
A. Don't feel like I'm suppose to be in law school. I mean I get the stuff, but I'm not making the grades I want. 2 years til the bar, doesn't change the constant feelings of inadequacy.

B. Been trying to mess with this chick, smashed once, tried to go at it again. I feel like she's playing me, told me she wasn't over her ex but I'm the type of dude she should be talking to. I don't get it, never been a simp, but for whatever reason I'm simpin now. Worst part is, I have other girls wanting to be on the team, but I'm side stepping them for this one joint...Girls piss me off, I'm smashing other joints only because I don't want to get played, but even when smashing other girls I feel like I'm playing myself...

C. Wish this few years of my life was over, I could finally have my job, idk how the girl situation would go, but I know I would be caking and I guess that could make up for it.....
Got a couple things i need to get off my chest...

- As much as I love my dad, I am becoming less and less toloerant of his tendencies.  He values no one's opinions but his own and is constantly in everyone's business even though there is no need for it.  He has 20+ years in the military and been more of a supervisor than a father to my brother and me.  He doesn't believe we are capable of making our own decisions (even though im 23 and he is 20), and that he knows everything about everything.  As much as I've dealt with it growing up I am starting find myself creating more and more distance away from him and i don't like that I am doing that.

- My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for about 2 years now and we have had no luck at all.  I have this feeling that i am the cause of it.  I don't really know why but I just feel like my swimmers aren't cutting it when it comes to reaching the finish line.  I just hope that when I do get myself tested (fertility) and the results say I am the cause of it that she won't  think of me as any less of a man.  (and before some of you decide to judge or say 23 is too young for a child, its our decision to be parents and we both understand all the joy and responsibilities that come with having children)

- I just got out the military and am thinking about starting school and its kinda starting to freak me out.  90% of the people i went ot high school with already graduated with their bachelors and are either starting their career search or obtaining their masters.  I just feel like i am behind them in that aspect of life.  I try to think of it as "well they probably have a ****-ton of student loans while mine is paid for" but I know as soon as i take that first class and see everyone is 4-5 years younger than me then I might start to question myself.

Maybe I am thinking too much into this... Maybe not, but i just needed to get this off me chest.

Seeing these two paragraphs back to back just makes me SMH.
I feel what people are saying" being about your word" but it seems resentment is creeping into some of the relationships and if you can't have honest dialogue with your girl, if she even lost the weight would you still be willing to be with her because clearly the communication seems to be stagnate??? Have you guys offered to help them work out and be their support system or tried to keep nutritional snacks for both you guys when they come over.
My new girl is actually helping me lose weight and it feels good to have the comments and support and honest dialogue that I didn't have in other relationships, I feel communication that's open truly shows how mature your relationship is.. If you are holding your tongue it's hurting both of you
No expert just been down that road

there you go sweetheart
- Im a sex charged machine constantly looking for the next chick to hit even tho i been in a 5 year relationship 
 and to top it off I have a baby on the way with her

- wanna break up but every time i get to the point of ending it my heart wont let me and she wont leave me even after numerous occasions of catching me cheating

- i let her cousin dome me up one day on my lunch break(still feel like a *** for this but was some of the best i eva had)

- i just got a graduated/got a job/got a new whip/new crib/ and still feel I have failed in life since i didnt reach my dreams as a kid to play professional sports and become a millionaire before 30(im 26 but still feel im running out of time)

- oh yea and I luv dem strippers to the point of an addiction...ok im done 
- Im a sex charged machine constantly looking for the next chick to hit even tho i been in a 5 year relationship 
 and to top it off I have a baby on the way with her

- wanna break up but every time i get to the point of ending it my heart wont let me and she wont leave me even after numerous occasions of catching me cheating

- i let her cousin dome me up one day on my lunch break(still feel like a *** for this but was some of the best i eva had)

- i just got a graduated/got a job/got a new whip/new crib/ and still feel I have failed in life since i didnt reach my dreams as a kid to play professional sports and become a millionaire before 30(im 26 but still feel im running out of time)

- oh yea and I luv dem strippers to the point of an addiction...ok im done 
got damn this a scrong first post
Seeing all these European women with their bfs got me feeling sorry for myself. No worries tho. After this long needed breal i am back on my grind. I'll have a few of each of these chicks when i get rich. Even if that means i wait till i am 35.

At least these girls are easy to talk to. Actually make conversation.
I have a mad crush on my best friends ex. :lol:

I think my friend's ex wants me sexually....

I am the outcast in my circle of friends. I am nothing like any of them, at least thats what it seems like.

I think the vast majority of women are attention ****** in this twitter/instagram/vine age we are currently living in

Sometimes, I miss my ex....

the girl that I chose my ex girlfriend over, I miss her.... more than I miss my ex.

I cant kill insects..... Id rather just act like i dont see them, or try to get them outside if they are in my house.

I'm actually surprised that i am still alive at 25.

I've been fairly bored with my present situation, need some new experiences in my life
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I had to quit my job on the first day. I don't even care though, it's a terrible office to work at.

Damn u just got the job lol. What happen

My father managed to lose my social security card, so I called ahead saying I'll be an hour late for training because of it. She says it happens all the time, and it's fine. Cool. I go to the SSA office, and get the new card. I get to work an hour late, and the other two newbies are being trained already. So she sends me straight out to the field with Pat (a 70 year old woman) to work. No training, just work.

I was a recruiter, so I was asking people if they wanted to take surveys. I saw every trick in the book. Fake conversations on the phone, people looking away, people walking through other stores, etc. It was so disrespectful.

Then I met a girl there. I walked up to her, and asked if she wanted an interview. She looked at me. She said yes, and I started talking to her, but also checking her out a bit. I told her she wasn't eligible for the interview, since she was 17 and the survey applied to 25-45 year old women. Then she smiled, and bit her lip. "Is there anything else I can do to earn your business?" :wink:

Me: "well, I could take down your number and get back to you at a later time."
Her: Okay my name is Jenna and my number is (540)-78-
Pat(my mentor): hey, you aren't supposed to be questioning her. Her interview was terminated.
Jenna: Find me later :wink:
Me: Pat, y u do dis :smh:

I was working all day, so I never found her. :smh:

Either way, Penny (my boss) comes up and tells me it's time for me to come back to the office and I'll be trained on Saturday. I told her I had a family issue going on, and I wouldn't be able to come in until Sunday. She looks me dead on the eyes, and says - "Well them, your training was pointless."

Me- "…I guess I'll have to quit then."

I hated the job anyway. I already got another offer from DTLR. I may take it. I'd rather just focus all my energy and time back on boxing. My trainer told me I'm getting really good and I should be able to start taking up matches.

But, I'm going away for 10 days. By myself, I'm going to spend some time in Afton, Virgina to get away from the world a bit. Just me, and the country side.
^ aint eem mad u made that move...DTLR is chills for the discount...but yeah I feel u man on that trip
- I really just want a girl that can arouse me intellectually and be taller than 5'4

-I have pressure on being the 1 brother (out of 3) to be really successful. my family (including brothers) telling me I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it, like I can be the president, architect, director etc etc. and yet somehow its bad for me to say this but I personally feel that I can and will do it...whatever IT is, like the cards are shown on the table and I know every hand

-I get emotional/sniffles/almost cry/probably can cry if i really feel it/catch feels
when I hear the US national anthem being sung well. like I have to hear it from beginning or less it'll lose the "effect" it can have on me. Idk when was the last time but probably 2 superbowls or like the olympics or something idk can't remember I was at a friends house the event started on TV and they go "and here to sing the national anthem is ______" and not lying before it even hits "twilights last gleaming..." Im choking up because I'm thinking of our history, its people, what we've have done past present, future. we've come so far, the things we accomplished, diversity honestly I can go on but anyway i feel a tear coming so not to let anyone notice or look at me I turn away and get some chips n dip to distract myself
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