
And turn us into cold savages

Ain't that the truth. This is probably the worst thing I've ever had a girl do to me, and this is the least sad I've ever felt lol. Instead I'm just ready to get back on some savagery. Younger me woulda been crying in the corner somewhere lmao, 28 year old me is like "nah dog, keep doing you, going to the gym, living your life, it always works out for the best."

Besides in a few weeks SWISH will be here...
Think I've seen and know enough not to trust any female . I'm hit not that dude who thinks a female genuinely cares about you and willing to do anything , I see it on ig. Thing is I've never really had a chick care enough about me, guess I might be missing out. But I don't trust em , I always think they're talking to another dude or want something from so I'm always cautious which leads to having trust issues.

My motto is: Every chick got a price if it's the right price, you could always be burned cause it's breaking how many cats the chicks talking to.
People also need to learn how to accept when others tell them no.. :smh:

I already said no I can't help.. Stop blowing up my phone trying to change my mind.. :smh:
People also need to learn how to accept when others tell them no.. :smh:

I already said no I can't help.. Stop blowing up my phone trying to change my mind.. :smh:

Cringe worthy when people think saying no is gonna hurt feelings. First off who gives a ****. Feelings get hurt everyday B.
People also need to learn how to accept when others tell them no.. :smh:

I already said no I can't help.. Stop blowing up my phone trying to change my mind.. :smh:

Cringe worthy when people think saying no is gonna hurt feelings. First off who gives a . Feelings get hurt everyday B.

All the nice stuff you do to help them out get forgotten immediately when you tell them no.. If you want me to be "the bad guy" that's fine.. I know and everybody else know what type of person I'm and they will not believe in the slander..
People also need to learn how to accept when others tell them no..

I already said no I can't help.. Stop blowing up my phone trying to change my mind..
Cringe worthy when people think saying no is gonna hurt feelings. First off who gives a . Feelings get hurt everyday B.
All the nice stuff you do to help them out get forgotten immediately when you tell them no.. If you want me to be "the bad guy" that's fine.. I know and everybody else know what type of person I'm and they will not believe in the slander..
Funny how people are, right?

I've had the displeasure of having such poisonous people in my family.
Funny, how its family?

That what will get me upset!

Don't even gotta be Fam. When someone you think cares about you fakes keeping it honest and real. It's all a front and that **** becomes apparent sooner rather than later.
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Funny, how its family?

That what will get me upset!

Don't even gotta be Fam. When someone you think cares about you fakes keeping it honest and real. It's all a front and that becomes apparent sooner rather than later.

It definitely dont.. It could be somebody really close to you.. It could be a Co worker.. In all honesty it could be anybody at any moment..
Luckily like you said..

It will becomes apparent sooner rather than later.
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There will always come a day when you see someone's true colors and they see yours. Most people rather not know or look past it. It's good to see though, helps you stop wasting your time on them and vice versa.
Keep thinking of this girl and for certain reasons we can't speak at least for now, **** is hard because it's like you found someone you connect with (doesn't happen often for me) and you just love the idea of them being in your life, got me feeling a damn simp because she's always on my mind at the end of the day

Guess I'll keep doing me for now, savage levels been higher than usual lately 
And turn us into cold savages

Ain't that the truth. This is probably the worst thing I've ever had a girl do to me, and this is the least sad I've ever felt lol. Instead I'm just ready to get back on some savagery. Younger me woulda been crying in the corner somewhere lmao, 28 year old me is like "nah dog, keep doing you, going to the gym, living your life, it always works out for the best."

Besides in a few weeks SWISH will be here...

That's real. It's too damn easy to cut a girl off. I got a million other things going on and if you're going to dog me, **** you. Plenty of other things that are more productive than worrying about a worthless cum dumpster. Plenty of nice normal girls are still out there.

Sounds like you got set free man. Any girl who looks down on smoking while getting piss drunk is an idiot. You got more patience than me sir.
That's real. It's too damn easy to cut a girl off. I got a million other things going on and if you're going to dog me, **** you. Plenty of other things that are more productive than worrying about a worthless cum dumpster. Plenty of nice normal girls are still out there.

Sounds like you got set free man. Any girl who looks down on smoking while getting piss drunk is an idiot. You got more patience than me sir.

That was a good quoted post email to wake up to. You are exactly right too. Come to think of it, I have been feeling pretty free since it happened, even right away I thought that to myself I was actually being set free.

You live and you learn.
That was a good quoted post email to wake up to. You are exactly right too. Come to think of it, I have been feeling pretty free since it happened, even right away I thought that to myself I was actually being set free.

You live and you learn.

All this.
This the most discomfort I've had since my brain has been working again. Gotdamb. Couldn't even get up the stairs b. I just popped a perc only 5mg tabs but I feel like I wanna take another one, this ish needs to kick in now. Can't even get under the covers, just sitting here browsing NT.

Edit: Took 2 Percocet last night.......damn that's the best sleep I've had in ages :wow:

Gonna call Doctor today.
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And turn us into cold savages
That's real. It's too damn easy to cut a girl off. I got a million other things going on and if you're going to dog me, **** you. Plenty of other things that are more productive than worrying about a worthless cum dumpster. Plenty of nice normal girls are still out there.

Sounds like you got set free man. Any girl who looks down on smoking while getting piss drunk is an idiot. You got more patience than me sir.
There will always come a day when you see someone's true colors and they see yours. Most people rather not know or look past it. It's good to see though, helps you stop wasting your time on them and vice versa.

Guess I need to catch up as to what happened, I damn sure had an experience I think I came here to talk about. I feel "free"
Feelings get hurt everyday B.

When did we reach the point where adults think them having hurt feelings should be a stopping point in life and everyone has to console them? Or it has to be addressed? That annoys the **** outta me. Just like banging your toe on the corner of a table, it hurts, but you'll be aight in a few minutes. Toughen up world.

I'm just a boy inside a man

Not sure exactly who I am


You aren't born a man, you're made a man. Something my Pops told me that didn't click until I was 30. Life will undoubtedly try to destroy you. The way you overcome that **** adds health to your man energy bar. Just keep living.
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Damn, women are cold and emotional beings... Smh

Nah, some people are cold emotionless beings. Making a blanket statement like that can really mess up your mental fam. Some women do crappy things and some men do as well. The thing people ought to do is take those everyone they meet on a case by case basis. There's absolutely nothing wrong with accepting that some people are just aint **** individals. But on the same token, you should also accept that there are some people that are genuinely good hearted individuals who wouldn't screw you over.

The trick is learning to distinguish between these two types of individuals. People always say hindsight is 20/20, but they fail to realize that the lessons learned in hindsight can be made applicable in the current day so that your foresight will be 20/20 as well. Examine the past, identify what behaviors you weren't fond of, try to pinpoint any indicators that you may have turned a blind eye to, and apply that to new relationships you develop.

You'll meet some more people that are crappy, probably more than you'd like, but it shoudln't blind you to the fact that the good ones are out there. Don't become too jaded fambs, life's too short and you miss out on some good people that way.
Wish I can get like two items of my clothing back from my ex [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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