CRAAAAAAAAAZY FIGHT on the 6 Train... must watch

yo, if that chick was blood related aka family and she got knocked like that, I would have thrown earthworm jim with braids into the traintracks, I would havenever fled like that
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Just watched the video...really disgusting...

To be honest, as horrible as that was, it could've been worse. Like, someone could've decided to pull out a knife in an attempt to show their "gangsta"...

You live and you learn.

And what's this about the 2 train I'm reading. I've been residing, temporarily, in NY since May and the 2 train is the train I take to get to and from the city.


certain areas that the 2 train goes to in the bronx aren't necessarily the safest of areas if that can be an understatement

And what areas would these be?

I'm on 'till the very last stop. Haven't seen anything crazy or had anything "bad" happen to me...

Might I start carrying the "cal" on me...

You're good on that train

5 and d are a diff story
Thats NYC for ya. I see this type of %%++ weekly. But best believe in most situations if a dude stole a chick like that he wouldn't be walking the nextday.
Midtown and Downtown Subways FTW... mad cops.. I feel safe from all the nuts and hostile people...

That fight was a let down tho.. chick had it coming... her man should've defended her...

How can the engineer see whats going on and still pull out of the station and not put in a call for cops and ems
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

adrenaline is a crazy +*%**+! thing... if my man was in the middle of a fight on the train... i dont know man i probably would have tried to pin the other guy down or try to smash his head against the pole...not the smartest thing but you can;t help what adrenaline does.

@ this visual.

Simply cracking skulls on some professional wrestling tip.


Spoiler [+]
You might have ended up eating a stiff right hook too if you tried that...

you prolly right but like i said.. adrenaline is crazy... theres no telling what i would have done... i've been known to do some +@$* when livid. ionoooo
Ride or die chick

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

How can the engineer see whats going on and still pull out of the station and not put in a call for cops and ems
" Stand clear of the closing doors please... "

xJoRDaNHeaD wrote:
If that black dude hit my chick I woulda beat his %+%. Cant believe that guy didnt do anything but drag his girl in the train. SMH

He was already taking L's to the face though.

Its a sad to see a cat constantly get his _ handed with no hope in sight....

you can literally see their value in life drop.

I just watched the vid for a second time...and all I could think was

" Just let it ride Ol lady....he gonna deck you in your grill if you don't".

Sidenote: The last few minutes felt like Carlito's Way.
I rode the 6 in the summer when i was in NY

i just kept my head down and kept my ears open , it is LIVE on that line from time to time.

it aint right to hit that lady , but i think if there was young PR boys on there who was thuggin they woulda eat him alive , or if the guy was
younger .

Aint nothin like NY
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

How can the engineer see whats going on and still pull out of the station and not put in a call for cops and ems
" Stand clear of the closing doors please... "


kakashi needs to $%@%. "Real" black guys, youre a racist +#$*. Define a "real" black guy. Never knew theres fake ones, troll.

In relevance to the video, in that situation a smart NY'er will know not to get involve. All jokes aside most NY'ers will just watch and pull out thecamera phones and record.
crazy video, im safe though, im on the R train at 25th(brooklyn) the farthest i travel is 72nd(manhattan) and down thats about it and the 6 train is known forthat, theres a video on the 5 train or 4 where a quick stabbing occur, give me a min and i'll find the video, its a clear video but u dont see the stabbingu just hear a lady scream she pulled a knife and wam.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

crazy video, im safe though, im on the R train at 25th(brooklyn) the farthest i travel is 72nd(manhattan) and down thats about it and the 6 train is known for that, theres a video on the 5 train or 4 where a quick stabbing occur, give me a min and i'll find the video, its a clear video but u dont see the stabbing u just hear a lady scream she pulled a knife and wam.
in my phone now so i can embed but here u go


Originally Posted by JFDOOM

These trains really aren't that dangerous

I've rode all these trains at diff types of hours with no issues, and im white with brown hair and blue eyes

Same here (but im black) I ride some of the craziest trains at the craziest hours and I've been fine (knock on wood)

You only get messed with if you start trouble or look like a mark... and that troll didn't know !%% he was talking about...

138th in 3rd is one of the most dangerous spots in the BX (aunt lives in Mtitchell pjs and dad used to work in them)

Feel bad for the chick tho... it wasn't cool and she was only tryna prevent the fight
Originally Posted by petermans

kakashi needs to $%@%. "Real" black guys, youre a racist +#$*. Define a "real" black guy. Never knew theres fake ones, troll.
When he said "real," he was referring to the ones who are actual thugs.


You really don't know what you're talking about..Anyway..

Taking the train disgusts me yet I take it everyday because its impossible to find parking in Manhattan.
I've had a knife held to my neck while waiting for the 6 train. I've been jumped by 20+ crips at the Times Square Subway. Been hit with Brass knuckles.I've had 4 fights on the subway. It really doesn't matter what train you take, as long as you're taking the subway, it can happen anywhere.It's true, NO ONE will help you on the train. My last experience with someone getting messed up on the train I did though. I'm not one to fight anothermans battles but when I see the fights over and you're trying to kill him. I'm going to jump in. I couldn't live with myself..

so it's 4 in the morning.. I'm on my way home from barhopping and I'm on the E train. 2 dudes are on the train and they're messed up. Seemed tobe on drugs and I knew they were going to start with someone. This security guard of some sort walks into our car and before he notices that they're messedup, he sits near em. He starts saying keep it down and what not. One of the guys say's chill out my N word. The guy says im not that and when the guy seeshe serious, he sticks his hand in his pocket. The security guard says boy you don't ever stick your hands in your pocket around me! The guy starts lookingat him like he wants to fight but his friend pulls him away. The security guard follows and starts saying something. The friend is still holding his boy backso hes in between them both. He decides to let go of his friend and sucker punch the security guard in mid sentence. Security guard goes down headfirst. Assoon as that happened. I get up and get in between them and they start kicking his head because I can't grab em both. To give you an Idea the guys head wasnear the poles in the middle of the train, 5 kicks later his head and upper torso was under the train seats. They're a couple dudes on the train justwatching that gotta be twice my size and do nothing.
so I knee one of the dudesas hard as possible in his nuts and slap him in both ears. I swept the other guys legs from under him and pressed my knee in his back so he couldn't getup. Finally after looking around like an !#@ at ppl with my knee in this dudes back they grab the other guy. Some chick gets the conductor who calls the policeand the security guard woke up was still in la la land. He had a knife scar on his face that opened up when they kicked him so he was leaking pretty bad. Ican't wait to finish school. One more year and I become a police officer.

And since NT likes pics..

I wish I could show you the guys face
but out of respect for him, Iwont.
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

Midtown and Downtown Subways FTW... mad cops.. I feel safe from all the nuts and hostile people...

That fight was a let down tho.. chick had it coming... her man should've defended her...

How can the engineer see whats going on and still pull out of the station and not put in a call for cops and ems
Conductor probably was. They can't just call for help and expect cops to appear in 1 second. They usually have to get them to rendezvous ata station further along the route (and usually it is already too late). Even though someone said there was a police precinct upstairs, the transit division ofthe NYPD handles the subway stuff.
Crazy. Dude didn't have to hit ol girl tho she was just tryna get back on the train. But forreal forreal. By ppl tryna stop it just prolonged theinevitable. U let em get in a clear spot, duke it out and let it be that. The avg street fight is gon last about 60sec anyway. Dudes get tired around the 15secmark and lock up for the next 45sec
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