Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I think the soccer world is less likely to empathize than the nfl world.

Do you mean in the US? Maybe so, but I know there have been instances of players walking of the pitch in the middle of a game to protest racist behavior by fans in club competitions, so I think she is much more likely to find support for her stance among soccer players and execs.

I guess i was talking about the US, not all that familiar with it outside of here. And i was moreso talking about the fans, not the players. Like i said im not all that familiar with the international soccer scene but from what I've seen the fans are pretty racist against blacks specifically, even non-white fans. Thats just my perspective from the outside looking in.
I guess i was talking about the US, not all that familiar with it outside of here. And i was moreso talking about the fans, not the players. Like i said im not all that familiar with the international soccer scene but from what I've seen the fans are pretty racist against blacks specifically, even non-white fans. Thats just my perspective from the outside looking in.

Racism in footbal is a major issue across Europe. Just Google events from the past year alone its enough to make you sick. Whole stadiums chanting die monkey die, people attacking fans of their own squad for being POC. Its gotten so bad some tesms have banned fans from attending certain games.
Burr is spot-on.

His fans are outraged at his views on Kaep, which is strange.

Bill made his way to Dame by kicking harsh truths.

A lot of his fans thought his harsh truth would land on their side if the argument...

Problem is ol' Billy Red Face followed logic wile his fans didn't...

And the harsh truth ended up punching them in the face.
Probably late, but someone was telling me that Kaep wore a Fidel Castro tee to a presser. :lol:

What am I missing?

If Kaepernick is the intelligent activist he is attempting to portray, this says a lot about his views and motivation.
What does he want control over?

The narrative.

I also believe there are some significant feelings of inadequacy for Colin, including what his role is in the black community. I believe James Harrison's comments were likely one of the worst things Colin could have ever heard.

Again, I believe his overall message is well intentioned and helpful, however his methods have severely impeded, not blocked, any positive impact that could come from this.

When Donald Trump makes a plea to the black community for support, even if it is evidence based and accurate, it is looked at skeptically due to his method of delivery.
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Man, this whole Kaep thing is bringing out the worst in people. So much ignorance being said on the jobsite.
Part of me doesn't even want to know what people at my job think about it.

I was discussing it with one of the supervisors at my job, and as soon as I said "Kap is my guy, I respect him for that" he got this look on his face and just remained silent :lol:

Stuff like this always exposes ignorance. Word to Cyndi Lauper....."I see your true colors"
My apologies if this has been mentioned already. I haven't been in the thread much since I last posted.

Interestingly enough, jersey sales for Kap are doing nicely to say the least.

[COLOR=#red]Fans buying Colin Kaepernick jerseys in big numbers[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Posted by Michael David Smith on September 6, 2016, 5:53 AM EDT[/COLOR]

Colin Kaepernick has faced plenty of criticism for his refusal to stand for the national anthem. But he’s also getting plenty of support.

In fact, Kaepernick jersey sales are skyrocketing since he took his stance. The NFL Shop best sellers list shows the Kaepernick white jersey as the No. 2 best seller and the Kaepernick red jersey as the No. 6 best seller. The only player in the NFL selling more jerseys than Kaepernick right now is Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott.

A month ago, before Kaepernick sat out the anthem, his jerseys were hardly selling at all. And that makes sense, as he was a backup quarterback coming off a terrible year whom the 49ers would have traded if they had been able to find any team willing to take his $11.9 million guaranteed salary.

But now that Kaepernick has spoken out against police brutality, a lot of people want to show their support. And putting Kaepernick’s name on your back is an easy way to do that.

UPDATE 7:37 a.m. ET: Shortly after we posted this item, Kaepernick’s jersey moved up to the No. 1 best seller spot.
Racism in footbal is a major issue across Europe. Just Google events from the past year alone its enough to make you sick. Whole stadiums chanting die monkey die, people attacking fans of their own squad for being POC. Its gotten so bad some tesms have banned fans from attending certain games.
I can vouch for this. It's not that unusual for some "fans" to start throwing bananas at black players or chanting racial slurs.

I haven't experienced it personally at any match I've been to but it's definitely a major problem and despicable. Soccer hooligans even go as far as assaulting fans of opposing teams. A while back here in Belgium, a group of hooligans smashed up a sports bar that supported the team they had just lost to. Hooligans supporting the winning team then smashed up another sports bar as revenge.

Even minor infractions will get you permanently banned from the stadium though thankfully. In the stadium itself, I once heard a clown say "Go (other team)!" and he was swiftly kicked out of the stadium by security 

Security and traffic cops are set up around every stadium making sure each teams' fans are as far removed from eachother as possible because it inevitably leads to violence if they're too close.
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I can vouch for this. It's not that unusual for some "fans" to start throwing bananas at black players or chanting racial slurs.
I haven't experienced it personally at any match I've been to but it's definitely a major problem and despicable. Soccer hooligans even go as far as assaulting fans of opposing teams. A while back here in Belgium, a group of hooligans smashed up a sports bar that supported the team they had just lost to. Hooligans supporting the winning team then smashed up another sports bar as revenge.
Even minor infractions will get you permanently banned from the stadium though thankfully. In the stadium itself, I once heard a clown say "Go (other team)!" and he was swiftly kicked out of the stadium by security :lol:
Security and traffic cops are set up around every stadium making sure each teams' fans are as far removed from eachother as possible because it inevitably leads to violence if they're too close.

Yup it's pretty ****** up and see,s the problem is getting worse, especially with Europe going through a strong anti immigrant push :smh:

This is eight years ago when it was made
What does he want control over?
The narrative.

I also believe there are some significant feelings of inadequacy for Colin, including what his role is in the black community. I believe James Harrison's comments were likely one of the worst things Colin could have ever heard.

Again, I believe his overall message is well intentioned and helpful, however his methods have severely impeded, not blocked, any positive impact that could come from this.

When Donald Trump makes a plea to the black community for support, even if it is evidence based and accurate, it is looked at skeptically due to his method of delivery.
Is he trying to control the narrative or is he just making sure people are not taking his words out of context and try to make them something they are not.

There is no perfect method or right way to do it. A protest is meant to point out something wrong that people have been ignoring or not taking seriously. It's to be expected that when you call out those people on their apathy they would react negatively. And there has been positive impact as well look at the amount of people that have learned about the history of the anthem and the person who wrote it that we didn't know before, people have learned. Regular people and some fellow athletes have come together behind him those are positives you ignore.

And Trump's "plea" to the black community is not looked at skeptically because of his method of delivery its looked at skeptically because in his pleas to other demographics he has shown to have a heavy tendency to cater to bigots and racists.
Not gonna lie when ppl like Obama start supporting it and stuff it makes me think there's an ulterior motive. It's not genuine.
Not gonna lie when ppl like Obama start supporting it and stuff it makes me think there's an ulterior motive. It's not genuine.
Bro, President Obama been speaking out on police brutality. The problem is that no one listens when he does. It's always on to the next story. 
Man you right but that doesn't mean anything. So what? You think they elected a pro-black, BLACK president who cares about the well being of black folks? :lol: y'all not giving the ppl who run this country enough credit.
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