture of the school.

It makes sense if you're from a certain age demographic. That doesn't occur as much anymore.

Schools aren't set up the same and kids aren't the same.
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