Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

the kids didn't "mob" the indians nor did they initiate any aggression. any media that even suggested that should be correcting themselves.
no matter what transpired beforehand though and any "context" that needs to be considered, there are kids tomahawk chopping and dancing/chanting/mocking the indian dudes. they're acting like jerks and should be chastised. not deserving of death threats though for sure. also, if you listen to sandmann's version of the story, it's laughable. it's straight outta the eddie haskell bs playbook.

The fact that a group of Native Americans approached a group of high school students beating a drum literally in front of one of the student's faces as well as used profanity doesn't change your perception of the students' actions?

When is the last time someone beat a drum in your face?

I agree that they could/should have done better on both sides. But your statement makes it seem like you put more of the onus on the high school students instead of the adults. I see you are saying the students were acting like jerks and should be chastised. Do you have that same energy in regards to the actions of the Native American protesters?
Thinking like an immigrant does not grant you immunity from being considered a second class citizen in America. If you are comfortable with White americans patting you on the head, then telling you that you are a good american, then you truly do not know what has been done to you. Your ignorance is not bliss. You are no different than a pet, something or someone who is kept. If you are a person of color, and then constantly thinking that somehow you are going to be accepted in this system, respected by those who run this system, then you deserve to be treated like the property that you are. There was a time that immigrants had to be sponsored by an already established American, then already belonging to one of the Abrahamic faiths. You had to not be a burden upon the system, or less you'd be deported. Being dependent upon the system was reserved by true americans, those who are white and born here.

Covington breeds those white males spiritually, physically, mentally. You'll never be one of them, as they will be the ones, proven by Trump's invitation to the Crac....*ahem* White House, that will continue the oppression of everyone who is not white, and then male.

White women who vote against their best interests, deserve whatever is coming to them by standing by this sort of Man.
One of my roommates has a MAGA cap that I wore for a picture to troll on social media, I even threw up the "OK/WP" hand sign that so many people deny means anything SIMPLY because I knew it'd get a reaction. These kids know damn well what the hat represents, I was just messing around on social media, but to wear that hat in public and play dumb is ridiculous. I live in Brooklyn and always wondered how long id last wearing that cap in Flatbush, Brownsville etc.
One of my roommates has a MAGA cap that I wore for a picture to troll on social media, I even threw up the "OK/WP" hand sign that so many people deny means anything SIMPLY because I knew it'd get a reaction. These kids know damn well what the hat represents, I was just messing around on social media, but to wear that hat in public and play dumb is ridiculous. I live in Brooklyn and always wondered how long id last wearing that cap in Flatbush, Brownsville etc.

You couldn't find another way to play around?

Interesting thing to "play" with.

:lol: Folks would be confused.

But like I said , you know what you would be getting into if you wear that hat

i agree, as a viewer of american style on CNN, your clothing can be used to express yourself, and id definitely would get a kick outta seein how a maga hat would trigger certain folks, not that i would care really either way.

And as usual the two stooges ruin yet another thought provoking thread. Thanks guys!!!

go tag meth, im sure he would find what you're saying fascinating :lol:
One of my roommates has a MAGA cap that I wore for a picture to troll on social media, I even threw up the "OK/WP" hand sign that so many people deny means anything SIMPLY because I knew it'd get a reaction. These kids know damn well what the hat represents, I was just messing around on social media, but to wear that hat in public and play dumb is ridiculous. I live in Brooklyn and always wondered how long id last wearing that cap in Flatbush, Brownsville etc.
Why you even "messing around" like this tho? :lol: ...wildin :smh:
You couldn't find another way to play around?

Interesting thing to "play" with.

I wasn't being serious whatsoever, just acting a fool on social media. Everyone that knows me thought it was pretty funny. But yeah.. people that wear that hat KNOW EXACTLY what the deal is. I'm black btw so I thought the trolling was obvious, I had the hat covering my eyes and everything :lol:.
One of my roommates has a MAGA cap that I wore for a picture to troll on social media, I even threw up the "OK/WP" hand sign that so many people deny means anything SIMPLY because I knew it'd get a reaction. These kids know damn well what the hat represents, I was just messing around on social media, but to wear that hat in public and play dumb is ridiculous. I live in Brooklyn and always wondered how long id last wearing that cap in Flatbush, Brownsville etc.

And you are black too :lol: :smh:
I wasn't being serious whatsoever, just acting a fool on social media, everyone that knows me thought it was pretty funny. But yeah.. people that wears that hat knows what the deal is. I'm black btw so I thought the trolling was obvious, I had the hat covering my eyes and everything.

Anyone that knows you also found it funny.

Says alot about you and the company you keep.

How many non token black peoole are on your friends list?
Anyone that knows you also found it funny.

Says alot about you and the company you keep.

How many non token black peoole are on your friends list?
It was shortly after the Kanye comments, just messing around is all :lol:. My roommates a fool and I wanted to have a little fun, I definitely feel like wearing the hat seriously and then acting like it's not what it means is like folks who say the confederate flag is simply about just " heritage". Throw stone, hide hand.
One of my roommates has a MAGA cap that I wore for a picture to troll on social media, I even threw up the "OK/WP" hand sign that so many people deny means anything SIMPLY because I knew it'd get a reaction. These kids know damn well what the hat represents, I was just messing around on social media, but to wear that hat in public and play dumb is ridiculous. I live in Brooklyn and always wondered how long id last wearing that cap in Flatbush, Brownsville etc.
Put this in the “dumb **** I shouldn’t of ever said” folder will ya?
I made a comment about women not deserving to be attacked due to their style of dress, where did it go?
The fact that the MAGA hat triggers people is appalling. No wonder they call this generation soft. SOFT, over a hat b.

I can understand children, maybe, but it is wild to me that adults get in their feelings over a hat someone else is wearing supporting a president.

Like... adults...

Ignore it and keep it pushing. What are you going to do, cry? Remove it from em?

Mental health is important. People need journals, or something. No reason a campaign hat should have adults that pressed.
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