Common Errors in English Usage... (there, they're, their)

Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]People saying "might as well"

made me google it and doubt my 22 years of using the phrase 
i got called an $$%@+@* for correcting some one who used "your" when they should have used "you're"
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by SinnerP

I appreciate the OP's efforts here, and I'm all for proper-grammar, but there will always be those who will feel that "it's just the Internet" or "who made you the grammar-police?"... 

I've never understood people who defend ignorance or just plain old laziness.
^ Agreed. I always get irked and see it left and right, but never rant about it.

Originally Posted by SinnerP

I appreciate the OP's efforts here, and I'm all for proper-grammar, but there will always be those who will feel that "it's just the Internet" or "who made you the grammar-police?"... 

This, and I just correct them anyway. No dambs given on both sides.
the one that gets me the most is when people say "the whole entire thing" If it was the whole thing why put the entire on it..its either the whole thing or the entire thing but its not the whole entire
I love threads like this. It helps me improve my grammar. The funny thing about people using incorrect grammar is, most of the time they don't know their grammar is incorrect.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Up until about a week ago, I thought 'segue' was spelled 'segway'


Up until a couple of minutes ago for me!
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

some of you are confusing colloquialisms and grammar.  

I don't think people are confusing the two, but just venting about the stupidity they're subjected to while reading other people's post.
I love it when people use 'them' instead of 'those'. This is WAY too common over in the jb forums.

PS: I don't really love it.

PSx2: I don't think I can use the 'spoiler' function from a cell phone.
Originally Posted by Navarretr

I don't care as long as I know how they're used.

This... but I gotta say that "conversate" irritates the @##% out of me.
i love it when people come in here trying to act all smart but misspell words themselves
Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

PSx2: I don't think I can use the 'spoiler' function from a cell phone.

Hmmmm... lemme see here...
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

someone explain to me how to use: who's and whose and the right time to use "an"
Who's will always and forever be "Who is." Whose is possessive, as in "Whose bike is this?"

"An" is used when the next written/spoken begins with a vowel.

^ Yep, spot-on.

It also bugs me when I see people type in "title" format, capitalizing the first letter in every word of a sentence. Doesn't it take more effort to do so???

Not Sure If It's A Grammar "Issue", But It Still Bugs Me When I See It.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

someone explain to me how to use: who's and whose and the right time to use "an"
Who's will always and forever be "Who is." Whose is possessive, as in "Whose bike is this?"

"An" is used when the next written/spoken begins with a vowel.


If the word following begins with a vowel sound, the word you want is “an
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