Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

That’s NO excuse for you to wear that MAGA hat champ.....none whatsoever. In the spirit of MLK day yesterday we’ll try to turn the other cheek on this promises though. You got some room for growth on your end.
All is fair in love and trolling :lol:. Nah I feel you though, seeing that one kid smirking like that made me wanna throw up.
Pro tip:

You are giving Trump, and his supporters, way to much control over you if they can get you to act out by wearing a hat.

They rock the hat, you do your tough guy stuff you just talked about, and then you get sued. Easy money.
You do not know where I live, and I live here on purpose.
It is because I can get away with kicking ***, just like you have the stand your ground law in Florida. You taunt me here with that racist bull, I have the right to kick your ***. That is the reason white racists have to play another game here, and also the reason they hate Cuomo and DeBlasio. So sue me. I bet you wont wear that hat again.
I can understand children, maybe, but it is wild to me that adults get in their feelings over a hat someone else is wearing supporting a president.

Like... adults...

Ignore it and keep it pushing. What are you going to do, cry? Remove it from em?

Mental health is important. People need journals, or something. No reason a campaign hat should have adults that pressed.

Some girl actually did that last year at a college. Video was all over. They wound up in the administration office. Girl wouldn't give the hat back to the guy.
You do not know where I live, and I live here on purpose.
It is because I can get away with kicking ***, just like you have the stand your ground law in Florida. You taunt me here with that racist bull, I have the right to kick your ***. That is the reason white racists have to play another game here, and also the reason they hate Cuomo and DeBlasio. So sue me. I bet you wont wear that hat again.

Do you consider someone wearing the hat, minding their own business, taunting you? Or are you talking about someone getting in your face and saying stuff?

This is a serious question. Like I am legit interested at how pressed the hat gets you.
Sold, but not worn. They sell White pillow cases at Bed Bath and Beyond as well.

so answer your own question genius who buys those hats that are sold at every single gift shops in New York City? :lol:
every damn giftshop from time square to china town sells MAGA hats and people wear em too.
Some girl actually did that last year at a college. Video was all over. They wound up in the administration office. Girl wouldn't give the hat back to the guy.
That's easy though. I'd love if that was reversed and that was a guy doing that to a girl would everything be all gravy. I don't count girls in most cases pulling those stunts at all. That's a for the most part you'll get away with that move.
Do you consider someone wearing the hat, minding their own business, taunting you? Or are you talking about someone getting in your face and saying stuff?

This is a serious question. Like I am legit interested at how pressed the hat gets you.
You are making it about the hat, I am making it about you. The smug, I got you demeanor that made you think that it is ok in a place where it would be deemed insensitive. Understand this, I will not come where you live to see you wear it. However, I live where I wont see you wear it, and for that reason alone. If I am some place where I expect such a display, then my response would be different. Yeah, I know where I am. But here in NYC? Oh, your *** is mine.
so answer your own question genius who buys those hats that are sold at every single gift shops in New York City? :lol:
every damn giftshop from time square to china town sells MAGA hats and people wear em too.
They put them in their luggage or wipe with them, who cares?!
You aren't going to wear one where there is a threat, that's for sure. Wear one in those projects on 145th and Lenox, then tell them that you are a Trump supporter.
I never see the hat here in pa, mostly stickers on trucks that have other gun, Confederate flag, blue lives matter, etc stickers too.
I agree that they could/should have done better on both sides. But your statement makes it seem like you put more of the onus on the high school students instead of the adults. I see you are saying the students were acting like jerks and should be chastised. Do you have that same energy in regards to the actions of the Native American protesters?
maybe this will help:
1) if my kid was one of those doing the tomahawk chop and mocking the american indian chants, i'd ground him, have him write an apolofy to the organization, and have him spend time volunteering to help native americans in some capacity to get some empathy.
2) if my kid approached a buncha white kids who were behaving 100% like perfect gentlemen and started beating a drum in their face, i'd ground his *** and make him go to the school to apologize or send a written and video apology to the whole school.
3) if my kid did the drum thing to some white antagonistic kids, i'd probably do the same as #2 but also teach him how to transcend racist nonsense and not stoop to the same level.
4) if my kid were doing what the black isrealites were doing, i'd kick his *** then throw him outta my house.
Imagine being so lost that you had to go around with a hat on 24 months after it was relevant to feel some type of identity and belonging. Could not be me.
maybe this will help:
1) if my kid was one of those doing the tomahawk chop and mocking the american indian chants, i'd ground him, have him write an apolofy to the organization, and have him spend time volunteering to help native americans in some capacity to get some empathy.
2) if my kid approached a buncha white kids who were behaving 100% like perfect gentlemen and started beating a drum in their face, i'd ground his *** and make him go to the school to apologize or send a written and video apology to the whole school.
3) if my kid did the drum thing to some white antagonistic kids, i'd probably do the same as #2 but also teach him how to transcend racist nonsense and not stoop to the same level.
4) if my kid were doing what the black isrealites were doing, i'd kick his *** then throw him outta my house.

For once, we agree
im in houston and i've literally never seen one in public.
i suspect these cowards just wear it to the rallies where they are surrounded by like cowards
DC and OkC and only seen ONE in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma is one of the biggest trump supporting states and still don’t see them. Anyone saying they see them all the time is lying or live the deep country side
Seems like you typically only see folks wearing MAGA hats on the streets when they're in a large group. They're cowards by nature, so there's no way they're gonna face the consequences alone. For good reason. If you wear the hat in 2019, you're gonna have a bad time.

After seeing this I knew what time it was. Trump said he'd pay your bail, well I am going to make sure that intensive care is a visit of yours along the way.
DC and OkC and only seen ONE in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma is one of the biggest trump supporting states and still don’t see them. Anyone saying they see them all the time is lying or live the deep country side

I live in an extremely rural area and am not sure the last time I saw one. I see the Confederate flag a few times a week.
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