Confirmed XX3 *edited*


You guys crack me up!

I can't beleibve you guys actually think this is the XX3.


They look much better than this. Just wait and you will all see. Who ever posted this picture just wanted e-fame.
They feel very comfortable and have some new technology for you ball players!
On release date: MJ throws these in garbage can in front of entire nation,and says: "These? These are not XX3's!".

You can't take dreams away from us. :D
Oh yeah, and it costs $230.

Somebody hasn't been paying attention. The limited versions cost $230. The GR versions are $185... until they go on sale that is.

Air Jordan Retro: You can't go back.
^ Glad you stopped by to share with the group sir. If you are interested, and only if you are truly interested, there are a few threads in the music forum that could use some "there hasn't been any good rock since Zep disbanded" quips.
cant we all just wait until the final productions are here.

you never know, these may be it , they may not.

Fishy to me, but thats my 2 cents.

C-RoB Where My Triniz at!?!?!?!
THOSE R the 23's!?!?!?!? @#%$.....Not impressed....Tinker let me down
...Red, Black, & White chevy
now I'm ridin' Deion...
Based of this thread only 5-7 pairs will sell in the US. Now come release date that will increase dramatically. People will call Tinker a genius once again and all will be good in NT land. Why so much hate for a shoe that only 5 people have actually seen? Let's hold off on all the hate for a couple more months.
I'm looking for toddler J's 6-7. Hit me up.
what i don't understand is why the holders of actual pictures haven't posted yet. I'm not ready to make my judgment from a scanned/copied bw photo
looking for large G.O.O.D. Music shirt
DS 11.5
Jordan XX Stealth
Jordan XV white/columbia​
I like the pic..if we have something similar to that with good materials..i'll be down

Karmaloop Rep code:SZ5638 20% off!
I like how its at least one person on damn near every page stating the obvious (the whole first view/release day opinion switch). Can't wait to see how many "told you so" comments there will be. :lol:
The shoe overall has grown on me, at first glance it wuz either I was going to accept it or jump off a cliff, no other choice. But they've definitely made an impression on me. I didn't expect anything in particular out of the XXIII, but I didn't expect this. Well, after seeing different color schemes, I think a black/shadow/red colorway would be absolutely sick. Try to compare with the IX's blk/shadow/rd colorway.
Park in a driveway, and drive in a parkway?!?!? WHA?!?!? I think I'll just take "Flight"!!!
One reason I don't think those are the XX3s is because Michael Jordan liked shoes with a clean toe (one without overlays). This one doesn't have that "clean toe". The lateral forefoot wrap and extention to the heel area looks to be somewhat "chisled" which could be designed to collaspe in a certain way making the shoe look newer for longer after use. I don't know. It also could be the XX3s. Remember how Tinker designs; simple lines with amazing details. This shoe might have some wicked details that we can't see from this picture. In any case if this indeed is the XX3, no doubt it will be amazing because Tinker had a hand in it.
Not impressed. it'll need to grow on me. :\
i don't even know what a signature looks like.​
All these people who keep mentioning the opinions of others......who cares?

Who cares if someone says they hate the "XX3" now, and then later they say they love it. People can flip-flop.

Only thing that matters is how you feel about it.
"And Still..CHI-TOWN'S FINEST, where you at, the whole CITY behind us"
I just got word from a credible source that these ARE NOT, i repeat NOT the final model of the XXIII's...that was all i can get out of the person. I personally believe that this is JB's way of fooling the imitation makers into thinkin this the finalize 23's.
Inner-City Born - Inner-City Bred. Neva No Sucka.​
I think it is very possible we are all being duped by a they tried to do it with the Dub-zero and it failed. In which case, we will not really know until January. Either way, I am interested to see how it plays out.
i have to agree. even the credible source guys might be fooled. not to take away from all you've done for this site but i wouldn't be surprised if there's only a handful of people who knows what they're really gonna look like. and if these are the real deal then i see alot of potential. i've been here for many many years and one thing i've learned is to never judge any shoe until you see the final product
you're probably a newb.....and that's ok

looking for J's and Brons size 11
^Exactly. I wouldn't be suprised if people within the company were fooled. I know that sounds crazy, but I do think it's possible.
if the people here that are "in the know" are comfirming these why don't they post a better pic of what they have. Its not like they would be leaking them if they have already been leaked.
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(11/5/07 2:34 pm)

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