College students, do you work?

Just try to be more frugal. I don't work during the school year so I can apply my time to school, and friends. I work over breaks, and just save as much aspossible. Also, I cut back on eating out, shopping for unneeded clothes, and I buy cheaper alcohol. Plus at parties I'll bring my own cup or just wash oneout in the bathroom haha.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

I'm with you I'm broke as a joke with cc debt piling up high. I had a p/t job than got cut loose due to restaffing in the company. It's hard finding a job right now with the hours I'm going to be in school during this 6 week winter course. Spring semester I'm taking all night classes so hopefully I'll have better luck finding work than. Right now I'm just trying to sell on ebay and the forums here and there to have some cash right now.
you go to kingsborough?
Yea, you? Should be out in June as long as I pass my CPE
same here. Business major. i took the CPE it wasnt that hard at all but it i did mess up on the first part. hopefully i graduate in june though.
We probably ran into each other and wouldnt know
I'm a business major too. In the M bldg most of the day. Funny thing was I realized some1 either from here or ISS I was trying to sell to wound up being in my law class
yea. im the dude that always be carrying a duffel bag thing around the M. i be staying in the M most of the time. how was accounting for you? 90 percent of people in business have a hard time with it

btw you ever taken dragon lady? i used to piss her off so bad i recorded her on one occasion where she just flipped out on my friend who was trying to defend me
Accounting was easy for me actually. I was thinking of transferring majors but I can't see myself behind a desk dealing with the same numbers all the time. Marketing on the other hand I barley pass Mayerson's tests. I had dragon lady and dropped her class
old hag that she is

Last year I was putting in about 25 hours a week working and quit my job around Halloween time and since than my grades have picked up so much. Before that I was barley focusing on school, was so tired to go to class, something had to change. I'm trying to look for now especially once spring semester comes, worse comes to worse I can go back to where I worked in the summer (unpaid intern) and cross my fingers that gaining more experience opens up new doors for me. I would love to get a job with that company and their trying, but HR is just being gay in not wanting to hire new people, even when 4 people are requesting me since theirs an overload of work.
i got mayerson right now. prof is cool but his tests are hard. most of the kids in my class got 60s and 50s. i was like how the hell did i get a62 on it.

prof haas made accounting easy for me for some reason. accounting in general is easy. great for doing stocks and doing taxes.

funny thing about dragon lady. shes racist. she assigns us seats and when it comes to checking homework. mostly everyone got to like stand up or lift up thepaper for her to see. and most of the time the she would go to the non asian students, "i cant see the work, come here" and to the asians she wouldbe like good job without second guessing us. so one day i tested the theory out and i lifted up a blank sheet of paper and she was like good job. in my mind iwas like what the hell just happened?
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

I'm with you I'm broke as a joke with cc debt piling up high. I had a p/t job than got cut loose due to restaffing in the company. It's hard finding a job right now with the hours I'm going to be in school during this 6 week winter course. Spring semester I'm taking all night classes so hopefully I'll have better luck finding work than. Right now I'm just trying to sell on ebay and the forums here and there to have some cash right now.
you go to kingsborough?
Yea, you? Should be out in June as long as I pass my CPE
same here. Business major. i took the CPE it wasnt that hard at all but it i did mess up on the first part. hopefully i graduate in june though.
We probably ran into each other and wouldnt know
I'm a business major too. In the M bldg most of the day. Funny thing was I realized some1 either from here or ISS I was trying to sell to wound up being in my law class
yea. im the dude that always be carrying a duffel bag thing around the M. i be staying in the M most of the time. how was accounting for you? 90 percent of people in business have a hard time with it

btw you ever taken dragon lady? i used to piss her off so bad i recorded her on one occasion where she just flipped out on my friend who was trying to defend me
Accounting was easy for me actually. I was thinking of transferring majors but I can't see myself behind a desk dealing with the same numbers all the time. Marketing on the other hand I barley pass Mayerson's tests. I had dragon lady and dropped her class
old hag that she is

Last year I was putting in about 25 hours a week working and quit my job around Halloween time and since than my grades have picked up so much. Before that I was barley focusing on school, was so tired to go to class, something had to change. I'm trying to look for now especially once spring semester comes, worse comes to worse I can go back to where I worked in the summer (unpaid intern) and cross my fingers that gaining more experience opens up new doors for me. I would love to get a job with that company and their trying, but HR is just being gay in not wanting to hire new people, even when 4 people are requesting me since theirs an overload of work.
i got mayerson right now. prof is cool but his tests are hard. most of the kids in my class got 60s and 50s. i was like how the hell did i get a 62 on it.

prof haas made accounting easy for me for some reason. accounting in general is easy. great for doing stocks and doing taxes.

funny thing about dragon lady. shes racist. she assigns us seats and when it comes to checking homework. mostly everyone got to like stand up or lift up the paper for her to see. and most of the time the she would go to the non asian students, "i cant see the work, come here" and to the asians she would be like good job without second guessing us. so one day i tested the theory out and i lifted up a blank sheet of paper and she was like good job. in my mind i was like what the hell just happened?
What hour you have mayerson? im in his 1130-1230 class. I understand his class and what hes lecturing it just seems like dudes tests are nearimpossible
At this point I just want to pass his class, I wouldn'tbe too mad if I wind up with a D in his class as long as I pass and it doesn't hold me back
I go to a community college down here in San Diego and I work for UCSD's temporary employment services. I quit back in may, but just got re-hired today andstart a 6 month assignment on Monday. Right now I'm gonna be doing 37.5 hours a week since I go to school at night for the remainder of the fall, butstarting January when I start school during the day, it's gonna be MWF from 8-430 and TTH from 2-9, so about 34.5 hours at 12.26 an hour. I'm onlygonna have 9 units next semester, so its not like I'm gonna be stressed with school. I'm just glad I've finally found a job. Been unemployed sinceSeptember.
i resold shoes and tutored kids back in high school.

now in college i just hustle.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Work 5 days in a after school program, easiest 3 hours a day of my life.

That's what I did during college. Easy gig, flexible hours and the pay was good.

I would also get gigs at shoe stores during the holiday season. Extra $$$, plus discount on kicks, it was a win-win.
full time student...1 full time job...2 part time job...and yes i don't have any life at all...i like it this way
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by YuraS718

I'm with you I'm broke as a joke with cc debt piling up high. I had a p/t job than got cut loose due to restaffing in the company. It's hard finding a job right now with the hours I'm going to be in school during this 6 week winter course. Spring semester I'm taking all night classes so hopefully I'll have better luck finding work than. Right now I'm just trying to sell on ebay and the forums here and there to have some cash right now.
you go to kingsborough?
Yea, you? Should be out in June as long as I pass my CPE
same here. Business major. i took the CPE it wasnt that hard at all but it i did mess up on the first part. hopefully i graduate in june though.
We probably ran into each other and wouldnt know
I'm a business major too. In the M bldg most of the day. Funny thing was I realized some1 either from here or ISS I was trying to sell to wound up being in my law class
yea. im the dude that always be carrying a duffel bag thing around the M. i be staying in the M most of the time. how was accounting for you? 90 percent of people in business have a hard time with it

btw you ever taken dragon lady? i used to piss her off so bad i recorded her on one occasion where she just flipped out on my friend who was trying to defend me
Accounting was easy for me actually. I was thinking of transferring majors but I can't see myself behind a desk dealing with the same numbers all the time. Marketing on the other hand I barley pass Mayerson's tests. I had dragon lady and dropped her class
old hag that she is

Last year I was putting in about 25 hours a week working and quit my job around Halloween time and since than my grades have picked up so much. Before that I was barley focusing on school, was so tired to go to class, something had to change. I'm trying to look for now especially once spring semester comes, worse comes to worse I can go back to where I worked in the summer (unpaid intern) and cross my fingers that gaining more experience opens up new doors for me. I would love to get a job with that company and their trying, but HR is just being gay in not wanting to hire new people, even when 4 people are requesting me since theirs an overload of work.
i got mayerson right now. prof is cool but his tests are hard. most of the kids in my class got 60s and 50s. i was like how the hell did i get a 62 on it.

prof haas made accounting easy for me for some reason. accounting in general is easy. great for doing stocks and doing taxes.

funny thing about dragon lady. shes racist. she assigns us seats and when it comes to checking homework. mostly everyone got to like stand up or lift up the paper for her to see. and most of the time the she would go to the non asian students, "i cant see the work, come here" and to the asians she would be like good job without second guessing us. so one day i tested the theory out and i lifted up a blank sheet of paper and she was like good job. in my mind i was like what the hell just happened?
What hour you have mayerson? im in his 1130-1230 class. I understand his class and what hes lecturing it just seems like dudes tests are near impossible
At this point I just want to pass his class, I wouldn't be too mad if I wind up with a D in his class as long as I pass and it doesn't hold me back
did you go see capitalism? i think that will help me alot. i got his 1020-1120 class. you know this girl name karen in your class? asian chick.
but if mayerson freaking stops taking mondays off and actually teaches us on that day i think it wouldve helped alot. what did you get on his exams anyway?
oh yea and i hate the guy/girl ratio in business. its horrible. marketings decent cause some of them are from fashion merchandising.
did you take ba60? if not pick grossman shes very easy.
To all the guys working at jobs off campus, how hard was it for you? The reason why I ask is because up here, they don't $$@% with anyone that goes to theuniversity because of the schedule. They'll hire someone once in a while but if the schedule gets in the way they won't even consider a student.
i work full time, but only go to school part time, like this coming quarter i'm only taking 8 credits. But i'm paying my student loans and for my newcar so i gotta keep working
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

full time student...1 full time job...2 part time job...and yes i don't have any life at all...i like it this way

How is this even possible?

I need a better paying job.
I barely make just enough to pay my monthly tuition bill + gas. It #@*+#@+ sucks.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

did you go see capitalism? i think that will help me alot. i got his 1020-1120 class. you know this girl name karen in your class? asian chick.
but if mayerson freaking stops taking mondays off and actually teaches us on that day i think it wouldve helped alot. what did you get on his exams anyway?
oh yea and i hate the guy/girl ratio in business. its horrible. marketings decent cause some of them are from fashion merchandising.
did you take ba60? if not pick grossman shes very easy.

I was going to go to a movie thursday but he said don't bother.. Im @ 5 absences and on his scale it wouldnt of helped me at all. I'm about to startreading 1 of the books for the e/c for the final grade. i think i got a 74/68 or something around there on his 2 exams. I think I know who karen is, i wastalking to an asian chick next to me on thursday come to think of it i think its 1 of the only asian chicks in that class

Grossman was a peice of cake
I barley went to her class and did allthe assignement at the end and got a B or B+ from her.. 4/5 of us were just @#*+%!$%%$$$ in class but still got all her projects done forty hours a week at a bank..go to work n they let me leave for class then come back to work and I make up the missed hours on saturday(open9-1)..getting paid vacation when in cancun for spring break is
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Junior... workin at crappy home depot

I heard HD reimburses you 50% - full tuition? Is that true?

and yes I work..I envy those who dont and are living comfortably. They got more time to study as well.
does it really have a huge impact on your grades? im trying to find a job and once i do i dont want it to effect my grades.

It only effects your grades if you dont study...when you get your assignments just do them and get them out the way save the partying n drinking till when yourfinished nothing beats hitting up parties and bars when you know "damn I dont got anything to do tom"
Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ forty hours a week at a bank..go to work n they let me leave for class then come back to work and I make up the missed hours on saturday(open 9-1)..getting paid vacation when in cancun for spring break is
What is your schedule like if you can work 40 hrs a week at a bank? It makes no sense.
I'm a sophmore now, and I'm currently working part-time at this school/daycare for autistic kids. The pay is NICE, but I'm only working 12 hours aweek..smh..but atleast I gotta job.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by andycrazn

did you go see capitalism? i think that will help me alot. i got his 1020-1120 class. you know this girl name karen in your class? asian chick.
but if mayerson freaking stops taking mondays off and actually teaches us on that day i think it wouldve helped alot. what did you get on his exams anyway?
oh yea and i hate the guy/girl ratio in business. its horrible. marketings decent cause some of them are from fashion merchandising.
did you take ba60? if not pick grossman shes very easy.

I was going to go to a movie thursday but he said don't bother.. Im @ 5 absences and on his scale it wouldnt of helped me at all. I'm about to start reading 1 of the books for the e/c for the final grade. i think i got a 74/68 or something around there on his 2 exams. I think I know who karen is, i was talking to an asian chick next to me on thursday come to think of it i think its 1 of the only asian chicks in that class

Grossman was a peice of cake
I barley went to her class and did all the assignement at the end and got a B or B+ from her.. 4/5 of us were just @#*+%!$%%$$$ in class but still got all her projects done

yea grossman is too easy. i had a team going. person a does project 1 person b does project 2 and so on. then we just send it to each other.
i added you on facebook so look for her on my friendslist cause i dont know what you would do if i describe her my way.
i only know like 4 people in your class. 3 of the girls i dont even know their names just their faces
they are cute though
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ forty hours a week at a bank..go to work n they let me leave for class then come back to work and I make up the missed hours on saturday(open 9-1)..getting paid vacation when in cancun for spring break is
What is your schedule like if you can work 40 hrs a week at a bank? It makes no sense.

monday- no full day
tuesday - 2 classes in the mourning get to work round 11:00(we open @9) take no lunch
wednesday-one class leave work early at 4 to attend (class is@ 4:30)
Thursday- same as tuesday
Friday-same as wednesday but class in am then work from about 9:30am-6 pm closing
Sat- work from 9-130

i mean its a busy schedule but i couldnt imagine asking my parents for money just feels wrong as there already paying half of my tuition
no, im a lazy bastard

although, i might get one since im pretty much done with the semester and i made sure all my classes next semester are in the morning
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