Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

You guys really see nothing wrong with someone walking around with a gun in PLAIN DAYLIGHT?!!??!!

Legal or not, best believe I'm calling the cops if I see that **%!.

What if something like this went down?

Ignorance is bliss for people like you. You would be surprised at how many people are carrying, legal or not. I dunno about you but I'm not worried about the guns I can see, I'm worried about the ones I can't, i.e. concealed or illegal carry. It takes less than a couple seconds to draw from concealed holster. I'm guessing you live in a city or metro area where people do not carry or laws permit carrying, hence why you are so terrified of guns. Criminals do not openly carry firearms, and the only thing proven to stop a mad man from going into a public/private area and attempting a massacre like you posted above is an armed citizen or LEO. Most likely the LEO will be miles away so... Good luck to you buddy, I hope you are never put in a situation where you are more terrified of a legally armed citizen than a Crazed Nut/VA tech shooter/ criminal opening fire on people.  
Keep in mind though people who attempt massacres like you posted above do not go into areas where people are known to be armed...Colleges for instance, they ban students from carrying on campus. Work places prevent employees from carrying, Tourist Sites tend to have tourist who do not or cannot travel with firearms, courthouses where you cannot enter with a gun, Children's Camp in a European country known to be very strict on gun control, High Schools (full of students who cannot legally carry), etc, etc, etc...
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

how is he a douche he protected his rights.

some of you need to get a clue.

the way cops work now-a-days it really is a them vs us mentality.
100% this.
He was absolutely right in what he did. Used his knowledge to protect his rights, leverage a situation in his favor. Well done. People in here need to stop the name calling and trying to be funny. He did the right thing.
The guys plan that day was just to own a cop 
smh if a dude walked by a cop with a gun out in the open and than popped your mama in the face, i bet none of you would be talking the same
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Lol at all the gun control people in this thread.

So what he was open carrying. Personally I'm not a fan of it but if he wants to that's good for him. Practically speaking concealed carry>open carry tho.

I also have no problem with a police officer going up to him making sure he isn't up to no good. But people like him are attention %@@@%+ and are the reason for more gun laws.

If he would just been polite and told the officer his business and not been a dbag no one would even know about this but he wants to show off.

I can say that its obviously partly the officers fault for not knowing OC is legal in his state. There was a video a while ago in California where the cop was as polite as he could be and the guy with the camara was still being the biggest douche he could possibly be.

And to all the people who are scared of people with guns just so you know, a lot more people CC than you think so chances are where ever you go at least one person who's packing.

still, people are acting as if they would be ok with that. If Im standing in line at the Post Office and a guy comes in wearing a gun in a holster for all to see, Im hitting the ground. 
Your example is fail,you can't carry in the post office.
Originally Posted by TomDiginson

The student did a good job. Liberal nters are liberal. So liberal they are willing to give away their rights all to feel "safe"
Some of us  don't trust people like you left to your own devices.
Dudes in here giving up their rights left and right.

Yall must be letting cops search and seize you for no reason too power tripping alll over you and

patting down your girl because of "calls of suspicion."
Open carrying just attracts too much unwanted attention to yourself. I CCW and dress accordingly so my firearm doesnt print on my clothes
Originally Posted by tee99

Ignorance is bliss for people like you. You would be surprised at how many people are carrying, legal or not. I dunno about you but I'm not worried about the guns I can see, I'm worried about the ones I can't, i.e. concealed or illegal carry. It takes less than a couple seconds to draw from concealed holster. I'm guessing you live in a city or metro area where people do not carry or laws permit carrying, hence why you are so terrified of guns. Criminals do not openly carry firearms, and the only thing proven to stop a mad man from going into a public/private area and attempting a massacre like you posted above is an armed citizen or LEO. Most likely the LEO will be miles away so... Good luck to you buddy, I hope you are never put in a situation where you are more terrified of a legally armed citizen than a Crazed Nut/VA tech shooter/ criminal opening fire on people.  
Keep in mind though people who attempt massacres like you posted above do not go into areas where people are known to be armed...Colleges for instance, they ban students from carrying on campus. Work places prevent employees from carrying, Tourist Sites tend to have tourist who do not or cannot travel with firearms, courthouses where you cannot enter with a gun, Children's Camp in a European country known to be very strict on gun control, High Schools (full of students who cannot legally carry), etc, etc, etc...
I lol at "progressives" who favor gun control. From it's very beginnings, gun laws have been used to keep "undesirables" from owning firearms. The first gun laws in this country were put in place to keep blacks from owning firearms yet so many are ignorant of this.
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." - Ben Franklin

I'm glad this guy stood up for himself, too many people will submit to cops just because they have a badge. Society is better off when we keep authority honest by educating ourselves, rather than just giving up out rights for a bit of "safety".
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

smh if a dude walked by a cop with a gun out in the open and than popped your mama in the face, i bet none of you would be talking the same


 that can happen whether concealed or open carry is legal or not. No laws can stop someone from killing anybody.

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

smh if a dude walked by a cop with a gun out in the open and than popped your mama in the face, i bet none of you would be talking the same


 that can happen whether concealed or open carry is legal or not. No laws can stop someone from killing anybody.

word . They act like the law is going to prevent criminals do what they do. The only thing the law is doing is making normal citizens defenseless to these criminals.
call me sheltered, ignorant, naive, etc. but a lot of you seemed to be paranoid that the government is out to get you. trying to compare stricter gun laws to nazi germany.

based on MY experiences, law enforcement has only helped situations for the better. then again, i'm not putting myself in situations for the police to suspect that i am up to no good.

it is his right to open carry a firearm, but what good are you doing the situation to with hold your ID from the police? if you're not a felon, then everything should have been all good right? or is properly identifying yourself with a license "giving away your rights and liberties"?
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

smh if a dude walked by a cop with a gun out in the open and than popped your mama in the face, i bet none of you would be talking the same


You could build this hypothetical situation around literally ANY circumstances.

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

smh if a carpenter walked by a cop with a hammer out in the open and than hammered your mama in the face, i bet none of you would be talking the same


I commend the guy for asserting himself and knowing the law, but I still don't like him based solely on the tone and inflection in his voice.
To all the butthurt people in here talkin about how stupid he is and he sounds like a tool- the fact is that this police officer is doing what most police officers do on a regular basis. He was trying to hold this dude illegally and had his stuff taken from him illegally. They tried to use their higher power authority to tell him that he needed to stay and give them information when he didn't need to. He was exercising his rights and was not breaking any laws whatsoever. Sure, he might have sounded like a $*+@@%!!*. But when you realize that cops try to do this all over the place, you should realize that this guy has every right to be a dbag to this guy just like they have the right to be a dbag to us because of their badge. They're dbags because of their badge, we're dbags because of our rights.

Now my opinion on this- we need more people like this out there who are actually willing to fight for rights that people suffered for us to have.
I think folk should just educate themselves a bit more, and put that to use if ever in similar sitiation,and about the whole licensed carrying thing sometimes its for the best.

Hypothetically speaking some could use this right to their advantage to do corrupt things but that's just a percentage of "fools". People usually get licensed mainly to protect themselves from that percentage.

And I'm an African American, But believe any race can produce a fool, yo.
African Americans should be more than happy to have the right to bear arms considering how you really can't be sure of people these days, and based on what our people have had to go through for decades,you should want to be able to protect yourself & you're family in case of emergency. Stay up on you're %*!@ bro's.
Originally Posted by ElectroKi5hi

I wonder what would happen if a black law student tried pulling this off?

Go back two pages and look at the picture I posted. A black guy open carrying an AR15 and a handgun and he's still alive and a free man.
Definitely on the police's side. I don't give a !@!@#@ how many laws he memorized, a +#+*%*+%% walking down a street with a gun exposed is a cause for concern. The cop simply wanted to know why he felt it was normal to do that.
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