
I prefer to think of the forum like NT. WDYNLGDOY is a thread about who you didn’t let go down on you. They have a Fools Wildin thread about the past few pages of this thread. Their TAN thread is Thread About Nutting. Their Moments You Realized You Are Washed thread is about washing their *** in the sink.
Him, if he take that one trip to Miami:
I prefer to think of the forum like NT. WDYNLGDOY is a thread about who you didn’t let go down on you. They have a Fools Wildin thread about the past few pages of this thread. Their TAN thread is Thread About Nutting. Their Moments You Realized You Are Washed thread is about washing their *** in the sink.
With these dudes The thread about nutting would still be the thread about nothing
Wow I just caught up with everything.

I am actually the most surprised of dudes pics of himself that he posted.

I was expecting way way worse, but he's not even bad looking.

You definitely can pull chicks but as stated it's your confidence level.

Just hit the gym as others have said and diet properly and you'll be good.

Also, lvjordan238 lvjordan238 we've all been a fool for a woman in some way nobody steps in the game as some stone cold pimp that never takes an L... granted maybe not on the level you got intertwined with here but you live and you learn.
I can’t say what makes me want to puke more. The thought of you wanting to have oral relations with a pron star or that cake @datznasty posted. Both are bad for you.
It's bad when datznasty doesn't even want her
Yea you not getting vagina with all that hair unless you have an athletic physique

Straight up look like a school music teacher ready to go home cuz the students been giving you hell

Grooming is key if you want to get laid
Homie looking like alp and alp found himself a gf so he can too.

But in all seriousness, like people said. Fix up the diet, hit the gym, get a haircut/beard, get some new glasses/clothes. Youre gonna feel brand new just off that alone. You do some therapy get your mind right and your confidence back. Walk with your chest up.
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Apologies to homie if he doesn't want me to crosspost here, i'll remove it if so, but here's some motivation from another cat that did it

Appreciate you bringing me into this thread homie. First of all @ lvjordan238 I’m truly sorry for your loss my brother. I lost my mom a little over a year and a half ago and it still hurts man. So trust me I know how you’re feeling. I was truly at my lowest point in my life. I wish I could say the transformation was fueled by positive reasons but a lot of it was fueled by pain and sadness. Use whatever you have to for that initial motivation but after that rely on discipline. Believe me man, I’m in the best shape of my life but sometimes I still suffer from the insecurities and lack of confidence I had before. We’re human man. It takes time my brother but just make small baby steps in the right direction. Hopefully our moms are looking down on us with pride and joy. Feel free to reach out if you need any help man. Best of luck bro
I’ve tried really hard to have a good relationship with my mom over the years, but I don’t think I can do it anymore. She has far too many unaddressed mental/emotional issues to have a civil and rational conversation with. I’m already on limited contact with her due to our strained relationship, but she’s ramped up her antics since I got engaged last week. I’m inclined to go no-contact completely if she keeps up her nonsense.
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Is therapy an option? Comparison Ford Comparison Ford
Ain't out the clear but it sure helped.
I did it in the past and it was pretty helpful. I’d consider starting back up.

I’ve been telling my mom for decades that she needs to see one. Not as a dig, I just think she needs someone she can bounce her ideas off of so she can get feedback from a non-biased third party. She never expressed interest, but now that I’ve gone limited contact she’s trying to tell me she started seeing one. I have my doubts though because her behavior has only gotten more erratic. She also developed a drinking problem after being diagnosed with cancer and she tried to tell me she stopped drinking over the summer and that the only reason she started drinking was because me and my stepdad “made her do it” (not implying we wanted her to drink, moreso that her dissatisfaction with us drove her to drink). I also don’t believe that this is true because she just sent me multiple walls of rambling text filled with typos, weird formatting, and she kept repeating herself over and over. She was clearly either drunk or is more mentally unwell than she usually is.

If I had to wager I would say she has some sort of cluster B personality disorder (probably narcissistic or borderline) and probably a mood disorder as well. The best way I can explain how my mom acts is the way Jamie Lee Curtis’s character acts in The Bear. I watched the Christmas party episode with my girlfriend and before I could even say it she turned to me and said “wow that’s your mom.” :lol: :smh:
If yall could go at it together, that'd do better imo.
My folks who're still around/well(thankfully) had their pastor sit in n mediate.
Big mistake; talk about one-sided. Def go for an unbiased professional.
All the best, only got one mother.
There are parents for which it is absolutely justifiable and even necessary to cut bait for your own mental well-being.

And obviously, there are parents for which it could be said that they are extremely frustrating and exhausting, but trying to salvage a relationship with them is beneficial for both you and them.

The path that someone goes with their parents is personal, and different for each one of us, but it shouldn't make it differenc whether it's your mother or your father. I hear/read people say all the time. 'Yeah, but that's your mom, man,' insinuating a grace that I don't see applied to fathers. I've always had a problem with that.
I’ve tried really hard to have a good relationship with my mom over the years, but I don’t think I can do it anymore. She has far too many unaddressed mental/emotional issues to have a civil and rational conversation with. I’m already on limited contact with her due to our strained relationship, but she’s ramped up her antics since I got engaged last week. I’m inclined to go no-contact completely if she keeps up her nonsense.
ure mom knows you tried. thing about parents when they get older i think their brain shrinks cuz it's harder for them to rationalize. you do what you gotta do but do know that they hear everything we say.
I'm about sick of youtube. Everything is content, nothing is genuine. If you do a thing and it catches lighting, that becomes your whole thing.
algorithms took over content. Finally understand why math is most important class in school
I kinda feel like social media, as a whole, reached its peak. The podcast market is already over saturated. I think YT, Twitter, Twitch ect got another 7 or 8 years left. The mass popularity of said things, I should say.
twitter is slowly deteoriating with people fishing for engagement
i always in the back of my mind felt that forums will come back
and i think forums are the best social media
anonymitiy, but still personal so u can flame each other
u can't really gain clout which is good
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