Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Stop looking at athletes and entertainers as people who are about black freedom and black upliftment. Most of them are in business for their selves and their pockets. That doesn't meant they don't care about black issues and black people, but its not their main agenda.
This is just about everybody though. Most people are regular people working regular jobs and taking care of their family. They don’t want to see bad happen to other blacks but let’s not act like the average black person or any person honestly is just all selfless and stuff.
Sony was actually banking off of this deal, why stop?
wasn't the deal that Disney pays for all the merchandising and Sony keeps all the profit?

I'm waiting for Sony to announce that teaming up with Venom in SM3 will be Sandman:lol:

gonna pull X3 and Dark Phoenix

They really gonna put a blemish on this impeccable performance by Holland

Dude was on his way to the legit trilogy talk, really hope its still good
Can you even name the other owners with more than a percent ownership?

Whats their net worth?
What do their wives look like?

Why do you know this about Jay Z and not his business partners?.

Umar another black narcissistic dude pumping the poor with speaking points and energy. He know black folks desperate for leadership and direction. He stepped in to play the role that the likes of Jay Z and pastors been doing forever.
not trying to attack you or anything...when I say the following:

you aren't black. you aren't going to understand certain things from a black perspective. there's history to take into context and reasons for the skepticism and the labelling.
we have a history of having ppl that so called speak for us all being used against us to comfort our oppressors while we get nothing.
we also have a history of ppl that supposedly speak for us that go after the lime light and the money while we get nothing.
we have a history of infiltration and getting duped/the short end of the stick/etc.

intent and agenda are two words that ppl should be thinking about. jay is slick and has been slick. i'm sure more details will leak but he looks funny in the light.

When you say “while we get nothing”....what EXACTLY are you hoping WE get??
Dominique Foxworth made a great point on First Take today. Hov basically pulled a bait and switch with the Nets. They used him as the face when they were trying to get Barclays up and he said something along the lines of affordable housing being adjacent or close to the area but it never happened. Jay then sold his minuscule share, profited and now the area is gentrified as hell. Something to keep in mind as he tries to become the face of a movement.
Can we get some before and after Jayntrificatiom pics of the area ?

Before we go there...just look at the sheer IRONY in this photograph :lol:


This is when he stood on the rooftop of 560 State Street where he allegedly kept a stash house at.

Castro volunteered to help residents in New Orleans when America wouldn’t. He gave asylum to black power leaders who were being hunted in America by the government. I have zero issues with Castro

:lol: maybe you should see how he was a ruthless dictator to his own people...
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