Could you forgive her?

If I were you, and she was pregnant with my child, I would tell her I didn't trust her and that she couldn't have that baby....that's just me tho.

The abortion clinic would be gettin' hit up, my heart/thoughts would be $@@!%# up for about a month or two [tops], and my new single status would go ineffect after I realized what happened [almost immediately, a week at the most]...fam, what she did was foul. Now that makes you think, was it reallyyour kid?...
Did she tell you about the kiss or did you find out? That is a key question to me. If she told you then that's a good thing. If you found out andconfronted her then that may be a bit more sticky of a situation. I think that right now while you are angry and the event is still fresh you shouldn'tmake any long lasting decisions (like abortion, or breaking up). You need to think on it for a while and determine if her kissing someone else is reallysomething so bad that you can't get over it in time. Find out the reason why it happened as well. This is not something that NT can answer for you since weare not in your relationship.

Forgiveness takes a lot of work and a lot of time (Trust me I know). You need to ask yourself if the relationship is worth it, and if you think she is willingto gain back your trust.

Good Luck.
How she going to do that to u and she knows she got ur kid.(or maybe it aint even urs) She is wack cut her lose and get that abortion.
ITS OVER! For this simple reason...How do you know that she only "kissed" dude? The only people that know what happened is her and the otherguy.Right now you dont trust her and its only gonna get worse in the longrun.

How did you find out about her kissing the guy anyway?Thats an important part of this
damn. you planted the seed in her, so i think you have to make it work. otherwise, it would be a definite NO
things arent the same , the flame is gone , AND she cheated ?

your a weak mother
if you're even consideringletting her back in
Yeah I'm with everyone on this....... usually a kiss means a lot more happened. You will probably find out later but it will be a lot easy to cope with ifyou are already in some new guts....

And the abortion thing I would try to do it... if you can't forgive her.
a kiss is more intimate then sex or dome .. if you tryna smash then you smash and its nothin.. not 2 be foul dawg .. but aint no tellin where them lips havebeen
Relationship is done man, once you can't trust her then it will never be the same. But if she keeps the kid,(which you probably won't have any say on),just do what you can for the baby. Trying to raise a kid in an empty relationship is just gonna mess the baby up. Two happy, seperated parents are better thena miserable couple. If she goes through with an abortion though, just part ways.
Couple things - sorry to hear you are in this predicament but just be sure that you think things through before making decisions.

Abortion is not the answer regardless of child support or the status of the relationship between you and the mother.

She cheated and and it is wrong but you have to answer what kind of love do you have for her. If it is unconditional you can move on and still have asuccessful relationship together and it will not be easy but it can be done. There is no guarantee that she will not do it again but there is no guarantee thatyour next partner will not cheat either. You know what you have in her and with a child on the way I would just advise you think things out. Also don'tget caught up in pride and how can she do this or that to me I deserve better nonsense. All of us have our flaws and although she may have committed a biggermistake than you have we are not entitled to anything. Loving someone is a choice that is made and if you make that choice this relationship can work.
Until you're put in this position you really won't know.

I'm lucky to say, I've never been put in this position.

But seriously, think about it.

This is the person you love and hold dear most to you. And she will bear your child.

Its WAY easier said than done.
Depending on how you feel about her, if its love or whatever, then there are ways to get past it.... kinda going through the same thing..... but it will take awhile to forgive and gain back the trust.... no one will know your feelings and all because .. they ain't you... straight up... do whats in your heart...and just go with your heart because no one else can know what your feeling and how your feeling but you....
There is a good chance its a NO man....we'd seriously have to have a major breakthrough in conversation or something to give it a chance...but you neverknow....
i'd end it after a kiss....even emotional feelings are considered cheating to me. if she truly cared, then she wouldn't have kissed another guy. and tomake it worse, she is pregnant with YOUR BABY?!?! i know that has to hurt. i'd break it off cause if she's able to do it once, then she's able todo it multiple times regardless of what she says. but do what you feel is best for you and your upcoming FAM?!?!
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