
Not gonna lie kind of want to try coke.

It's a hell of a drug. No lie. I went on a camping trip at a lake and was Yayed out riding on a jet ski. When the trip was over my body felt like I wrestled with a gorilla. If you don't have a addictive personality go for it. Other wise. Stay away.

I don't do it too often, but man it's awesome.

Molly and meeeee

where you from B? If i was close I'd link up with you mane. Slay these jawnz

I'm heading to Vegas in either September or November for a George Strait concert if anyone is down.
I'm happy now. Situation hasn't changed much, but my thoughts and motivation has. Little things piss me off, but it's all about looking at the good. I also love just about everybody (until you give me a reason not to) and wish we all saw each other as brothers and sisters.

My "friends" aren't really my friends. If I don't call them, we'd go months, possibly longer without speaking. Got tired of feeling like I need to beg to hang out with them. So now, I just don't hit them up. Doesn't bother me though.

bought my first Harley at 19, and a truck at 20. Made more money than ever before and had some fun. Did all this ll in 2015. Record year for me. Gonna make 2016 even better.
Motivation [emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
I need to stop bs around and get on my **** ASAP

Idk if you're into country music or not, but Eric Church's "Record Year" Really helped me through it. The lyrics are killer and the song is amazing.
Did the white girl just this weekend. Sunday was white girl and Molly. Hence my last posts of needing a cleanse. Good price too. Was in San Diego and pulled $35 a gram for the white. Unheard of
That would loosen me up real quick and
have me like the dude that took shrooms at his moms house and went insane.
There's a part 2 to my post that you didn't see.

relationships with friends ruined too [emoji]128531[/emoji]

Is this an NTer we are talking about? I tried shrooms for the first time a few weeks ago, just had me feeling super spacey. Was no where near as intense as Lucy.
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Did the white girl just this weekend. Sunday was white girl and Molly. Hence my last posts of needing a cleanse. Good price too. Was in San Diego and pulled $35 a gram for the white. Unheard of

:wow: that's insane. $50 a gram is the best I've ever gotten.
Did the white girl just this weekend. Sunday was white girl and Molly. Hence my last posts of needing a cleanse. Good price too. Was in San Diego and pulled $35 a gram for the white. Unheard of

Hmm you recommend it hermano? :nerd:
I can't mess with Molly after the last stuff I had was super methy. I'm good. I'll just stick with the yack when I want to turn up. Good Molly is amazing but I haven't found any in years. Cut to hell these days all capped off and sketchy.
I can't mess with Molly after the last stuff I had was super methy. I'm good. I'll just stick with the yack when I want to turn up. Good Molly is amazing but I haven't found any in years. Cut to hell these days all capped off and sketchy.

Get a test kit dude... That's what I got... I bring it to dudes house and everything :lol:...
Man I don't even care anymore. It's been years and I don't miss it or anything. I guess I'm getting old.

I like how short lived blow is. Just rip back a few crash and burn and go to bed. :pimp: plus you feel dumb as hell after doing a bunch of Molly. :lol: just an idiot the next day.
Did the white girl just this weekend. Sunday was white girl and Molly. Hence my last posts of needing a cleanse. Good price too. Was in San Diego and pulled $35 a gram for the white. Unheard of

Hmm you recommend it hermano? :nerd:
I mean I wouldn't advocate it to anyone but I'll say this here and in person all the time with my friends.

I'm a bad influence. It's something you take in the beginning of going out at night. It'll put a spring in your step but hitting any small amount won't do much just being honest. At most I'll give you a small hit for free just to taste it. It puts it perspective to the person "oh so this is was Rick James was on[emoji]129300[/emoji]... Or this is what countries illegally transport over for money?[emoji]129300[/emoji]... A lot of this can kill me?[emoji]129300[/emoji]" etc etc. But please note that too much of everything, good or bad, legal or not, is bad for you. Period. In this world.

You can drive on it. Hold conversations well. A lot harder for people to see that you're on it. Complete tasks more quickly. But the faster method you use to get it in your system the shorter amount of time it'll last. Like slow roasting some ribs for hours over heating up a McRib in the microwave.

But like ELJEFE said if you have an addictive personality don't do it. I would like to add that I believe there's strong minded/willed people in the world and weak minded/willed people in the world. Some people have smoked a pack a day with a handle of Jack and die 84 years old. While others go from one pyramid scheme to another beliving they can have a lambo by 26 selling energy drinks to a crowd of 15 in a crappy apartment. Different unrelated scenarios but I hope you get it.

Now some people are cool at that point there (liking the slow roasted ribs). Those who are weak or addictive personalities would feel like they need more in sense just to impress themselves at the state they got. That's when it's too much and the change in behaviour goes from running to hitting the turbo button on NFL blitz and hitting the spin move constantly.
Yeah maybe I'll stick to disloyal girls lol

Thanks for the feedback Mario.
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Tried the white girl over new year's....but only put a pinch on my gums just to taste it and :x It smells like gasoline and just numbs your gums a little. Who the hell would pay so much $$ for this crap? Won't do it again and don't recommend.
Tried the white girl over new year's....but only put a pinch on my gums just to taste it and
It smells like gasoline and just numbs your gums a little. Who the hell would pay so much $$ for this crap? Won't do it again and don't recommend.
post to dont buy retros? 
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Fast Forward a bit

Didn't watch the whole thing but for the gist of it, damn wonder if he ever came back to normal. I've tripped roughly 10 times and never have had any kind of experience like that lol, but I can see where people would take too high of doses and go crazy.

With any psychedelic you always want to start small and usually not really increase it too much. For me it has always been more of a peaceful, euphoric experience, they say though it can speed up the onset of schizophrenia if you were going to eventually get there anyway and that some people have completely lost their minds.

Needless to say if any of you NTers ever try to dabble in psychs, be careful and make sure you are in a good state of mind when you do.
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