Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by elgrenas
so my question is why is the president going around trying to sell the new health care after it has passed. and why is this thing so good for us the general public but not good enough for the people who wrote this thing.
Because the MAN has to tell the masses in their living room that this is not ARMAGEDDON. It is not the end of the world and that the Govt will not fund the killing of babies. Also America is not becoming a communist country and that in the end, this bill will help millions of Americans.
It's good for the general public because we're middle income folks that need basic health care. The people that wrote this thing are living in mansions and rich. It's like saying.. hey Michael Jordan, why are you driving a Ferrari when you can just drive a Honda like the rest of us. Hey Bill Gates why are you living in a 5 million dollar home when you can just live in a 1 bedroom apt? Common sense my man.. common sense!