
Fam, don't pay attentio to what everybody else is doing. That doesn't matter to you. The race is only with yourself. Just do what makes you happy and count your blessings. Just never forget, there's always tomorrow.

I can kind of relate to you in the same way that I'm doing different things from everybody my age. Just stay up fam, we'll prosper together. :pimp:
damn b. at least you're done with that part of your life. On to the next? :pimp:

Thanks bro.
It comes down to me in the end. Just gotta focus. Its hard though when you are constantly being told by others (parents, other fam, gf, etc) "oh so and so is doing this now, so and so just got engaged, so and so this and that." All my updates come from my gf. Its hard being overseas and then returning home to so many 'changes'. That is life though.
Just got back from Vegas last night. Had too much fun. But got home to hear my parents yelling and causing ruckus again. I stormed into their room and threatened to call the cops on them. I really don't know what else to do, our communication has always been off.

Moms is having gambling problems again. After their fight she went into my room and tried asking me for money. I straight up told her no, cuz I know it's not going anywhere good, and I'd already lent her some. No longer letting myself submit to that bs. After all that I just told myself it's done deal, I'm out as soon as I can get out.

It's my lil sis bday today too and her room is right across from the rents. She's pretty much the only reason why I'm still at home, when she moves out for college soon I'm out too.

I'm too old for this ****, man. I don't know what how they're gonna end up with just them two, but I can't handle that **** anymore. I love em both but hate myself for not being able to do anything about it.
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I know that everybody thinks I'm stupid for not going to school. Everybody knows I was capable of doing it and wanted me to do it. Said eff them and I'm going after what makes me happy. Can't wait til the day I can say "**** you" To society and it's norms.
Nothing wrong with not going to school. The trades are coming back anyways seeing as a bachelors won't do a thing for you anymore. Just don't stay complacent at target working the register or something. Hard work pays off always.
I'm going to be alone...probably forever.

By choice?

If not, feel free to PM if you want to talk about your situation fam. I feel like a lot of guys let negativity and unrealistic expectations take over them. I'm not perfect but it hurts me to see lonely people only talk to ppl about it that'll feed the negativity and make them feel hopeless (even if it's not on purpose)
Never admitted it because I don't want my mother to find out, but one of the main reasons I dropped out of school and decided to start my career in the trades was to be able to take care of my mom in a couple years. She doesn't have much of a retirement plan and isn't in the greatest place due to the housing market crash.

As soon as I get my career started I'm paying off her car and helping my dad with bills.

Also I have no idea why, but I don't see myself living past 30 and I often don't want to live past 45.
I'm far too caring and have too many feels smh. It's just the way I'm wired. I'm just a compassionate person.

I'm not where I want to be in life but I have faith that I'm gaining skills to place me on the right path.
i feel like im in an endless cycle in my life...

Graduate from school... not really sure what to do, find a job in my field, but its not enough. Not sure what to do, go back to school and study to be a teacher, graduate, can't find a job, go overseas to teach... will be going home this year where teaching jobs are extremely rare and jobs are being cut, not sure what to do... at least I have a fall back to go back to my previous field but I need something that pays well and I can make a career out of it... pressure is on. gf has been waiting for years to get going on the next stage of life. All the time she's invested in me and all the faith/belief/love she has put in for me, I feel like sometimes I cant live up to it (actually tearing up right now as I type this...) ...fear of letting her down even more...all my friends are getting marries, getting promoted, etc and I haven't even started. I don't want to go back to school anymore. I'm almost 30. F. I feel like I've accomplished nothing in life. I have nothing to show for anything... kind of bummed right now. I got 6 weeks before I return home and get my stuff together... I have an ultimate tournament tomorrow... maybe this will help me play better or maybe worse. I'm leave it all on the field tomorrow. sometimes I wonder if I can just take the easy way out and end it, but thats an even more depressing thought all in itself. Wish I could go back to high school or first year of college.
I hear you on this man. I am in a similar situation. The same sentiments are echoed to me from all of my mentors. They say that this is a different day and its not like the 70's, 80's, 90's or even the early 2000's. It's a struggle now.... and things that were done at certain ages in previous generations are not able to be done in today's climate (economic, social, cultural). Keep your head up my friend... we will all make it in the end. 
For one reason or another I can't break outa this **** shell I've been in since I was a kid.
I have prescriptions for depression but weed doubles its impact. Only down side is its hard finding sativa for day use. I really do hope medical marijuana is legalized here soon.
Life in turmoil. Where do I even begin....
talk to me papi, I'm listening
job is ok. school is fine but I feel like nothing is gonna come of it.

I don't think I've been happy for about the past 6 years overall.

I don't like smoking or drinking anymore, as depressed as I am (I hate when people diagnose themselves but here I am doing the same thing) the rap line "Getting high to balance out my lows" is completely idiotic because I will eventually return to the same status of overall feeling so by masking it for the 3 hours I'm high makes me feel weak that I can't solve my problems head on.

I did coke again for the first time in about 2 years last weekend. I hate it, its like the dumbest drug ever, I mean I get psychedelics because they open your mind and what not but these hard drugs are just plain stupid. didn't get a great effect because I was regular weed high and drunk as hell at the same time. everytime I've had 3 or more substances in me they all seem to nullify each other and I just get one huge feeling of one category of feeling i.e drunk or a coke high feeling only. so I think "wtf I'm wasting time and money on 3 when all I need is a feeling of 1" I guess this is the point were people OD because they end up doing more that end to feel more, but not me, I'm just disappointed/guilty in myself for being in the situation in the first place
which leads me back to just being unhappy with myself

Overall I feel that life is against you from the beginning. you have to work so hard to get anything. there's no such thing as a free lunch. with that in mind I don't really trust people early on because there has to be a catch. do you get what I'm saying? for example, I meet a new person, he or she is extra friendly and courteous and I think something has to be wrong with her like she wants something or putting on a front for some reason whether or not its for me or just in general.

I have the lowest expectations in life, I don't mean that in a depressing way. for instance If I'm going to the party my boy will say "there's gonna be hella girls and your gonna get laid tonight etc etc" He's the hype man of the crew. With my lowest expectations in life I fully believe its gonna be straight sausage fest. If I'm wrong and it turns out ok at least, the world proved me wrong and im impressed, if not...... well I saw the worst coming so
... lowest expectations in all aspects of life

I'm underwhelmed with life pretty much, nothing is exciting to me

With those previous paragraphs in mind this happens.

I have finally found probably the best girl I've ever met!!!
Interests are similar (which is a big thing since I'm weird as hell
), she offers intellectual conversations, something I've never found in a woman, respects my opinions and visa versa, completely understanding, I don't have to put on a front to other girls as if I'm on my best behavior on a first date, she understands my jokes, knows im a Troll King and fires it right back at me. We've shared stories of emotional tales that got us to become who we were and shaped us as humans. Deep emotional connection. truly beautiful in my eyes, most of the time she's not wearing makeup and is
still. Effing gorgeous when she gets ready to go out. Been on dates and had have amazing times together. She makes me happy, she tells me I make her day better as she does mine. spend almost everyday together and both know that this is growing love for each other.


there has to be a catch right?....

she's my best friends girlfriend...
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Life in turmoil. Where do I even begin....
talk to me papi, I'm listening

job is ok. school is fine but I feel like nothing is gonna come of it.

I don't think I've been happy for about the past 6 years overall.

I don't like smoking or drinking anymore, as depressed as I am (I hate when people diagnose themselves but here I am doing the same thing) the rap line "Getting high to balance out my lows" is completely idiotic because I will eventually return to the same status of overall feeling so by masking it for the 3 hours I'm high makes me feel weak that I can't solve my problems head on.

I did coke again for the first time in about 2 years last weekend. I hate it, its like the dumbest drug ever, I mean I get psychedelics because they open your mind and what not but these hard drugs are just plain stupid. didn't get a great effect because I was regular weed high and drunk as hell at the same time. everytime I've had 3 or more substances in me they all seem to nullify each other and I just get one huge feeling of one category of feeling i.e drunk or a coke high feeling only. so I think "wtf I'm wasting time and money on 3 when all I need is a feeling of 1" I guess this is the point were people OD because they end up doing more that end to feel more, but not me, I'm just disappointed/guilty in myself for being in the situation in the first place:smh: which leads me back to just being unhappy with myself

Overall I feel that life is against you from the beginning. you have to work so hard to get anything. there's no such thing as a free lunch. with that in mind I don't really trust people early on because there has to be a catch. do you get what I'm saying? for example, I meet a new person, he or she is extra friendly and courteous and I think something has to be wrong with her like she wants something or putting on a front for some reason whether or not its for me or just in general.

I have the lowest expectations in life, I don't mean that in a depressing way. for instance If I'm going to the party my boy will say "there's gonna be hella girls and your gonna get laid tonight etc etc" He's the hype man of the crew. With my lowest expectations in life I fully believe its gonna be straight sausage fest. If I'm wrong and it turns out ok at least, the world proved me wrong and im impressed, if not...... well I saw the worst coming so :rolleyes ... lowest expectations in all aspects of life

I'm underwhelmed with life pretty much, nothing is exciting to me

With those previous paragraphs in mind this happens.

I have finally found probably the best girl I've ever met!!!:wow: Interests are similar (which is a big thing since I'm weird as hell:lol: ), she offers intellectual conversations, something I've never found in a woman, respects my opinions and visa versa, completely understanding, I don't have to put on a front to other girls as if I'm on my best behavior on a first date, she understands my jokes, knows im a Troll King and fires it right back at me. We've shared stories of emotional tales that got us to become who we were and shaped us as humans. Deep emotional connection. truly beautiful in my eyes, most of the time she's not wearing makeup and is :evil: still. Effing gorgeous when she gets ready to go out. Been on dates and had have amazing times together. She makes me happy, she tells me I make her day better as she does mine. spend almost everyday together and both know that this is growing love for each other.


there has to be a catch right?....

she's my best friends girlfriend...
that's too real bruh...
I have finally found probably the best girl I've ever met!!!:wow: Interests are similar (which is a big thing since I'm weird as hell:lol: ), she offers intellectual conversations, something I've never found in a woman, respects my opinions and visa versa, completely understanding, I don't have to put on a front to other girls as if I'm on my best behavior on a first date, she understands my jokes, knows im a Troll King and fires it right back at me. We've shared stories of emotional tales that got us to become who we were and shaped us as humans. Deep emotional connection. truly beautiful in my eyes, most of the time she's not wearing makeup and is :evil: still. Effing gorgeous when she gets ready to go out. Been on dates and had have amazing times together. She makes me happy, she tells me I make her day better as she does mine. spend almost everyday together and both know that this is growing love for each other.

there has to be a catch right?....
she's my best friends girlfriend...

I'm not here to judge but snakes in the grass man :smh: Can you explain how this even happens? I mean I understand being attracted to a person but
once that's my boys property she's completely off limits, like how do you bring yourself to fall in love with your boys girl? I don't get it, I'm just not even built like that. My advice is step your life game up and go find you a woman of your own, way too many girls out here for you to be coveting over the next mans especially when the next man is supposedly your mans 100grand smh
Everyone told me to leave the chick alone, even y'all NT, but I didn't want to listen. Now I just caught the chick cheating this morning. Time to move on though. |I

So scared of this [emoji]128530[/emoji] This is really one of the worst feelings in the world.
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