Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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You guys must be little children. Or ignorant young men at best.

Same idiot who "hates" the cops is going to be calling 911 when their family is in trouble.

"Sit your *** down and go in the corner."

Man, you're beyond ******ed.

Buying someones jersey because their making an *** out of themselves. Sit your loser self down.
You made a new sn just to act like a lil bish n say dumb **** ? :lol: :smh:
kovalchuk kovalchuk @Michael Jeffrey

Address what he is protesting and not how he is doing it and we have a discussion. There is no wrong way to silently, non-violently voice your displeasure with government entities, especially when they fail to deliver on your behalf.
"You know who they are.

Stupid *** people who don't know the definition of "rights." Yeah, that includes you"

I know what rights are, moron. It comes down to picking your battles. Watch Kaep lose big time because of this.

You people are slow.

You OBVIOUSLY don't know what rights are if you think there are times and places when they should or should not be exercised
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:rofl: who's backup account is that ?

"Law and order" ...these guys think they're slick with how they use some of these words. We know exactly what that means in this context.

Closet racists are whack.
"What about the freedom of speech?

That one doesn't count?"

Time and place.

You're wearing pig socks while on an NFL field. Boy are you dumb.

For every one person who thinks Kaep is cool for doing this, there's 10 people who realize how dumb he is.

Hey you guys pick his side. I chose the other side.

No big deal.
Nah. Even active service members and veterans are coming to Kap's defense in his cause and right to protest. You gonna talk bad about them too??
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The irony in this whole Michael Jeffery thing is that he is what's wrong with America and he's too dense to ever step back and realize it. It's sad really.
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:rofl: who's backup account is that ?

"Law and order" ...these guys think they're slick with how they use some of these words. We know exactly what that means in this context.

Closet racists are whack.

In b4 "but I'm (insert non-white race here) or I have Black/Brown friends"
kovalchuk kovalchuk @Michael Jeffrey

Address what he is protesting and not how he is doing it and we have a discussion. There is no wrong way to silently, non-violently voice your displeasure with government entities, especially when they fail to deliver on your behalf.

I understand what he is protesting, however it is not tangible and measurable, therefore it can never be objectively fixed.

If he was protesting the over representation of black males in the justice system, that is measurable, we have evidence to show how to reduce those numbers through evidence based intervention.
The irony in this whole Michael Jeffery thing is that he is what's wrong with America and he's too dense to ever step back and realize it. It's sad really.

And it is even sadder that he comes out the gate assuming that people who support Kaep's actions are involved in criminal activities.
"You're not protesting right/the right thing."

The same people that pick apart grammar in a debate rather than address the points being made.

You can save your response, I don't waste my time with concern, grammar or time wasting trolls.
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You're a brilliant person. Really.
If you're so brilliant, feel free to explain the concept of systemic racism and a detailed strategy on what is "acceptable protest" 

Shouldn't be any problem for a genius
kovalchuk kovalchuk @Michael Jeffrey

Address what he is protesting and not how he is doing it and we have a discussion. There is no wrong way to silently, non-violently voice your displeasure with government entities, especially when they fail to deliver on your behalf.

I understand what he is protesting, however it is not tangible and measurable, therefore it can never be objectively fixed.

If he was protesting the over representation of black males in the justice system, that is measurable, we have evidence to show how to reduce those numbers through evidence based intervention.

It isn't measurable or it isn't measured?

There is no requirement to report police use of deadly force in this country. In addition, in the event of a deadly incident, cops get a lot more leeway than regular citizens in the aftermath. When cops are found guilty, sentences are generally lighter than sentences given to non-cops for similar crimes. And let's not even mention the collusion that exists between PDs nationwide and their respective DAs, which has a lot of influence over whether a police officer case is going to go to trial. Don't tell me this stuff is not quantifiable and fixable.
kovalchuk kovalchuk @Michael Jeffrey

Address what he is protesting and not how he is doing it and we have a discussion. There is no wrong way to silently, non-violently voice your displeasure with government entities, especially when they fail to deliver on your behalf.

I understand what he is protesting, however it is not tangible and measurable, therefore it can never be objectively fixed.

If he was protesting the over representation of black males in the justice system, that is measurable, we have evidence to show how to reduce those numbers through evidence based intervention.

Pig socks and "inequality" can't be eradicated, they are feelings.

The gender wage gap is an excellent example. Jennifer Lawrence wants men who star in movies for 56 mins. That make 126$ million dollars to be paid the exact same as women who star in movies for 56 mins. That make $126 million dollars. That can be done.

Making men and women equal in acting can't be done, because people can always "feel" they aren't being treated equally.

There are solutions if one can objectively identify the problem.
I want some Kap merchandise , but I ain't puttin no money in the leagues pockets :lol: ...maybe I'll grab a t shirt from a 3rd party or something
I want some Kap merchandise , but I ain't puttin no money in the leagues pockets :lol: ...maybe I'll grab a t shirt from a 3rd party or something

Word I feel you on that,

Best thing about kap, is he smart as hell, he knew exactly what he was doing all along. He's BEEN on this kinda stuff on IG me and my boy stumbled across it like a year ago. He waited till he got that gauranteed money an now he speaking up :pimp: :pimp: now even if they cut homie I think they still gotta pay him like 61 mill GAURANTEED :pimp: now he gon be good off they can't leave him in the dust. Used them mfs
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