Crazy stories from your job.

Man......I had some asian lady microwave fish in our breakroom. Had the whole place smelling super foul. It's just one of those meals you can't really eat within a working environment without causing some sort of smell issues.

Just adding to my insurance stories from the previous page. I used to work with a girl and she is currently going through a divorce. Since her divorce, she has been going through a naughty phase and decided to plunge into the office hook up scene. We had lunch the other day and she was telling me she has been flirting with a older man (she's 36 and he is late 50's) in the office. Straight tells me she blows him in the file room after hours and hooks up with him at nearby hotels. There is an app they use that you can literally rent a hotel room for an hour. The guy is married too and with like 2 kids.

Then it reminded me of this other story that made headlines in New Zealand. An insurance broker was hooking up with this young girl and people across the street at a bar caught it on camera. He too was married and had 2 kids.

Yoooooooo we got a weird dude that works with us and he be having the weirdest lunches.

One day he toasted.....TOASTED bread with anchovies on top! Had the whole damn break room stanky. Bad part was my office was upstairs right above the break room so the smell was making its way up the vents into my office!!! :x

Someone once put a cup noodles in the microwave.. with no water. :stoneface:

Thing caught on fire had the whole floor smoke hazed everyone coughing up lungs cause no windows to open = smell can’t leave. Smh

Worst part is we have boiling water you can put in it to cook it.. don’t even need to microwave.
man i remember when this lady at my job was microwaving bacon for a pot luck we were having that day. Lady had to cook like 100+ strips of bacon that day all i remember is the microwave constantly dinging when done whole place smelled foul. Never knew bacon could make you feel nauseous.

man i remember when this lady at my job was microwaving bacon for a pot luck we were having that day. Lady had to cook like 100+ strips of bacon that day all i remember is the microwave constantly dinging when done whole place smelled foul. Never knew bacon could make you feel nauseous.


I'm f#%?%#* dying right now
man i remember when this lady at my job was microwaving bacon for a pot luck we were having that day. Lady had to cook like 100+ strips of bacon that day all i remember is the microwave constantly dinging when done whole place smelled foul. Never knew bacon could make you feel nauseous.


:rofl: :rofl:
I remember working at my first doctor's office job fresh outta school as a medical assistant. We were the biggest doctor's office company in my area with a lot of locations so we would help schools out and let their students do their internship at our sites (I did my internship at this job and they hired me). They'd sent nothing but nice chicks; usually spanish and at the time, that's all I was interested in. Usually one at a time, sometimes two at a time; and me being the only male in the building, I got all the attention.

There was this one chick that came, she was older by like 3 years or so, she was super bad; I literally had to do no work at all... this is before 2010, so we had paper charts; we'd be in the medical record room making out and then one day she was like "come to my house on your break tomorrow". Mind you, she had a man and a kid, her man would come to the job sometimes... but they weren't getting along so im like let's get it lol. Even better was, her house was on the SAME street as the job, and the job was literally across the street from my house, like I could see my house from out the window and her house was maybe 3-4 houses down the side street of the office.

Next day, I go on break, she went on break a little before me; I get to her house and she tells me it's unlocked; I go in like "this is probably a set up, no way this is that easy, her man probably in there man".. Once im in, I hear the shower running, she jumps out and tells me to go in the bedroom and relax... at this point, I pay no mind to the house, head straight to the bedroom. Not even gonna lie man; even tho I was super close to work, my break was 30 minutes and we were super busy that day with patients on the schedule... we agreed to fast forward, so i didn't get domed up, but got the yambs man... too good.. was like 6 minutes late to work or so but it was worth it lol. Ended up hitting another two times on weekends; then she disappeared and it was too hard to find her; phone was always off, and her man started getting abusive.

I ended up bagging 4/5 internships there.. the fifth one wanted me but it was too much hassale and lagging. I hit 2 out of those 4 more than once...
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I remember working at my first doctor's office job fresh outta school as a medical assistant. We were the biggest doctor's office company in my area with a lot of locations so we would help schools out and let their students do their internship at our sites (I did my internship at this job and they hired me). They'd sent nothing but nice chicks; usually spanish and at the time, that's all I was interested in. Usually one at a time, sometimes two at a time; and me being the only male in the building, I got all the attention. There was this one chick that came, she was older by like 3 years or so, she was super bad; I literally had to do no work at all... this is before 2010, so we had paper charts; we'd be in the medical record room making out and then one day she was like "come to my house on your break tomorrow". Mind you, she had a man and a kid, her man would come to the job sometimes... but they weren't getting along so im like let's get it lol. Even better was, her house was on the SAME street as the job, and the job was literally across the street from my house, like I could see my house from out the window and her house was maybe 3-4 houses down the side street of the office. Next day, I go on break, she went on break a little before me; I get to her house and she tells me it's unlocked; I go in like "this is probably a set up, no way this is that easy, her man probably in there man".. Once im in, I hear the shower running, she jumps out and tells me to go in the bedroom and relax... at this point, I pay no mind to the house, head straight to the bedroom. Not even gonna lie man; even tho I was super close to work, my break was 30 minutes and we were super busy that day with patients on the schedule... we agreed to fast forward, so i didn't get domed up, but got the yambs man... too good.. was like 6 minutes late to work or so but it was worth it lol. Ended up hitting another two times on weekends; then she disappeared and it was too hard to find her; phone was always off, and her man started getting abusive. I ended up bagging 4/5 internships there.. the fifth one wanted me but it was too much hassale and lagging. I hit 2 out of those 4 more than once...
Must have been nice lol
More doctor's office stories lol
So for the the 2nd chick out of 4. She came to the job as a intern. Super feisty spanish chick man.. hood joint too.. and im young at the time, so I'm for it, cause im from the hood too lol. Super thick, long hair, nice lips, fat ***, small top tho, but fits her. Like I said, I lived across the street, like so close, my parents were my patients lol. And I am and was a sneakerhead; and my fellow sneakerheads know once that "out for delivery" update comes, you dying to see the kicks, I never had to wait; I'd have my dad bring the pairs to the office and show the office; I had doctor's turning into sneakerheads; and I worked at footlocker on weekends; so they'd come get shoes for their families on the 50% off. One of my doctor's looked JUST like Kobe, no lie, we called him Kobe lol.

Back to the story; she was on my head from the jump; like "what's up shorty" (a play on words, im 6'4" at the time), hugging on me, just mad fresh, sassy talk. So one day we kicking it late hours at the office, and we talking, and I walk her to the car and hug her, I like "F it" and go for the kiss man, she's for it lol. Kissing and touching goes on in the office between us for a week or so. Then on the night before thanksgiving, she invites me over... mind you she lives in the worst hood in her town, and I live in the rival town; but I just chalk it up, she's THAT bad! She was 5-6 years old than me at the time; she was like 27 when I was 21-22... so I guess it was the thrill and a rush of someone older and being bad. So im over there chilling with her, her sister, and her brother drinking, laughing, and playing music; also note, she has 3 kids.

The kids leave with her sister and we go up stairs to the bedroom, we just chilling talking, then start making out something crazy. She had changed to boy shorts and a tank top; I rip the shirt off her and start sucking and licking her upper... then I start to take her shorts off and she hits me with the "im on period"..... DANG!!! so we talk for a bit and make out and then head to sleep... my boy is local so he drives to where I am and we head to my high school's thanksgiving football game.. mind you, she is still an intern at my job; so we kiss and stuff but nothing major, and I don't go to her house anymore. Then one day she had me meet her in the stairwell and told me we gotta chill, cause she isn't good for me and too old for me, and she'd mess my life up, and that I should find a good girl with no kids; joint had me too sad lol.

Also my real co workers were catching on, one in particular knew her a little too well and that co worker's son's name was actually on the title on the intern chick's truck; she'd stay slick comments, like I can take that truck whenever I want, and she won't say anything, she can't do nothing (she was hood too, and older lol). Then I started learning that the interned worked for that co worker's ex/baby dad and the co worker had 4-5 kids with him; the co worker would say she was a prostitute/escort; but it was all lies, at least no proof and nothing confirmed. The baby dad was local drug dealer tho, so I always suspected she sold drugs and maybe they were partners and she held it at her house or something; I didn't care. She ended her internship and I didn't see her anymore; even tho our cities were neighboring cities; I think this was when myspace was still popping but almost on it's last leg; so I had no contact with her.

Fast forward like 2-3 years! I started working at this other job, taking care of mentally disabled patients and behavioral patients; it was in a house setting; so I'd go where they lived, houses paid by the company; and i'd have to drop 2 of my 3 clients off at a day care/day center every week day... AND then outta no where, I saw her! She was working there too; had been there longer than me. We chopped it up and caught up, she gave me the number, and we saying how we miss each other.. I had just got out of a long relationship and I needed to get my ex off of my mind. She hits me up and invites me over; I come over and we catch up; I found out she's up to 6 kids now (3 before); ended up having a set of twins and then had a under 1 year old. We chilling... laughing talking... drinking again lol. Head to the bedroom, every time I went to make a move, A kid came in lol; I chalk it up as a L; then she goes in to try; then the BABY starts crying lol.. She puts her to sleep, and then resumes; I end up smanging!!!! TOO GOOD! Well worth the 3 year wait lololol. We proceed to go at it daily on her break (I worked over night) during the day and she'd ask her sister to watch the kids sundays, so she'd spend the night with me at my house (I have my own place at this point). Things are going good, then one day while ending a phone call, she almost tells me she loves me, so I guess it bothered her; and she was still stuck on the fact I had no kids and she had 6; and im so stuck on her, im like man, we can get them untied! lol... mann... it was so good, i was willing to do whatever... we ended up just chilling out after months of sex and chilling; but we really cared about each other.. she always cooked for me, gave me gifts on my bday; just a lot of love for each other man.

We still talk til this day; nothing like before now; now that im married, I tell my wife about it tho; and they cool with each other social media (like each other's pics etc) EVERY TIME I tell this story.. people be like 6 KIDS DOG?! How'd you do it? I'd do it again man. It was worth it, she was so cool man.
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Another ONE

I was assistant coach of the men's basketball team at my local community college (won't believe, in my second season, I moved and landed across the street from the college lol and the footlocker lol; all my jobs were super duper close until now). All the players knew me from being from my hometown, me watching them grow up, me knowing their family, sneakers; something. My co friends (who is a girl) was close to everyone on the women's team and she worked at lady footlocker; she was taking classes to join the team too.

She would get these comp rooms at hotels and get these crazy hotel get together; nothing but drinking, smoking, beer pong, flirting/hooking up.. these parties started getting such a following that people would come KNOWING that they'd land some girls/guys, and maybe sex that same night! So I go to one, me and my two boys.. we chilling and the half of each team is there.. so we drinking and chilling..

I go to take a pee and its a chick washing her hands butt naked laughing! lol.. so I'm like i gotta go; I give her my back so she can't see my joint, and pee; she literally turns me around and proceeds to just throw my joint in her mouth! straight giving me a neckbone platter man... ripping me. I lay her down and throw the rubber on and go in; then MAD knocks at the door! IM PISSED!... so they come in and we walk out.. I continue drinking, pissed I didn't finish; one of my boys left and missed the action...

it gets late and some people leave and I go in the main room and my 3rd string PG (like 4'11) is BANGING the star CENTER (like 6'1) on the bed and giving his random friend who doesn't play on the team a neck bone platter at the same time... in front of everyone lol... and no one is saying anything lol.. just chilling man.. next game, every body at pre shoot around like NOTHING happened... then two dudes come up to me like "yeeeaaaaaaaa" lol
Parties were so wild; there were like 3-4 more parties and then they shut it down lol
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1st story; again, I lost contact with her
She had no social media
Didnt send me pics

3rd story, she's pregnant, so I don't wanna violate man
I still see her on my IG feed
This is recent
Posted on FB this month

This situation happened like 6 years ago lol
Could never be 6 kids that ain't mines bad honestly. That's god level bad b, like celebrity I have no chance with ever bad.
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