Confessions 2K10 vol. don't judge me

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

  • I have a strong obsession for Dominican girls. I would wife a chick just because she is Dominican. I have low standards for them. No that low though
  • I wish I was Hispanic. Preferably Dominican based on my love for Dominican chicks. Im black BTW
  • I lost the most perfect girl for me earlier this month and it sucks. Losing her was like being kicked off the Yankees after having a very good season. Im really trying to move on but everything I do reminds me of her.
  • My view towards females in general is very bad thanks to NT, hearing others experiences and some of my own. I dont trust not a 1 female. I think that they are all liars and cheaters and will eventually screw you over in the end no matter what you do. Makes me never want to be in a relationship ever.
  • My priorities have been all *$!$#$ up since I transferred schools. My gpa is 1.7 right now. I absolutely hate my school and school in general. I have 0 motivation right now.
  • I have an extremely low self-esteem. I spend most of my day at school alone and all I do all day is think negatively about myself.
  • I get extremely EMO out of the blue. I wanna talk to a therapist or something but I have no clue what to say
  • I wish I was anyone else but myself most of the time. Safe to say Im not comfortable in my own skin.
  • If someone doesnt sit next to me, talk to me, ect, I get really down about myself and think its because they see me as this disgusting person.
  • I dont hit people up because I always think that theyre on the other side like "Oh God why is this lame hitting me up"
  • Sometimes I feel that all my negative thinking is due to the fact that my iPod is basically in my ear all day. But I love my music so I just ignore that
  • I love being quoted here. It feels good.
  • I want someone I can tell my problems to, but I dont wanna dump my issues on someone else so I keep them to myself
  • People annoy me very easily
  • I want to change the way I think about myself and things, but I have no clue how to
  • When a thread dies, and Im the last one to reply, I feel that its my fault sometimes.
Thats all I can think of for now.
You have mad low self esteem.  There's nothing you do that makes you feel positive?
I'd highly suggest seeing a counselor/therapist.

I have my spotty moments where I feel like Im that dude but nah theres nothing really anything that I do to feel positive about myself. Hell if someone compliments me I think its B.S.

And I want to talk to a therapist, but I dont want them to see me as like a female with all these made up problems. IDK
Yea man go see a therapist. Or read Notes from The Underground by a Russian guy. I was sorta like you awhile back then I read this book where the author basically acted and thought like I did and it helped make me see how dumb and problematic my self-image was. Basically I just read different things to help me fix my self image.

But yea dude do something, life is too short and precious to be living miserably.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

  • I have a strong obsession for Dominican girls. I would wife a chick just because she is Dominican. I have low standards for them. No that low though
  • I wish I was Hispanic. Preferably Dominican based on my love for Dominican chicks. Im black BTW
  • I lost the most perfect girl for me earlier this month and it sucks. Losing her was like being kicked off the Yankees after having a very good season. Im really trying to move on but everything I do reminds me of her.
  • My view towards females in general is very bad thanks to NT, hearing others experiences and some of my own. I dont trust not a 1 female. I think that they are all liars and cheaters and will eventually screw you over in the end no matter what you do. Makes me never want to be in a relationship ever.
  • My priorities have been all *$!$#$ up since I transferred schools. My gpa is 1.7 right now. I absolutely hate my school and school in general. I have 0 motivation right now.
  • I have an extremely low self-esteem. I spend most of my day at school alone and all I do all day is think negatively about myself.
  • I get extremely EMO out of the blue. I wanna talk to a therapist or something but I have no clue what to say
  • I wish I was anyone else but myself most of the time. Safe to say Im not comfortable in my own skin.
  • If someone doesnt sit next to me, talk to me, ect, I get really down about myself and think its because they see me as this disgusting person.
  • I dont hit people up because I always think that theyre on the other side like "Oh God why is this lame hitting me up"
  • Sometimes I feel that all my negative thinking is due to the fact that my iPod is basically in my ear all day. But I love my music so I just ignore that
  • I love being quoted here. It feels good.
  • I want someone I can tell my problems to, but I dont wanna dump my issues on someone else so I keep them to myself
  • People annoy me very easily
  • I want to change the way I think about myself and things, but I have no clue how to
  • When a thread dies, and Im the last one to reply, I feel that its my fault sometimes.
Thats all I can think of for now.
My man u sound depressed on the flip side at least u smashing these Dominicans I know people who can't get a spanish girl at all 
If it wasn't for #NT roasting me about my clothig line I wouldn't have been influenced into turning it into a lifestyle brand... Which ened up turning into well you know....
Procrastinating a bit and it's late, so perfect timing to post some stuff...

-I've realized I'm not so "chill"...and I'm quite anal with how things should be. I always want things to run a certain way, I guess I like structure, and I like to know what I'm going to be applies to everything in my life basically. If I don't know, I get confused and I can lose myself in a mess.
-I'm definitely an analytical overthinker. I work really hard and it shows in my GPA and the way I carry myself, and I take school seriously, but many times I just overthink things which blows #%$+ out of proportion.
-My 1st two years in college were crap, I knew nobody and I really wasn't comfortable with myself either, and I became really fat. My self-confidence was down the drain and it didn't help that I didn't really like my suitemates that much except for a few. I didn't even have confidence to talk to people that approached me.
-But now I'm almost on the verge of graduating and things have become so much better. I now know a bunch of people in my classes now and I've made a bunch of friends. It's almost night and day.
-I've had a crush on this girl for almost a year now, it just feels so right because we're both very similar in the way we view things, we're both nerds and work really hard in school, I've asked her out once but got rejected, but I don't lay down. So, it's like, I won't quit because I really feel that something is between us.
I can expand more but I won't.
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

If it wasn't for #NT roasting me about my clothig line I wouldn't have been influenced into turning it into a lifestyle brand... Which ened up turning into well you know....
Your company does more than selling shirts now?

I'm kind of intrigued.

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

  • I have a strong obsession for Dominican girls. I would wife a chick just because she is Dominican. I have low standards for them. No that low though
  • I wish I was Hispanic. Preferably Dominican based on my love for Dominican chicks. Im black BTW
  • I lost the most perfect girl for me earlier this month and it sucks. Losing her was like being kicked off the Yankees after having a very good season. Im really trying to move on but everything I do reminds me of her.
  • My view towards females in general is very bad thanks to NT, hearing others experiences and some of my own. I dont trust not a 1 female. I think that they are all liars and cheaters and will eventually screw you over in the end no matter what you do. Makes me never want to be in a relationship ever.
  • My priorities have been all *$!$#$ up since I transferred schools. My gpa is 1.7 right now. I absolutely hate my school and school in general. I have 0 motivation right now.
  • I have an extremely low self-esteem. I spend most of my day at school alone and all I do all day is think negatively about myself.
  • I get extremely EMO out of the blue. I wanna talk to a therapist or something but I have no clue what to say
  • I wish I was anyone else but myself most of the time. Safe to say Im not comfortable in my own skin.
  • If someone doesnt sit next to me, talk to me, ect, I get really down about myself and think its because they see me as this disgusting person.
  • I dont hit people up because I always think that theyre on the other side like "Oh God why is this lame hitting me up"
  • Sometimes I feel that all my negative thinking is due to the fact that my iPod is basically in my ear all day. But I love my music so I just ignore that
  • I love being quoted here. It feels good.
  • I want someone I can tell my problems to, but I dont wanna dump my issues on someone else so I keep them to myself
  • People annoy me very easily
  • I want to change the way I think about myself and things, but I have no clue how to
  • When a thread dies, and Im the last one to reply, I feel that its my fault sometimes.
Thats all I can think of for now.
You have mad low self esteem.  There's nothing you do that makes you feel positive?
I'd highly suggest seeing a counselor/therapist.

I have my spotty moments where I feel like Im that dude but nah theres nothing really anything that I do to feel positive about myself. Hell if someone compliments me I think its B.S.

And I want to talk to a therapist, but I dont want them to see me as like a female with all these made up problems. IDK

Dude you should really talk to somebody.  It's their job to listen and try to help, or at least let you vent for a little bit.  Which is theraputic in and of itself.  FYI don't talk to a professional under 40.  And think about who you would feel more comfortable with, talking to a dude or a chick.  Good luck though man.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

-i can't stay consistent with my "bulking/workout" routine
Originally Posted by iBlink

I can't attract girls who just want to fool around. Some how, some way, they always end up wanting more than just a good time. I try to keep things as open ended as possible because I can't see myself committing to one person at this juncture in my life.
Originally Posted by awwsome

I can't stop going raw

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

might have a lil one on the way
Team Raw FTL
- I keep falling into this one attention !+!*#'s traps man... but I want that thang soooooooooo bad tho. I need to let that one go man
... +++% it, I'ma call her..

-Knowing that I'm opening for Waka Flocka on March 5 is driving people around me NUTS. My local lil lady friends -- both of em -- seem to be much more interested in me all of a sudden
.. Not really excited myself. Just another day at the office.. It's good to see that my bottom !*!!$ is mellow about it though. That's that cool, calm, and collected demeanor I like. We still got a long way to go until we reach the top babigurl
.........and by we, I mean ME!

-Having a girl >> having a "team"
My game is not strong enough
I'm not smashing as always
I don't even know how to get females back to my apartment anymore
i seem to be attracted to the studious type females who go out once in a while but then if they're always "busy", how are they gonna have time to hang out with me?
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

-Having a girl >> having a "team"

Having a woman > both. And before you say "
", there is a difference.

(But your situation seems to be describing a woman more than a girl, though. So congratulations.)

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

  • I have a strong obsession for Dominican girls. I would wife a chick just because she is Dominican. I have low standards for them. No that low though
  • I wish I was Hispanic. Preferably Dominican based on my love for Dominican chicks. Im black BTW
  • I lost the most perfect girl for me earlier this month and it sucks. Losing her was like being kicked off the Yankees after having a very good season. Im really trying to move on but everything I do reminds me of her.
  • My view towards females in general is very bad thanks to NT, hearing others experiences and some of my own. I dont trust not a 1 female. I think that they are all liars and cheaters and will eventually screw you over in the end no matter what you do. Makes me never want to be in a relationship ever.
  • My priorities have been all *$!$#$ up since I transferred schools. My gpa is 1.7 right now. I absolutely hate my school and school in general. I have 0 motivation right now.
  • I have an extremely low self-esteem. I spend most of my day at school alone and all I do all day is think negatively about myself.
  • I get extremely EMO out of the blue. I wanna talk to a therapist or something but I have no clue what to say
  • I wish I was anyone else but myself most of the time. Safe to say Im not comfortable in my own skin.
  • If someone doesnt sit next to me, talk to me, ect, I get really down about myself and think its because they see me as this disgusting person.
  • I dont hit people up because I always think that theyre on the other side like "Oh God why is this lame hitting me up"
  • Sometimes I feel that all my negative thinking is due to the fact that my iPod is basically in my ear all day. But I love my music so I just ignore that
  • I love being quoted here. It feels good.
  • I want someone I can tell my problems to, but I dont wanna dump my issues on someone else so I keep them to myself
  • People annoy me very easily
  • I want to change the way I think about myself and things, but I have no clue how to
  • When a thread dies, and Im the last one to reply, I feel that its my fault sometimes.
Thats all I can think of for now.

i hope u get help fam. i used to feel the same way.
-cant stop going raw. even though i had a 4 brothers tyrese moment this week.
-leaning on drugs more to solve my severe depression. even though i know its gonna get me sent back to rehab.
-the last 3 girls i smashed all have dudes. and one of them is my good friend. and he thinks she is cheating, but has no idea its me. and i dont feel guilty at all.
-im pretty close to droppin out of college cause of the depression.
Thanks guys. I got a list of some therapist, I just gotta schedule something. Hopefully all my negative thinking will subside soon. Life is horrible when you have a mind state like mine.
My grandmother has been trying to get in touch with me for the last few weeks. She's called, sent texts, and left voicemails.

I have yet to respond. I think my own selfishness is to blame. I'm tired of being promised things, only to not have her deliver.

I know that she won't deliver this time either, but it breaks my heart to leave her hanging.

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

My grandmother has been trying to get in touch with me for the last few weeks. She's called, sent texts, and left voicemails.

I have yet to respond. I think my own selfishness is to blame. I'm tired of being promised things, only to not have her deliver.

I know that she won't deliver this time either, but it breaks my heart to leave her hanging.

%#*$ is you doing son.
Come on g
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

If it wasn't for #NT roasting me about my clothig line I wouldn't have been influenced into turning it into a lifestyle brand... Which ened up turning into well you know....
Your company does more than selling shirts now?

I'm kind of intrigued.

Porn site
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

If it wasn't for #NT roasting me about my clothig line I wouldn't have been influenced into turning it into a lifestyle brand... Which ened up turning into well you know....
Your company does more than selling shirts now?

I'm kind of intrigued.

Porn site

wait wat ???

did i miss something ?
I'm not tryna' ruin Pltcs game but those girls in the videos... They must be cracked out. One looked like the mom off of 'The Corner'.
- Slept with one of my oldest/best friends girl over the summer..
at me..I also dread having to see her...I've never even talked about the incident once since it happened but can't stop thinking about it when I see her.
- I'm addicted to the Internet...
- I fall in love with girls really easily, I'm currently in love with 3 different girls 
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

- Slept with one of my oldest/best friends girl over the summer..
at me..I also dread having to see her...I've never even talked about the incident once since it happened but can't stop thinking about it when I see her.
- I'm addicted to the Internet...
- I fall in love with girls really easily, I'm currently in love with 3 different girls 

You're not in love son
-I hate when people add me on facebook/myspace/twitter and don't say
but I add people and don't say
to them
-I've been avoiding my mom because she wants money but I don't know if I will have it to give to her this month
-I love my job but I act like I hate it because I feel like my supervisor will let me to continue doing it to "teach me a lesson"

-I miss living in the south because I miss dancing in the club
-I can't stand going to Howard but I''m too close to finishing to switch to another school
-I hate when people who aren't from New Orleans rep New Orleans
its been rampant since the superbowl...
you're from Kenner
-I think I sometimes cause turmoil to see how people will handle it, well see how I will handle it and how they will handle me
-I don't come to NT for the lulz, they are great but I really come here for the difference of opinions
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