Conan O'Brien -- Free at Last

I just saw Conan's monologue from last night.

JinKazama wrote:
Well what I heard was no matter what he gets his salary so 8 mil a year to scratch my %!% on the beach for two years ain't a bad livin'

It's all gravy for Conan...but what about his staff. He brought them all with him out to LA...if he's put on pause for 2 years his crew is screwed
Dang...I didn't even think about that
dang Leno,hopefully Conan held out until he got some assurances from NBC that his staff would be re-hired elsewhere or relocated back to NY before he bowed out.
How Bush League does this debacle make NBC look? Seriously, your stars are taking to the air to air their grievances about the **%%*% management. If NBCdidn't already look like mid 80's-mid 90's FOX, they sure do now.
I was afraid it would come to this... I'm a huge Conan fan, have been for 10 years... this is +!+%%@%@

I give Conan all the credit in the world for doing this. Rather than get pushed around and yet again be Leno's #2 and letting NBC insult the history of theTonight Show, he's stepping down and being the bigger man.

NBC has been an awful network for years now, and this is just a panic move that shows nothing more than their own cowardice. Jay Leno won't save yournetwork, you were losing and in dead last well before Jay went to 10pm. The fact that they would push back THE TONIGHT SHOW just for Jay Leno's stupid 30minute show proves they only care about their money and keeping their "star" Jay happy.

I truly believe that this was all done on purpose and planned well in advanced. Leno knew his show would get bad ratings and so did NBC, it was never about theratings at the hour it was about saving millions of dollars. So now they're complaining about ratings and this is their solution? They knew pushing Conanback would result in either A. Leno getting back 11:35... or B. Conan leaving and now Leno can get his Tonight Show back.

Leno and NBC are morons and disrespectful. Leno just wants his show back to be in the spotlight, he doesn't bring anything new or better to the table, hehad his moment and now he's backstabbing Conan when it was his rightful turn in the spotlight.
everyone is butthurt about it but conans ratings suck so nbc has no choice here. leno was beating letterman for like 13 years straight.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

everyone is butthurt about it but conans ratings suck so nbc has no choice here. leno was beating letterman for like 13 years straight.

Leno's show was canceled, not Conan's.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

everyone is butthurt about it but conans ratings suck so nbc has no choice here. leno was beating letterman for like 13 years straight.

Leno's show was canceled, not Conan's.
nbc thought it was time to bring conan up. leno didnt want to leave. they knew if leno left for another network, he would dominate conans show sothey gave him a show at 10. if he was as bad as everyone here says, nbc wouldnt have had a problem letting him go to another network. but they were scared, sothey let him stay and now the whole thing blew up in their face because conans show is terrible and getting destroyed in the ratings. they shouldnt have messedwith it in the first place.
It isn't all Conan's fault though..

Leno's show gives him a horrible lead in, Leno was getting beat by shows on cable.

Not to mention it's only been 7 months.. they couldn't have expected him to be beating Letterman this early, it takes awhile to build an audience...ESPECIALLY since Leno took a lot of his potential audience at the 10pm slot.
Actually a lot his audience was split between Letterman, Stewart and Colbert; Leno and Conan were never really aiming at the same people.
Yeah I know that much, but if NBC wanted former Leno fans to eventually watch Conan, then by putting Leno at 10, it took away any possibility of that.
Props to Conan, he was the bigger man and at the same time showed respect to all his competitors by not taking that 12 o clock time slot. I hope he leaves NBCfor FOX, I mean they promised him something and went back on word. Dude probably could've had a lot more money but NBC knew what Conan wanted and bluffedhim. I hope he finds a new home where his staff and him can make late night fun again
everyone is butthurt about it but conans ratings suck so nbc has no choice here. leno was beating letterman for like 13 years straight.

Dude, you acting like Jay followed Carson and blew up, Jay took years to get the following he got. Remember...Letterman wanted the tonight show, but theywound up giving it to Jay, Letterman left and beasted Jay in the ratings for YEARS before Jay finally caught up and surpassed him. If given the CHANCE I ampretty sure Conan would have done the same. They basically gave Conan seven months to duplicate what it took Jay years to achieve

By going back to Jay they basically have shot themselves in the foot...they had it right, Conan appealed to the new and future tonight show audience which IMOwould have eventually resulted in big ratings and the tonight show on top for a long time. With Jay back in the chair they are basically stuck with this dudeuntil he decides he wants to leave
which means they'llslowly lose the 18-35 demo all these networks want while a new hipper late night show (Conan?) steals that audience.
anyone know when conan's last episode will be? i have tickets on reserve for february 12th; which i hear is the last day forleno's show.
i love Conan. They planned Jay Leno leaving like over 6 years ago. Leno had his time, cant believe they wont give Conan a fair shot. He's put in hisdues too.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Leno sucks.
Conan sucks.
Fallon sucks.
Letterman is the best.

So what you are saying is that you have no sense of humor and what you do find funny is not funny at all.
Originally Posted by Executive76

^Jimmy is that dude too

Conan can't do late night for 2 years if he leaves.

New show was too watered down any way...when was the last time he did the string dance!??

he hasn't done the string dance for awhile now, way before the tonight show. i believe somebody stole it from him (forgot who) and he retired it. i THINKthe last time he fully did it was when he had stephen colbert on there and they battled
so is there going to be a show tonight...

last nights was

lmao at cody (the vampire assistant) pretty much saying what conan wanted to say
I pray Conan will go back to doing the Simpsons and eventually has his own late night show on FOX. It would be ridiculous the amount of freedom FOX would givehim.
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