
Life for me is just a veiw of other people's lives for me.  I've found no happiness anywhere, I'm just used to being on my Cudi solo dolo type ish. I've never really made REAL friends during high school , and theres no real reason for living life anyways( not on no suicidal ish). I'm no use anywhere I go, just somebody that gets in the way of other people's lives. I'm just living off the stregnth of smoking trees. When im high, im in my own zone and everything feels diffrent, like I got no worries in the world. I hate living this life that was given to me , I'm just so diffrent from everybody physically, mentally, socially , and emotionally. There's nothing I'm really attached to , I could care less about anything, girls , money , cars, all that stuff is just things to make life worth something, but even when you die you leave everything behind. I guess I'm going to walk around this earth until I die, theres no point in really living if i'm not worth anything to anyone. What is life? How do we really live it? What's the point to it? It's just a game , and were all players. Some of us win at life, and some of us lose. HOw do we really make an impact with this life that was given to us? I think we really are just born to die. Our jobs, education, cars, and even our families are just things we create before we die. What are we really being used for? Just questions that i ponder while walking alone. This is all a game to me, and I don't have enough credits to restart when it's game over. I wish i had of been someone else, not this person with this screwed up peice of crap of a life. ******* up thing is it doesn't really matter what  i do or say, I'm gonnna go to sleep, wake up tomrrow, and live and live until it's time for me to go, and i'm not gonna be scared one bit when it happens, no one is gonna remember who i was, or what i did, i was just some dude without a purpose, who just lived...

I'm not sure if this was seen by a lot of people, but this is incredibly deep. I really hope you find your reason for living bro. I seriously do.
Life for me is just a veiw of other people's lives for me.  I've found no happiness anywhere, I'm just used to being on my Cudi solo dolo type ish. I've never really made REAL friends during high school , and theres no real reason for living life anyways( not on no suicidal ish). I'm no use anywhere I go, just somebody that gets in the way of other people's lives. I'm just living off the stregnth of smoking trees. When im high, im in my own zone and everything feels diffrent, like I got no worries in the world. I hate living this life that was given to me , I'm just so diffrent from everybody physically, mentally, socially , and emotionally. There's nothing I'm really attached to , I could care less about anything, girls , money , cars, all that stuff is just things to make life worth something, but even when you die you leave everything behind. I guess I'm going to walk around this earth until I die, theres no point in really living if i'm not worth anything to anyone. What is life? How do we really live it? What's the point to it? It's just a game , and were all players. Some of us win at life, and some of us lose. HOw do we really make an impact with this life that was given to us? I think we really are just born to die. Our jobs, education, cars, and even our families are just things we create before we die. What are we really being used for? Just questions that i ponder while walking alone. This is all a game to me, and I don't have enough credits to restart when it's game over. I wish i had of been someone else, not this person with this screwed up peice of crap of a life. ******* up thing is it doesn't really matter what  i do or say, I'm gonnna go to sleep, wake up tomrrow, and live and live until it's time for me to go, and i'm not gonna be scared one bit when it happens, no one is gonna remember who i was, or what i did, i was just some dude without a purpose, who just lived...
I'm not sure if this was seen by a lot of people, but this is incredibly deep. I really hope you find your reason for living bro. I seriously do.
yo, there are a bunch of depressing confessions on here, but this dragged my soul down as I was reading it. 

I hope something happens to change your perception. 

I sincerely do.
best advice I can throw in this ring: NEVER EVER SETTLE FOR LESS! Emotion = enegy in motion. I love how as humans, we're quick to react aka come at me bro -lol, buttttt at times (maybe even more times than other; 2each their bad A's, own) we need to remember to chillll, stop! breath! count 2-3! Just remember the big picture that started your journey. Didn't Nike teach you anything? just do it :tongue::tongue::tongue: mind over matter
As for the OP's, with the lady problems...

|I besides, we're too young 2 gamble our hearts. Find yourself b4 u find someone else or else.

My confession: I feel like I'm a parent to my old parents... ONLY thing that phases me frm this situation is I'm using this excuse to be a lowlife. :smh: I know too much for my own good... especially when there is nothing like "chilling like a villian."
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As for the OP's, with the lady problems...

|I besides, we're too young 2 gamble our hearts. Find yourself b4 u find someone else or else.

My confession: I feel like I'm a parent to my old parents... ONLY thing that phases me frm this situation is I'm using this excuse to be a lowlife. :smh: I know too much for my own good... especially when there is nothing like "chilling like a villian."

This. So many people looking for love when they don't love themselves.
Some chick at my school committed suicide, I don't even feel bad.
This weekend I went out with a chick. She smelled back there, I still ate the butt.
I feel worse about a dog dying than a human in most cases. Dogs are more innocent and friendly, don't show the same evil humans do.
I can't watch "My Dog Skip" or "Marley and Me" without breaking into a huge sobbing baby.
Before you break ties with her as you should, have you ever shown/let it be known to her you want more than what she's giving you?
Many times! Thats whats depressing, she changes, things go great for about a week or 2, So I get my hopes up then everything stops.
Before you break ties with her as you should, have you ever shown/let it be known to her you want more than what she's giving you?
Many times! Thats whats depressing, she changes, things go great for about a week or 2, So I get my hopes up then everything stops.

End it now. When she comes back let her know what it is. But she doesn't respect how you feel if she keeps doing that. She ain't the one bruh.
Scheduled a meeting with my college councilor, hopefully I can work some things out.

I took some Tramadol again this weekend, was barely 2 weeks clean. I thought it wouldn't be a problem to just stop taking the pills but it turns out my addictive personality is a bit worse than I realize. If any of you have taken opiates you know that sweet sedated and euphoric feeling it gives you.

I don't use on weekdays but it's so hard to not take any on the weekend. Especially since I have very easy access to it.

There's some documentation of me being high on opiates a lot last year in highschool but it never reached my parents. I'm hoping I can keep this under wraps again and avoid the 'drug addict label'.

Not exactly looking forward to having to admit I have a slight addiction problem to my classmates though. I'll have to go out of class for the councilor session so obviously people are gonna ask questions which I'll have to answer.
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That feeling when you're torn between being unable - or is it unwilling? - to let go of good times with her and wanting to move on because those good times are all just memories now.

... Times like these I wish Lacuna, Inc. from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" really did exist. Sign me up for that memory wipe, yes sir.
That feeling when you're torn between being unable - or is it unwilling? - to let go of good times with her and wanting to move on because those good times are all just memories now.

... Times like these I wish Lacuna, Inc. from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" really did exist. Sign me up for that memory wipe, yes sir.

Just smile, be glad those happy moments happened, and move on and create more.
Thank you kind sirs, jus seen her twitter 

since this is a confession thread imma go ahead and say words cannot describe what I would do if I she gave me 5min, would pound her out  not stop until I am shooting blanks zero dambs will be given
Thank you kind sirs, jus seen her twitter 

since this is a confession thread imma go ahead and say words cannot describe what I would do if I she gave me 5min, would pound her out  not stop until I am shooting blanks zero dambs will be given

If you are already shooting blanks after five minutes, there is something else I think you need to confess....
I feel bad that I feel good.

A friend came up to me crying her eyes out over the death of her close cousin. I am terrible with helping people cope with death, simply because I don't mourn the dead. I don't get any type of feeling when someone dies, and I don't understand those who do. So she was crying into my chest and I had no clue what to do. Feels bad man.

On another note, I feel great. I fought out of the friendliest of friend zones. And I got a lot of compliments on my new look. I've gained a lot of muscle weight since I started eating right and exercising. 

Life is good. 
I just repeated a class to graduate. Teacher this time is the worst teacher I have ever had. I dont know what possible way is he getting tenured. He ******g sucks. My group did a presentation today in front of 6 judges. Two of those judges saw our practice presentation. When we gave the practice presentation they had nothing to say. They are financially illiterate. The third judge failed (gave me a C) the first time. C is not failing but I have too many so my GPA is too low. I need a B this time around. Now I am not sure if I will get that B. I hate this school so ******g much. I will not stay for another semester. They can go eat a ****. I hope I am put in a position where only I can help them if I don't get that B. Even if it is in the distant future. I will be sure to "return the favor". I all I want is to have a decent future too :smh:

Times like this.....
...the only reason not to kill in my book is I don't want to catch a case so luckily they have the law on their side.
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You should break up with her, but not for the reasons as posted above. You crossed a line, and as long as you're not a complete douchebag then the longer you're with this girl the worse you're going to feel about it. I mean, yeah you can forgive yourself, but now you're going to have to constantly make sure your ex doesn't say anything to your girl, which she might do if she's inclined for whatever reason. You'll basically have to go through the rest of your relationship with fear and guilt; even if it doesn't seem heavy right now, it'll start to weigh down more later on.

If you really like/love your current, then tell her what you did. If she decides to stay with you, hey, you won that one and you don't have to have secrets weighing on you for the remainder of your relationship. If she decides to break up with you, then at least you know what NOT to do next time.

And if you don't really care about her, don't tell.

It's actually recommended that if you know for sure that it was a one time thing and your done to not tell your partner about it
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