Crazy stories from your job.

so girl on girl action while one of em topped off some random dude?

Two guys
One girl
One was my point guard
Other was the center for the women's team
Other guy was the point guards friend that just loved to tag along and party; ended up coming up in the process lol
Almost had sex with one of my co workers in the departments storage room.

From day one, i could tell she was feeling me. Here excuses for not wanting to get with me when I first started working here was that 1. she still liked her husband (think they were going through a divorce or something) and 2. she was claiming that I was too young (I was 26 and I think she was 31-32). Anyway, a couple months go by and we start to really get into each other. We went from playfully talking ish to each other to randomly feeling on each other. I would go to her desk and smack her on the butt whenever I got the chance and she would come to my desk and randomly grab my D when she got the chance. (we both worked in cubicles)

One day I came into work and was just feeling myself so I went to her area and just whipped the D out so she could get a good look at it. That's when she pulled me into the storage room, turned the lights off and decided she was going to make out with me. Shawty started kissing me while randomly whispering "all you want to do is F me huh". Picked her butt up off the ground and was about to smash her on the storage room table, but she was scared that our supervisor was going to randomly walk in on us & she quickly ended our make out session.
Word. I get her stopping it at the job, but yall should have continued that either at her crib, your crib, or the motel.
Word. I get her stopping it at the job, but yall should have continued that either at her crib, your crib, or the motel.
Pretty much. 

I would have told her to finish what we started as soon as you get off work.
Chick was married...its alot easier to make something happen in the heat of the moment, then to actually plan something where she thinks about it then can feel guilty and back out
From how I see it with certain people at that age and are married, kissing and just messing around is damn near all people need. I had a girl that was a total teas and just loved to flirt and everything and would never go all the way. It's borderline frustrating and honestly not worth the time.
You guys who messed with married co-workers ever think there's a slight chance their husband could be a crazy dude with a gun and shoot up your workplace?
Still not an excuse, we not going all the way to that level then let **** cool down. I'd be getting her moist at work form then on until she got that courage back bro.
Chick was married...its alot easier to make something happen in the heat of the moment, then to actually plan something where she thinks about it then can feel guilty and back out

But who says the dude could brought her spontaneously back in the storage room and showed her she meant business. That's still spontaneous. Hell, I bet should would gotten even more excited after making that move lol.
From how I see it with certain people at that age and are married, kissing and just messing around is damn near all people need. I had a girl that was a total teas and just loved to flirt and everything and would never go all the way. It's borderline frustrating and honestly not worth the time.
This is true as well. 
You guys who messed with married co-workers ever think there's a slight chance their husband could be a crazy dude with a gun and shoot up your workplace?

Never dealt with married chicks but I have dealt with chicks with boyfriends. Not at work though, for that very reason. I'm the most cautious dude out there so I will never get caught in that crossfire. Work is another story, they know too much about me. My government, and of course where I work :lol:. Not worth it, I don't need that kind of drama.

Never married, but boyfriend. I've thought of that and to be honest I'm one of the most cautious ****** out there so
From how I see it with certain people at that age and are married, kissing and just messing around is damn near all people need. I had a girl that was a total teas and just loved to flirt and everything and would never go all the way. It's borderline frustrating and honestly not worth the time.

That would annoy the **** out of me. I don't have no time for that bs, we not in 5th grade kissing and dry humping :smh:
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My friend is a nurse and her nursing co-workers have no problem cheating on their spouses. One of her friends is gorgeous and sounds like she cheats on her husband on the weekends. My friend was trying to get with her but if he doesn't I'll try to.
You guys who messed with married co-workers ever think there's a slight chance their husband could be a crazy dude with a gun and shoot up your workplace?

There is a insurance coverage oddly called workplace violence. It covers incidents that happen on the companies facilities. Usually companies who buy this is large corporate companies that have been known to have problems with sexual harassment cases, work discrimination, etc. They just want to be covered just in case someone comes in all crazy and decides to take it out on their coworkers. Jealous husbands/wives are actually a pretty common conversation for this.
I haven't smashed, but me and the chick still cool with each other. We talk on the regular. I think the main reason why we didn't smash is because I got a girlfriend right after she left and was trying to be on some faithful ish (huge mistake on my part.. )

The crazy thing is me and her went to the same HBCU around the same time.

We didn't know each other back then, but we hung around some of the same people since both us are in greek orgs. I alsoi knew who her husband was because he used to work as a manager at the Checkers restaurant we use to have on campus. 

I might wait til homecoming pops up and see if anything goes down. She's a decent looking short chick, with a slim body and a track star style booty.

edit: don't have to worry about her husband shooting up the workplace because she's currently separated from him & I work at a prison so he wouldn't be able to get on the grounds with a gun. K-9 unit would be all over his behind lol. Also she currently has a new boyfriend so *shrug*
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huh, pics don't seem to be loading right. Lemme restart...
lol yeen getting no pics from me.
 had to shoot my shot 
Another one from my first medical job

I working with this older doctor; she was the director of the medicine/doctors, so she did everything by the book.

We had two new patients in the same Time block; I go to bring them back and find out that they are a couple; I tell her and she still wants them in separate rooms (by the book). I vital them both and move on.

She starts with the lady and that's when it got bad. We just got in the new rapid hiv test; so the doctor had us perform a test on her.... its POSITIVE! No only that but she gets diagnosed/treated for High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and the HIV.. the doctor literally handed her a thick mini booklet of prescriptions it was crazy.

When we went to give the lady the bad news of the positive HIV testing; she went into a rage and tried to attack her boyfriend in the other room; we had no security in this location so our whole staff had to help and restrain her (she was a bigger lady). After like a hour consultation, she agrees to take the meds, get the bloodwork, follow up with the doctor, etc.. she's super calm. And the doctor goes in with the boy friend. She says she's going to the store and she'll be back.

I go back and start calling other patients; after like the 3rd patient, I go to the waiting room to call another patient and literally the entire waiting room is looking out thru the huge wall sized window. I go to see what happened and it's crazy traffic and cop cars outside.

My job was on one of the busiest streets in my city. Come to find out, when she left, she tried to commit suicide. She tried to jump in traffic but the car swerved and missed her and then she tried to jump to the other side of flowing traffic and that car swerved.. both of those drivers got out and held her down on the ground and called the cops and 911.. the cops restrained her for suicide attempted and took her to the hospital near by. It was so crazy.
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Another one from my first medical job

I working with this older doctor; she was the director of the medicine/doctors, so she did everything by the book.

We had two new patients in the same Time block; I go to bring them back and find out that they are a couple; I tell her and she still wants them in separate rooms (by the book). I vital them both and move on.

She starts with the lady and that's when it got bad. We just got in the new rapid hiv test; so the doctor had us perform a test on her.... its POSITIVE! No only that but she gets diagnosed/treated for High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and the HIV.. the doctor literally handed her a thick mini booklet of prescriptions it was crazy.

When we went to give the lady the bad news of the positive HIV testing; she went into a rage and tried to attack her boyfriend in the other room; we had no security in this location so our whole staff had to help and restrain her (she was a bigger lady). After like a hour consultation, she agrees to take the meds, get the bloodwork, follow up with the doctor, etc.. she's super calm. And the doctor goes in with the boy friend. She says she's going to the store and she'll be back.

I go back and start calling other patients; after like the 3rd patient, I go to the waiting room to call another patient and literally the entire waiting room is looking out thru the huge wall sized window. I go to see what happened and it's crazy traffic and cop cars outside.

My job was on one of the busiest streets in my city. Come to find out, when she left, she tried to commit suicide. She tried to jump in traffic but the car swerved and missed her and then she tried to jump to the other side of flowing traffic and that car swerved.. both of those drivers got out and held her down on the ground and called the cops and 911.. the cops restrained her for suicide attempted and took her to the hospital near by. It was so crazy.
damn what city was this in
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