Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Your high school friend is right and wrong he's right that the golfer is out of touch but not because of success it's because of choice.
Your Doctor friend sounds like a certified raccoon that enjoys his safe space. Not sure why he rationalized it to just "defending one race" as opposed to everything surrounding it. The MLK quote would go well here.
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Colin Kaepernick and Nessa donated $60,000 worth of Nike backpacks to students in Harlem and South Bronx. At this event, Nessa was at Harlem RBI's DREAM Charter School at their middle school orientation for new students and handed out 150+ backpacks
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Just watched that video on my way to work. Wow ! Lots of knowledge being dropped. Thought about sharing it with my friends and associates, but people my age (that I know) don't care about that stuff sadly :smh:

Kaep with those socks :rofl: . Zero F's given.
Had a chance to talk to 2 of my African American friends about the situation. One is an older gentleman, former Army, he is actually one of the Physician Assistants at my clinic who I go golf with on occasion. Other is a friend from High School. Pretty interesting ideas/thoughts brought up by both. First one I spoke with was our PA, we were out on the green and I asked him what he thought of Kaep. He shook his head and chuckled "the audacity of that guy. There are so many ways to go about things and he's taking the wrong route. Disprespecting our nation, flag and anthem. He doesn't realize that people die daily fighting for the rights that are given to us, the same rights that allows him to act like an idiot. People of all nationalities are over there fighting, for everyone. They're not there defending one race. I didn't go around Iraq shouting I'm only defending the rights of black people, nor did the white soldier next to me go around shouting oh I'm only going to have the backs of white people over here. It's just ridiculous"
Well we talked a bit and that was that. Few days later had my buddy at my house and he brought up Romo getting hurt (Cowboys fan) and how we should get Kaep. I asked him what he thought, and I let him know what my other friend thought, he said "you're asking a black man who golfs and is a doctor, what does he know. He don't know the struggles" I said "so just because he's successful and golfs means he doesn't know the struggle? Isn't that racism in itself? Dividing out black people within you're own race??" He said "na but he's not on the streets and doesn't have the same struggles as everyone else" I said "but still, y'all are the same race. Kaep is standing up for black people, he's not standing up for less fortunate black people"
I dunno, it was just interesting talks. My high school friend really didn't know how to explain what he was trying to tell me. I'm Hispanic btw.

I don't want you leaving here with the wrong idea. Everyone's initial reaction calling your golfing friend an uncle tom isn't because his opinion as a black man is different than the overall collective. He's mocked because he's putting petty symbolism and respectability politics over the plight of the black community and their tangible suffering here in America. It's not a matter of debate, there is a crisis that the black community has undergone since the inception of this nation and for anyone to move that to the margins (especially if that person IS black) will be chastised.

Not all of your kin is of your kind.
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I don't want you leaving here with the wrong idea. Everyone's initial reaction calling your golfing friend an uncle tom isn't because his opinion as a black man is different than the overall collective. He's mocked because he's putting petty symbolism and respectability politics over the plight of the black community and their tangible suffering here in America. It's not a matter of debate, there is a crisis that the black community has undergone since the inception of this nation and for anyone to move that to the margins (especially if that person IS black) will be chastised.

Not all of your kin is of your kind.
Na everyone has their own opinion and ideas. I was just giving a quick story on the topic, since I came across the thread. I respect everyone's (African American community) opinion as I cannot speak on your behalf. I don't know what it's like to be a black man in today's time and I'm not gonna sit here and act like I do. Do I agree with everything entirely? Can't say that... when all police officers are all pooled into one "bad group of people" because there are plenty of officers who truly care about everyone's life and treat people with equality. But I most definitely respect and hear it out everyone's opinions regarding it.
Do I like everything that goes on and the stories I read about violence. Hell no man. It's making things difficult for me. Sometimes I read a story and think to myself "damn man, that shoulda been handled differently." But thankfully, my city doesn't have much of that going on. All I can do I respect each and every person that I encounter, as I always have.
For the "that could've been handled differently" crowd, what should he have done that would garner the same amount of conversation, yet appease to everyone?
Dude gives no fs and is down but I would tread lightly if I were kaep.dude better stay spotless off the field cause if dude ever caught up for anything they throwing the book at this dude. Hope it doesn't happen but I don't trust this gov. Crooked af..
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You guys must be little children. Or ignorant young men at best.

Same idiot who "hates" the cops is going to be calling 911 when their family is in trouble.

Sit your *** down and go in the corner.

Man, you're beyond ******ed, and I'd hurt you badly.
lmao and you must be white michael jeffrey
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You guys must be little children. Or ignorant young men at best.

Same idiot who "hates" the cops is going to be calling 911 when their family is in trouble.

Sit your *** down and go in the corner.

Man, you're beyond ******ed, and I'd hurt you badly.

And must have lost your damn eyes because you can type but you sure can't read.
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