Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I want to support Kaep, but I feel kinda weird buying his jersey knowing that it will benefit Nike and NFL team owners so much.
I want to support Kaep, but I feel kinda weird buying his jersey knowing that it will benefit Nike and NFL team owners so much.

Buy from a third party.

Kap said he's financially secure, he's not worried about jersey sales.

-What do you mean a third party? Buy his jersey from a third party? Unless it is bootleg, I don't see how that makes a difference. Unless you taking about other types of merchandise

-And I'm not worried about Kaep getting the money from a jersey. I'm worried about rich white billionaires profiting from a brother taking a stand. I don't like where the money is going in general
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Some non-profit or even more genuine respectable 323rd party should just make some Kaep shirts.
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I want to support Kaep, but I feel kinda weird buying his jersey knowing that it will benefit Nike and NFL team owners so much.

Lmao wut. ***** u got at least 10 pair of nikes in your closet right now whatchu mean?

I guess you didn't read the part about Kaep actions leading to profit from Nike.

I have lil problem buying, or anyone else buying, consumer good from Nike if they like they products they make. But them profiting directly from Kaep actions is a different story.
I want to support Kaep, but I feel kinda weird buying his jersey knowing that it will benefit Nike and NFL team owners so much.

Buy from a third party.

Kap said he's financially secure, he's not worried about jersey sales.

-What do you mean a third party? Buy his jersey from a third party? Unless it is bootleg, I don't see how that makes a difference. Unless you taking about other types of merchandise

-And I'm not worried about Kaep getting the money from a jersey. I'm worried about rich white billionaires profiting from a brother taking a stand. I don't like where the money is going in general

Private sales, Goodwill, eBay, places like that. Etsy has had some good stuff for him recently too but no jerseys that I've seen.

I share your concern about the profits.
I guess you didn't read the part about Kaep actions leading to profit from Nike.

I have lil problem buying, or anyone else buying, consumer good from Nike if they like they products they make. But them profiting directly from Kaep actions is a different story.

I want to support Kaep, but I feel kinda weird buying his jersey knowing that it will benefit Nike and NFL team owners so much.

Buy from a third party.

Kap said he's financially secure, he's not worried about jersey sales.

-What do you mean a third party? Buy his jersey from a third party? Unless it is bootleg, I don't see how that makes a difference. Unless you taking about other types of merchandise

-And I'm not worried about Kaep getting the money from a jersey. I'm worried about rich white billionaires profiting from a brother taking a stand. I don't like where the money is going in general

Private sales, Goodwill, eBay, places like that. Etsy has had some good stuff for him recently too but no jerseys that I've seen.

I share your concern about the profits.

Yeah I guess buying a used jersey would solve all those issues.

But like time I copped a NBA or NFL jersey third party online, it was like over a decade ago.

I wanted to buy a Lakers swingman. Instead the seller sent me a catalog for a company that were selling swing sets, that were based in Los Angeles.

The next thing I order a Wizards authentic, I got one of dem fugazzi Champion joints.

The jersey fad was ending, so I said **** it, tired of getting finessed :lol:
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Unless ur buying a used jersey the seller probably just gonna reup through nike/nfl or whoever makes the jersey. You dont need his jersey to support the man. Donate that money to a cause if you feel that strongly.
No one is making a big deal about the jersey. I'm sharing my personal feelings on it, not knocking others that have bought it.

Do you famb.
Yeah, y'all over thinking it. I just wanted one to show I agree with his message and support him. I wasn't thinking about SF, the NFL or the rich white billionaires. I'm sure they rather you keep your money than wear this jersey.
Probably late, but someone was telling me that Kaep wore a Fidel Castro tee to a presser.

What am I missing?
I think the soccer world is less likely to empathize than the nfl world.

Do you mean in the US? Maybe so, but I know there have been instances of players walking of the pitch in the middle of a game to protest racist behavior by fans in club competitions, so I think she is much more likely to find support for her stance among soccer players and execs.
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