Confessions 2K10 vol. don't judge me

I graduated in May and I can't find a job worth a %*%% and its bothering the hell out of me. I'm the type to look at the bright side of things but damn, something has to shake soon.
I'm not depressed but this is the first time in my life where I just feel like a bum/worthless and this job searching is getting beyond discouraging and almost embarrassing....
I honestly think I am awful when it comes to college. I can't do any of my work, it's impossible to focus. I keep making excuses for myself saying that if I really tried, I could 4.0 all of my classes. I just don't like to try and I don't know what it is, but I hope I am fixing it now. I am definitely turning a new page.


I've met this girl years ago and I've always had a little crush on her. Now that we have started taking things seriously, I look at her and I look at the big picture and I can see her in it. This has never happened to me before. My past girls that I've been with would always like to talk about the 'future' but there was never a 'future' between them and myself, at least as far as I was concerned.

Now though, it's different. I can see a future with her, one that I honestly cannot deny and it kind of scares me. I think I'd be able to love this girl if given the chance. I'm sure it will happen if time allows it. But that's the thing. I think she's going to break my heart.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

- Slept with one of my oldest/best friends girl over the summer..
at me..I also dread having to see her...I've never even talked about the incident once since it happened but can't stop thinking about it when I see her.
- I'm addicted to the Internet...
- I fall in love with girls really easily, I'm currently in love with 3 different girls 

You're not in love son

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

- Slept with one of my oldest/best friends girl over the summer..
at me..I also dread having to see her...I've never even talked about the incident once since it happened but can't stop thinking about it when I see her.
- I'm addicted to the Internet...
- I fall in love with girls really easily, I'm currently in love with 3 different girls 

You're not in love son

I feel you, it just feels like it.
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

I love my girl, but want to see what else is out there from time to time, but am afraid of hurting her and potentialy losing her forever.

I'm pretty sure I can cheat on my girl, but never put myself in the position to do it.

I hate college and am switching my major for the third time (I'm sure this is it though).

This one credit card bill has me stressing daily.

I just chiefed, I can't remember the last day I went without blazing

I am really scared to graduate this spring

I love myself more now than I have in a while
1. I moved back to the dominican republic where I have very little family but hope to never have to go back to Vegas again in my life.
2. I feel alot of my friends are my friends only for what I can do for them and thats it.
About a week ago I broke up with my g/f. For the last few months, I could go weeks without seeing her and not care at all. We were pretty dysfunctional.

I was fine up until tuesday, when I tried to talk to her and she wouldn't talk to me, finally saw her last night and we talked.

All I have to say is, you never realize what you have until its gone. I took her for granted. She really loved me, and would do anything for me.

Now she's realized that all the problems we had, she's jsut not going to talk to me for awhile.

We went through this once before about two years ago and ended up getting back together... but I just can't picture it happening again.

I can't blame her though, I never showed her I loved her, or that I cared... and now that she's gone I miss her more than ever.

Got me thinking maybe I'm just not meant to be in a relationship, she really did do everything for me, and I took it all for granted
just got charged with a dwi last wknd which was my 20th bday........ n i t took da f'in breathlyzer like  a f'in tard. Zero Tolerence Law FTMFL
i was in premed  but dropped out with out telling my parents now its graduation time they're gonna find out
no one showed up for my birthday last weekend so  i ended up playing COD with my boys
I'm 22 never had a girlfriend or been laid(i think i might be gay or just really ugly)
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

About a week ago I broke up with my g/f. For the last few months, I could go weeks without seeing her and not care at all. We were pretty dysfunctional.

I was fine up until tuesday, when I tried to talk to her and she wouldn't talk to me, finally saw her last night and we talked.

All I have to say is, you never realize what you have until its gone. I took her for granted. She really loved me, and would do anything for me.

Now she's realized that all the problems we had, she's jsut not going to talk to me for awhile.

We went through this once before about two years ago and ended up getting back together... but I just can't picture it happening again.

I can't blame her though, I never showed her I loved her, or that I cared... and now that she's gone I miss her more than ever.

Got me thinking maybe I'm just not meant to be in a relationship, she really did do everything for me, and I took it all for granted
They say if somethings yours, and you let it go...

...If it comes back to you, then it was yours all along.
Like I said.. it already happened once before... and she came back... I can't picture it happening again. I'll keep my head up though.
Originally Posted by third

i was in premed  but dropped out with out telling my parents now its graduation time they're gonna find out
no one showed up for my birthday last weekend so  i ended up playing COD with my boys
I'm 22 never had a girlfriend or been laid(i think i might be gay or just really ugly)

Why in the world did u drop out.......
Originally Posted by third

i was in premed  but dropped out with out telling my parents now its graduation time they're gonna find out
no one showed up for my birthday last weekend so  i ended up playing COD with my boys
I'm 22 never had a girlfriend or been laid(i think i might be gay or just really ugly)

Do you assert yourself?
Originally Posted by third

i was in premed  but dropped out with out telling my parents now its graduation time they're gonna find out
no one showed up for my birthday last weekend so  i ended up playing COD with my boys
I'm 22 never had a girlfriend or been laid(i think i might be gay or just really ugly)
Go to a brothel. You will find out for sure if you are gay or not. Word to the Bunny Ranch.
Just one...There is this girl I met outside of school, she is nice... got her number but i never really grew an interest in her so I mostly ignored her.... currently for some reason I have feelings for her and I would like to talk to her, but I cant do it because I feel like an a-hole/ fool for ignoring her.

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Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Just one...

There is this girl I met outside of school, she is nice... got her number but i never really grew an interest in her so I mostly ignored her.... currently for some reason I have feelings for her and I would like to talk to her, but I cant do it because I feel like an a-hole/ fool for ignoring her.

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[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
You've been busy with school and have been meaning to get back to her.
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Just one...

There is this girl I met outside of school, she is nice... got her number but i never really grew an interest in her so I mostly ignored her.... currently for some reason I have feelings for her and I would like to talk to her, but I cant do it because I feel like an a-hole/ fool for ignoring her.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
You've been busy with school and have been meaning to get back to her.

wish it was that easy, but she knows I ignored her... I see her often and she semi ignores me too.
-I'm about to be 22 and never had a serious girlfriend. The last time I even "dated" anyone was for like a month back in 2006. I took this one girl out to dinner twice last summer but nothing ever materialized.

-I used to be preoccupied with having a girlfriend/significant other but now I don't even think I'd have time for one. I'm usually working in studio about 18 hours a day if you average it out, sometimes more. Sometimes I don't go home for a couple days at a time except to take a shower or quick nap; a good night of sleep is about 4 hours. I don't see how a relationship would fit into that and I don't even really care to be honest; I'm finding fulfillment in my work (even though I know it's not good to make work your life, I've kinda slipped into that and gave up trying to fight it) and most of the time when I'm not working I just want to go home and relax rather than go out and socialize and meet people.

-Even though I feel like my work defines me, I'm rarely ever satisfied with it and almost always hate it. I've had scores of people compliment me on a project and I still think it sucks.

-That girl I took out last summer was the only girl I've ever been seriously interested in. She dated somebody else for 2 1/2 years and I always told myself if she ever broke up with him I would jump at the chance no questions asked. When she broke up with him (May) I took her out when I found out a couple months later but I was too much of a !@@!% to do anything. Especially because I knew I had about a two week window to make something happen because I was going to study in Europe that semester so I wouldn't see her for a few months and she would start dating somebody else (which she did). Now she's single again but I don't even care nor have any motivation to try b/c of the reasons above.

-I would say that 95% of girls I find myself interested in already have boyfriends (I always find this out later). I rarely maintain friendships with girls if they're taken. I mean I spend most of my time in studio so I might go and eat dinner with a girl in my studio but I hardly ever do anything outside of those confines, and the people I spend time with change from year to year depending upon who's in my studio that year. My relationships are always temporal because I never bother to assert myself to establish anything beyond that. Most of my friends are people that bug me constantly to spend time with them with not very much effort on my end. It's not because I'm an a-hole or a bad friend; I've always been really uncomfortable with asking/inviting people to do anything. I feel like there's something inherently wrong with me in that regard.

-In a conversation I'm not comfortable if people aren't laughing or the conversation isn't about architecture or sports
I'm really bad at having normal everyday conversation, mostly because I don't give a $!%% about it. I'll ask the "how was your weekend" type questions only because I feel like I have to, not because I actually want to or care. It's not that I'm self-absorbed, I don't really know what it is; I guess I just feel like if something interesting happened they will tell me about it. Conversely, I rarely say anything about myself unless somebody else asks
Kinda backwards.

-I joke a lot and I feel like very few people take me seriously or realize how deep/emotional of a person I am because I don't reveal that side.

-I would say I'm  not even capable of relating to a lot of girls. If you're all about getting trashed every weekend or going to your sorority events I'm not giving you the time of day.

-I feel like a lot of people in my life can't relate to my ambitions and I don't want to come off as a jerk/arrogant but I can't relate to what they're about anymore. Like, I'm working all the time trying to make something of myself and you wanna sit on the couch and play xbox all day and then complain because you have to write a 2 page paper? We're not in HS anymore...

-If a girl is interested in me but I'm not interested in her I'm terrible at letting her down. Instead of just coming out and saying it I either avoid her completely or turn into an ***##@$. I always feel really bad about it yet nothing changes. Back in HS this girl practically asked me out and this is what I did:

Her: (Looking through my wallet) What's this Pizza Hut Card?
Me: I got it for Christmas, it's got like 25 bucks on it that works like cash.
Her: So do you only spend it on yourself? Or would you maybe use it to take pretty girls on dates?
Me: Uh it depends...but probably just for personal use.
Her: Would you use it to take me on a date?
Me: But you said pretty girls...

-Though I feel like the way my life has played out so far will lead to me being single my whole life, I really do want to get married and have kids. My biggest fear is being 40 years old and living by myself.
Her: (Looking through my wallet) What's this Pizza Hut Card?
Me: I got it for Christmas, it's got like 25 bucks on it that works like cash.
Her: So do you only spend it on yourself? Or would you maybe use it to take pretty girls on dates?
Me: Uh it depends...but probably just for personal use.
Her: Would you use it to take me on a date?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Me: But you said [/color]pretty[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] girls...[/color]
i stay smoking ciggies even though i had planned on quitting at the beginning of the year
when i meet a chick half the time i forget to either get the number or save the number
i've rolled twice this year i'm probably roll another 10 times by the year is over
i need a job bad....but i don't wanna cut my hair
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Just one...

There is this girl I met outside of school, she is nice... got her number but i never really grew an interest in her so I mostly ignored her.... currently for some reason I have feelings for her and I would like to talk to her, but I cant do it because I feel like an a-hole/ fool for ignoring her.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
You've been busy with school and have been meaning to get back to her.

wish it was that easy, but she knows I ignored her... I see her often and she semi ignores me too.

just talk to her and let her know how you feel and that you were dumb back then
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

About a week ago I broke up with my g/f. For the last few months, I could go weeks without seeing her and not care at all. We were pretty dysfunctional.

I was fine up until tuesday, when I tried to talk to her and she wouldn't talk to me, finally saw her last night and we talked.

All I have to say is, you never realize what you have until its gone. I took her for granted. She really loved me, and would do anything for me.

Now she's realized that all the problems we had, she's jsut not going to talk to me for awhile.

We went through this once before about two years ago and ended up getting back together... but I just can't picture it happening again.

I can't blame her though, I never showed her I loved her, or that I cared... and now that she's gone I miss her more than ever.

Got me thinking maybe I'm just not meant to be in a relationship, she really did do everything for me, and I took it all for granted

I've been feeling like this with my girl for months now. Like, I love the broad and all, it's just I hate being committed to someone. I know she loves me alot more than I love her, she'll do anything for me, but if she asks for a simple favor, I make excuses to basically not do it. I'm an @$&hole 100% percent. I haven't cheated on her, but there's just so many temptations from other girls that it's just so easy for me to do it, but in reality, I can't. I just have no balls to break up with my girl. I tried to a couple months ago, but she started crying and I couldn't deal with that.
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