Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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You and I attended different schools (I assume). I am not denying that this was your experience. But I don't know how you can possibly speak for everyone's experience. It is a fact that other black kids said "you talk white" to people that used proper English. It is a fact that people got clowned for being in chess or math club. It didn't matter if you rocked the freshest jays, or played on the basketball team... Being smart was not "in" in certain schools. Whereas in other schools, not being a top student made people feel lesser than. That's why I said it depends on the culture of the schools.

How old are you?
You and I attended different schools (I assume). I am not denying that this was your experience. But I don't know how you can possibly speak for everyone's experience. It is a fact that other black kids said "you talk white" to people that used proper English. It is a fact that people got clowned for being in chess or math club. It didn't matter if you rocked the freshest jays, or played on the basketball team... Being smart was not "in" in certain schools. Whereas in other schools, not being a top student made people feel lesser than. That's why I said it depends on the culture of the schools.

I went to school in the hood, finished 10th in my class and had every pair Jordan’s. I never had class with my core friends cause they weren’t in the honors program. Not once was I clowned. I speak proper English, bad English and everything in between.

Was education valued in the homes by my peers family’s? Of course not all. But the cats that were failing were getting roasted, not the smart kids. That TV stuff where kids are getting thrown in lockers isn’t real life
You and I attended different schools (I assume). I am not denying that this was your experience. But I don't know how you can possibly speak for everyone's experience. It is a fact that other black kids said "you talk white" to people that used proper English. It is a fact that people got clowned for being in chess or math club. It didn't matter if you rocked the freshest jays, or played on the basketball team... Being smart was not "in" in certain schools. Whereas in other schools, not being a top student made people feel lesser than. That's why I said it depends on the culture of the schools.

Haven't heard the you talk white thing in forever. I don't think kids do that anymore
It makes sense if you're from a certain age demographic. That doesn't occur as much anymore.

Schools aren't set up the same and kids aren't the same.
How old are you?

I turn 28 this month. It is actually good that this isn't what occurs any more. I went to public schools prior to attending a private school in high school. The competitiveness of being at the top of the class was night and day. The "honors" program in public was similar. But what was referred to as "residence" students had a lot of what Barkley described.
You and I attended different schools (I assume). I am not denying that this was your experience. But I don't know how you can possibly speak for everyone's experience. It is a fact that other black kids said "you talk white" to people that used proper English. It is a fact that people got clowned for being in chess or math club. It didn't matter if you rocked the freshest jays, or played on the basketball team... Being smart was not "in" in certain schools. Whereas in other schools, not being a top student made people feel lesser than. That's why I said it depends on the culture of the schools.
Don't you think that think this applies to Barkley's comments as well?

At the end of the day, if this is an issue Barkley feels so strongly about he decides to speak publicly and speak so strongly (about kids mind you), wouldn't it be more effective to go speak to those kids. Those same kids that Barkley grew up just like.

Just proves to me that he doesn't really care. He's more interested in hearing himself speak believing he has some sense of the world the rest of us missed.

Why aren't we killing the messenger now? Serious question. We do any other time someone comes with outlandish comments about whole swaths of people. Why is this acceptable now, considering we're talking about children?
How old is Ice Cube?

around Charles Barkleys era.

some of ya just young and don't remember da "acting white" backlash.

Carlton's character and his play off will smith and that dynamic can be attributed to a schism that existed before da internet.

back then folks just wasn't exposed to things outside your regional POV.
Don't you think that think this applies to Barkley's comments as well?

At the end of the day, if this is an issue Barkley feels so strongly about he decides to speak publicly and speak so strongly (about kids mind you), wouldn't it be more effective to go speak to those kids. Those same kids that Barkley grew up just like.

Just proves to me that he doesn't really care. He's more interested in hearing himself speak believing he has some sense of the world the rest of us missed.

Why aren't we killing the messenger now? Serious question. We do any other time someone comes with outlandish comments about whole swaths of people. Why is this acceptable now, considering we're talking about children?

I mean I can agree with you that this clearly is not the top of Barkley's agenda of importance. But whether or not he cares doesn't make what he said any less true, imo. I try not to "kill the messenger" because it is ad hominem and ignores the merits of what the person said.
In my experience...when kids would say you "talk white" it's usually because the person looks and sounds like a cornball. Not necessarily for "speaking well". It's almost 99% based on a person's dialect and tone.

And nothing to do with grades and academic achievement
back in the day it was more frequent the acting white garbage

nowadays we are more accepting of being different and being our ownselves and not labeling certain things

a guy like barkley thinks the world is like how it was. hes out of touch, ignorant, self conscience, and very confused about himself
In my experience...when kids would say you "talk white" it's usually because the person looks and sounds like a cornball. Not necessarily for "speaking well". It's almost 99% based on a person's dialect and tone.

Have you ever known a student that read with their finger or mispronounced words to be told "you talk white."
That kind of thing, in my experience had nothing to do with being smart. It had everything to do with how you grew up and how you carried yourself.

Being whitewashed, in my experience (since we need this disclaimer every time now :lol:) wasn't a reference to being smart. It was a reference to being better off and outright being different.
I went to school in the hood, finished 10th in my class and had every pair Jordan’s. I never had class with my core friends cause they weren’t in the honors program. Not once was I clowned. I speak proper English, bad English and everything in between.

Was education valued in the homes by my peers family’s? Of course not all. But the cats that were failing were getting roasted, not the smart kids. That TV stuff where kids are getting thrown in lockers isn’t real life
This is basically my experience. The cool kids at my high school all did well and immediately went to college. I went to a very small school, so perhaps that made my school an outlier, but I'm blown away by some of these opinions. Dude's that were failing were getting roasted. You couldn't ball if you weren't passing your classes. Had to be sure you were good because away game travel was always a treat.:lol:

Ironically, all the dudes playing Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering were the nerds. The dudes wearing Dragonball Z silk button ups were the nerds, and they were all doing worse than the 'cooler' kids.

You know, I'm starting to think my school may have been an outlier, because almost to a man a lot of those people hit a fork in the road at that point, and a lot of those 'nerds' who weren't doing well then, aren't doing so well now.
That kind of thing, in my experience had nothing to do with being smart. It had everything to do with how you grew up and how you carried yourself.

Being whitewashed, in my experience (since we need this disclaimer every time now :lol:) wasn't a reference to being smart. It was a reference to being better off and outright being different.

This is basically my experience. The cool kids at my high school all did well and immediately went to college. I went to a very small school, so perhaps that made my school an outlier, but I'm blown away by some of these opinions. Dude's that were failing were getting roasted. You couldn't ball if you weren't passing your classes. Had to be sure you were good because away game travel was always a treat.:lol:

Ironically, all the dudes playing Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering were the nerds. The dudes wearing Dragonball Z silk button ups were the nerds, and they were all doing worse than the 'cooler' kids.

You know, I'm starting to think my school may have been an outlier, because almost to a man a lot of those people hit a fork in the road at that point, and a lot of those 'nerds' who weren't doing well then, aren't doing so well now.
Nah mine was similar, all the cool kids had good grades, even the Gs. And if they were struggling and finally hit a good grade, they'd celebrate. The dragonball Z shirt cats didn't have good grades at all.
Man once the freshest kid in my high school was outed as a kid that couldn’t read, his stock plummeted. No more girls, cool table seat was gone
I'm Interested to know you all's age range. I am actually pleasantly surprised that this is the state of education now. That's wassup!
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