Could you forgive her?

If I caught her its over
its hard to trust and even harder to rebuild trust. hold ya head up. what do you want to do? do you love her? have you done anything on the side? would it makeyou feel better if you smash something else? the pregnancy really complicated the matter. try to do it again. if it donlt feel right, slowly try to move on.the abortion might be the best option cause you don't need that drama, nobody does
In all honesty, no.

I'll never take someone back after they cheated. That line "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" really stuck with me afterI was cheated on once and I refuse to tolerate it ever again.

Kid or no kid, the girl has no chance. I'll take care of my shorty, but that's where it stops.
Trust me dog, give a mouse a cookie and it'll ask for a glass of milk.

U let her get away with this and she'll go on thinkin she can get away with it again trust me. I've seen this way too many times. You gotta make astand now!!! LET HER GO, it'll hurt her more then you and if it doesnt then !$*! it.
Trust me dog, give a mouse a cookie and it'll ask for a glass of milk.

U let her get away with this and she'll go on thinkin she can get away with it again trust me. I've seen this way too many times. You gotta make astand now!!! LET HER GO, it'll hurt her more then you and if it doesnt then @!+! it.
just move on and stop thinking about it b

get a new chick and that's that....YOU DONT EVEN KNOW IF THE KID IS YOURS FOR SURE SMH
Sorry to your situation bro.

Tell her you'll pay for the abortion.

That's how much it'll cost to never see her again. Be smart about things.

Try not to let this happen next time...that's my advice.
So wait did she have sex with him? If so I would say end it while you have the chance. You will regret it everyday you stay with her and every chance you getyou will cheat on her....I'm speaking from experience. Trust me on this one. As soon as temptation is infront of you will think of what she did and thentell yourself it is ok to do it
Cheating is cheating.

Once you let her get away with kissing another dude, she's going to think of other things that she can get away with.

Once a cheater always a cheater IMO. Once they've done it, that cheating bone in their body will remain forever.
That's difficult man. I'd stay with her but I'd find out if she's got more to tell than just kissing. Keeping the kid is another story manthat's on you. I probably couldn't handle a kid at 23. I'll be 22 this dec.
btw, koudie i voted for you for real world cuz u NT fam and what's withwearing the panties on ya head. pics of chik who owns them? also, i herd man that u found out a foot was a sz 8.5 and had to sell ya collection of kicks thatwere all sz 9. Is that true?
If I was in your shoes I don't think I could forgive her. For one, I know your guys were on a break but come on now she's pregnant with YOUR baby. Whywere you guys on the break anyways? Were you messing with another girl? How old are you and your girl, y'all seem very immature plus you guys going have ababy. If anything I would take a step back and think about how you feel about you and your girl and see if you have a future with her. If you don't see afuture with her, i would tell the girl to get an abortion. Oh yeah, to answer your original question, I wouldn't forgive her and I would cut her loose if Ididn't see a future with her.
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