
First the VI, and now the VII?
Elmo's going to have cats fresh this summer
What's JB's mission statement now to put the fake makers out of business by beating them to the punch?

Thank goodness I've got all the early models that I care about, It's like a train wreck now and I just try to keep my head turned away. Did 99 - 01retros really come from these guys?
Now you KNOW They're just puttin crap out to see if it'll sell....No matter how ugly it looks.

Seriously, when we first saw the sketches a few months back, I had a hard time believing that they'd actually produce a monstrosity like that. I meanseriously, that just has "respect and loyalty to the JB consumer" all over it...scribbled out with crayons chewed up and crapped out by RainbowBright.
Thanks so much for the info. But like seriously ...just when you think things cant get any worse. Makes me long for just crap LS least thosedidn't look like they were painted by the blind.
Who ever came up with this concept and put those together should be fired and taken care of, those are just terrible, whats the point of even gettingauthentics now when they are just as bad as fakes.
i can't think of anything to say...i used to just say if they want to put out dumb colorways i will just wait for the ones i like...but this has taken itto a whole new level of
I honestly have come to the conclusion that Jordan Brand is testing the limits of it's consumers with this. I guess they feel if people buy these, thenit's fair game for ANYTHING they feel is releasable...
Just shoot gentry now cause nobody could do a worse Job then him. It seams like even Mike doesn't care about his brand as long as they cakin. Its a wrapfor me real soon.
these are chopped and screwed. but the worst part about all this is, these will sell.
i still can't believe these are coming out, wow, jb just when i think you can't do any worse, you do smh smh smh

the shoe would be nice looking shoe if it was just black white and the gold jumpman, but all the fruity colors just killed the legacy of jb
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