Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Just to make people fell all flowery inside and "united" its a facade
They want to halfway appease both sides in an attempt to end the conflict over the flag and the anthem by standing right on the fence and doing both. The **** is corny, and the message is being lost, but that's the goal.

Might as well be stanky legging during the anthem at this point.
Just to make people fell all flowery inside and "united" its a facade

"Respect to all" sounding like more of that "both sides" bs. Appeasing racist authoritarians obviously takes precedence over rallying specifically against racial injustice and the brutality of the police state...:rolleyes
Kaep has set the example for all of this. The kneeling was the beginning, they have to follow his lead and begin to get active off the field and open they wallets to the right causes. Kneeling was only supposed to be the spark, not the fire itself.
They want to halfway appease both sides in an attempt to end the conflict over the flag and the anthem by standing right on the fence and doing both. The **** is corny, and the message is being lost, but that's the goal.

Might as well be stanky legging during the anthem at this point.

May be the cynic in me, but this "unity" **** is nothing more than them being pressurized by an external force that's trying to talk down on their form of employment (players) and could have a negative impact on their bottom line (owners and players). They're unifying against 45, I bet the vast majority of players could care less about the issues Kap raised enough to actually take a serious stance. Why? Because this show of "unity" would have happened way before now when Kap was still employed, yet most all of the players and none of the owners were anywhere to be found. They repeatedly refused to talk about it, show any solidarity with Kap, and most importantly from the owners actually give the man a job to this point.
The "Race card" term isn't nearly as bad as "reverse racism" to me, I've dated some white girls in my life that used to bring up "reverse racism"
The half-stepping doesn't accomplish anything. It's just people who're too afraid to really speak out because they saw what happened to Kap with him not being able to get another job, but they don't want to be placed on the wrong side of history or viewed negatively either.
The half-stepping doesn't accomplish anything. It's just people who're too afraid to really speak out because they saw what happened to Kap with him not being able to get another job, but they don't want to be placed on the wrong side of history or viewed negatively either.

in fairness, it is their livelihood--financial security beyond our comprehension--and we can't "ask" them to do's something that they have to decide is worth the potential price tag to them.

that's why Ali is still The Champ to this day. an aside, I would really think the citizens of Green Bay ******* Wisconsin would appreciate the economic impact of sports.
The "Race card" term isn't nearly as bad as "reverse racism" to me, I've dated some white girls in my life that used to bring up "reverse racism"
You can be accused of "reverse racism " by pointing out things ( playing the race card ) what a time to be alive .
I don't trust anyone who says "Thank you for your service". These people worship anyone who goes to the military, as if the majority aren't desk jobs that any human being can do. Everyone I personally know that went the military route did it for free college or because they messed around too much in high school, not because they were some honorable America loving warriors
Did it once on a vets day at work when I was younger because that's what everyone else was doing. Felt so disingenuous I never touched it again. And like you said, most of the military folks I knew weren't doing anything beyond a normal job.
My friend literally played X box or shopped for shoes 6 hours a day during some IT related job in the army. If he accepted comments like "Thank you for your service/sacrifice/courage" I'd slap him :lol:

Knew another dude who joined the Marines just cause he liked the dress uniform and wanted to use it to get girls. Unfortunately for him, he forgot that most people in California outside of SD don't care about the military at all :lol:
I don't trust anyone who says "Thank you for your service". These people worship anyone who goes to the military, as if the majority aren't desk jobs that any human being can do. Everyone I personally know that went the military route did it for free college or because they messed around too much in high school, not because they were some honorable America loving warriors
I mean, I agree, but regardless a lot of them do put their lives on the line.

Only people I thank for service are my close friends, though. The true irony of it all is how little we take care of our veterans when they return from war broken, yet people who never put on combat boots push them all to center stage to protect their delicate little hearts and cognitive dissonance.

I can't really care about veterans when they're out oppressing and ruining the lives of people in other countries. If they were out defending us or actually saving people, I probably would though
I can't really care about veterans when they're out oppressing and ruining the lives of people in other countries. If they were out defending us or actually saving people, I probably would though
This is where it gets murky, because as mentioned earlier a lot of soldiers decide to serve at a time of their life where they're looking for anything to grasp onto. Fresh out of school, more than likely with limited opportunities and see the military as the best option. Young men and women looking to fill a void in their lives that high school left, I can understand getting swept up in everything and not necessarily being able to see the forest for the trees.
Why would anyone be surprised that Green Bay fans didn't lock arms?:lol:

White people don't give a ****, man. It's been obvious for years. Who expected to see people show any kind of respect to minorities and their voice? I'd be shocked if I ever saw something like that actually happening.:lol:
Why would anyone be surprised that Green Bay fans didn't lock arms?:lol:

White people don't give a ****, man. It's been obvious for years. Who expected to see people show any kind of respect to minorities and their voice? I'd be shocked if I ever saw something like that actually happening.:lol:

I feel you...just saying if anything should tangibly impact the profitability of the NFL, I'd imagine Green Bay would be the first NFL "city" to start feeling it. not a lot of unrelated winter tourism to Wisconsin, I reckon.
That's fair. Wasn't directed toward you, but more Skip in the video above.

It's so frustrating to listen to white people who just don't get it, or don't want to get it. I get sick of hearing the whole 'couldn't they do it another way?' point. I mean, really. Why does it ******* matter how gentle they were with THEIR protest? Why would anyone, trying to get an issue discussed and make people pick sides on a very serious issue, do so in a way to ruffle the least feathers as possible? The **** blows my mind.

Why the **** should we even have to worry about offending people. Black folks are literally dying in the street, and we have to be gentle with our delivery when we expect **** to change?

Honestly, if those good white people don't speak up soon and continue to try to appease both sides, this is gonna get uglier than it is now. Much uglier.
I don't trust anyone who says "Thank you for your service". These people worship anyone who goes to the military, as if the majority aren't desk jobs that any human being can do. Everyone I personally know that went the military route did it for free college or because they messed around too much in high school, not because they were some honorable America loving warriors

Some of my military friends hate that ****.
Doesn't surprise me about that racist establishment in Mizzery aka Missouri. Bunch of funny style folks out there still holding on the days of William Quantrill and Bloody Bill.

Ray faker than his hair line. He sounds just like those evangelistic preachers on TV. Fake and disingenuous. Using religion to mask his true identity.
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