
I cheated on my current with my ex. My current is the sweetest girl ever and will do anything for me but I'm more attracted to my ex for some reason. I don't feel as bad about it as I should. Am I evil?

You should break up with her, but not for the reasons as posted above. You crossed a line, and as long as you're not a complete douchebag then the longer you're with this girl the worse you're going to feel about it. I mean, yeah you can forgive yourself, but now you're going to have to constantly make sure your ex doesn't say anything to your girl, which she might do if she's inclined for whatever reason. You'll basically have to go through the rest of your relationship with fear and guilt; even if it doesn't seem heavy right now, it'll start to weigh down more later on.

If you really like/love your current, then tell her what you did. If she decides to stay with you, hey, you won that one and you don't have to have secrets weighing on you for the remainder of your relationship. If she decides to break up with you, then at least you know what NOT to do next time.

And if you don't really care about her, don't tell.
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im in love with a complete ******* who has no feelings for me and i know this but somehow cant get him out of my mind or better yet my heart FML..
@unsuited, you're afraid of roller coasters? They're awesome as hell
yeah, but maybe if I went on one after 
, I would feel different. 

I don't smoke, it was just a thought

and now I want to try it lol
I cheated on my current with my ex. My current is the sweetest girl ever and will do anything for me but I'm more attracted to my ex for some reason. I don't feel as bad about it as I should. Am I evil?
dont say anything to your girl fam, just end it now with the ex, the last thing you want is her ruining that good thing you have right now.i would much rather have someone that is there for me and overall a great person than some hot useless broad.
im in love with a complete ******* who has no feelings for me and i know this but somehow cant get him out of my mind or better yet my heart FML..

Yeah you need to just move on. He has no obligation to treat you the way you want to be treated, only you can decide that. If he's not treating you right then you need to drop his entire presence from your mind. Otherwise, no one can really feel sorry for you because you're just asking to get hurt. No one should save you either, because if you're not gonna try then why should someone else?
C'est la vie

You don't think differently from all of the rest, it's just that those who think like you are also avoiding others their age, including yourself.

With what type of people are you surrounding yourself? I'm 20 now, but I remember in high school I hung out with the stereotypical "black group" at my school for the first couple of years, just because it seemed like my default group. Around junior year, I started chilling with some very open-minded, intelligent individuals.

I talk to everybody. I don't stick to a certain group, I get bored with that fairly easy. However, I don't really want to be with any of these people but a select few. Those who speak with intelligence instead of YOLO SWAG. Which is a given.

My two best friends go to Northwestern and Princeton. Surrounding myself with these sorts of driven individuals really put a lot of possibilities into perspective for me. Not only was I inspired, but I had people to speak with about issues outside of schoolwork and television. One of my best friends also put me on to bboying, which introduced me to an entirely different culture, where I met a brand new type of person and developed even more perspective. After he and I sessioned, we often spoke about things like quantum string theory, the scale of the universe, different perspectives on social issues, why Jadakiss is as hard as it gets, etc. I really credit many of those conversations as being part of the building blocks of who I am today; not listening to a father/mother figure to learn what I should be, but really finding my own answers along with my friends.

Yo :lol:

I know what you mean, but trust me, I am in control of things like this. I'm able to keep the right people close. If that makes sense

Take a look around at the people with whom you're hanging out. True friends push you to be the best person you can be and they don't only help you reach your goals, but they help you set them as well. You seem very bright, and I feel that much of your frustration and aimlessness is due to not being around people your age who are stimulating you mentally.

Interesting viewpoint. I try to find those with more intellectual thoughts, but it's hard in this day and age. So my default is speaking to a local professor from Mary Wash, or a teacher from the area. Someone who can learn, and teach at the same time.

Days have been getting better though, I have had a really interesting week. :smile:
no your right i know that he dosent have be anything to me and essentially this is a personal problem im the one who chooses to be in love with him its hard but i have to let go its pointless to hold on to someone who dosent feel the same way back..and i dont need anyone to feel sorry for me i know that i kinda did it to myself but its def time to move on and give myself the chance to find someone amazing who is going to love me the same way i love them 
Last break up had me weak fellas. 5th of henny a day type of weak. After a solid 2 months I realized no woman should ever have this much control over me. I snapped out of my funk and approached new yambs. Problem was solved.

Saw my ex on Instagram da otha day. Damb she looks good but I didn't even follow her. Physical beauty ain't nothing if she ain't right inside. Hope this helps someone.
im in love with a complete ******* who has no feelings for me and i know this but somehow cant get him out of my mind or better yet my heart FML..

Welcome to being a female in her early 20's. The faster you realize that dude is a complete waste of time, the better off you'll be. The guy you think is "nice" though, he's dying inside watching you
Last break up had me weak fellas. 5th of henny a day type of weak. After a solid 2 months I realized no woman should ever have this much control over me. I snapped out of my funk and approached new yambs. Problem was solved.

Saw my ex on Instagram da otha day. Damb she looks good but I didn't even follow her. Physical beauty ain't nothing if she ain't right inside. Hope this helps someone.

1st bolded I really need to learn to be like that. Like even tho I'm not depressed or anything like that, I am really bitter & angry although I really never show it. But bottling emotions aint good tho cause when it all comes out...

2nd bolded It's funny cause I learned that at a young age and stood by it. Thats also one of the reasons why I'm so damn picky with with who I talk to. If she aint damn near perfect I wont even give her a chance. I kinda just want that ONE girl and thats it. Not the type of dude to talk to multiple girls. Idk why I just dont got that in me even tho I know I could...
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Sometimes I wonder if being completely sober is even worth it
I feel like some ppl dont respect that decison by me
And that it makes me a boring person to hang around or something, even though I would be completely quiet when I did smoke lol
Last break up had me weak fellas. 5th of henny a day type of weak. After a solid 2 months I realized no woman should ever have this much control over me. I snapped out of my funk and approached new yambs. Problem was solved.

Saw my ex on Instagram da otha day. Damb she looks good but I didn't even follow her. Physical beauty ain't nothing if she ain't right inside. Hope this helps someone.

1st bolded I really need to learn to be like that. Like even tho I'm not depressed or anything like that, I am really bitter & angry although I really never show it. But bottling emotions aint good tho cause when it all comes out...

2nd bolded It's funny cause I learned that at a young age and stood by it. Thats also one of the reasons why I'm so damn picky with with who I talk to. If she aint damn near perfect I wont even give her a chance. I kinda just want that ONE girl and thats it. Not the type of dude to talk to multiple girls. Idk why I just dont got that in me even tho I know I could...
Cosign on everything you said.
i'm in my early 20s and i'm falling hard for my dude. :smh: :lol: i love how we cracked up so much today when i gathered the courage to just be my usual derpy self around him. i learned that he is just as silly as i am :lol: even if we were with our lab partners, he and i had quality one-on-one laughs. we just get along so well and he really just makes me smile. sigh, what a guy....... :wow:
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People will tell you that loving an unrequited love doesn't matter, that the important thing is you put yourself out there and that you tried even if your feelings weren't reciprocated, but the reality is it sucks feeling so much for someone who doesn't feel the same way... regardless whether it's love or even just "deep like".

One day I'll be able to look back at this and laugh, hopefully even gain enough perspective to be able to say it all worked out for the best, the way it should have.

But between now and that day? That's the tough part.
I really think I found the one I have been looking for
She is dope from head to toe
She said she almost gave up on dating black guys( thank god she didnt)
I don't know what this feeling is but I hope it doesn't go away
Just feels good to be around a chick that is encouraging and all around funny
Makes me want to grind harder for not only myself but for her and she's independent but soft
I am truly scared of this love thing tho
As much as I want to pump the brakes
It is what it is, it will suck if this one doesn't work out but for the time being I am going to continue to have fun and appreciate whatever blessing this is
Got me feeling like a school girl lol
She got that dinner ready for a playa
Life is good
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1st bolded I really need to learn to be like that. Like even tho I'm not depressed or anything like that, I am really bitter & angry although I really never show it. But bottling emotions aint good tho cause when it all comes out...

2nd bolded It's funny cause I learned that at a young age and stood by it. Thats also one of the reasons why I'm so damn picky with with who I talk to. If she aint damn near perfect I wont even give her a chance. I kinda just want that ONE girl and thats it. Not the type of dude to talk to multiple girls. Idk why I just dont got that in me even tho I know I could...

I used to be like you. Very picky about the females I dated. Over the years I realized that certain things I was looking for might not materialize. I wouldn't say I settled but I changed what I was looking for in a woman. Made me a much happier man.
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