Crazy video of a plane crash in Afghanistan WOW!!

Holy crap. This scares the sh out of me. My bro is stationed at that Bagram base right now. Haven't been able to get ahold of him yet. Heart was racing..
I hope I never actually see something like this in real life. I pass by airports here in L.A. all the time (Van Nuys airport and Burbank airport).

Rest in peace to those 7 who passed away
That Jamie Brakow guy looks just like this kid I know, crazy.

been on a plane like 10 times

i never get worried when but i always get worried when i watch these vids :frown:

I hate flying cause of **** like this. could this happen to your average flight?

my aunt, her 5 month kid and her bf just flew to Miami and I'd hate for some **** like this to happen

I hate flying cause of **** like this. could this happen to your average flight?

my aunt, her 5 month kid and her bf just flew to Miami and I'd hate for some **** like this to happen

Flying is the safest form of travel by far.

Obviously things can go wrong on any flight, but its extremely rare and over 95% of plane crashes have survivors.

I hate flying cause of **** like this. could this happen to your average flight?

my aunt, her 5 month kid and her bf just flew to Miami and I'd hate for some **** like this to happen
It was a cargo flight transporting vehicles and goods to Dubai. They were taking off at a military air base and based on what I read something was wrong with the way the weight was distributed and they were attempting some kind military lift off (idk the name but the point was to gain as altitude as possible to avoid ground to air Missiles hitting the plane). The weight along with the frozen engines (I think they froze or something like that I read) caused that to happen.
To answer your question, no it won't. Last time I checked we were worried about missiles hitting planes when we take off here.
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Apparently, you're more likely to die in a car crash that a plane crash.

I hate stats like this. I mean...obviously. :lol: :rolleyes

Millions of people drive. Planes usually don't have to worry about running into someone else either.

My thing is...if there's a malfunction with the plane, you're screwed. If you get into a plane crash, you're extremely screwed. People get into car accidents and walk away unscathed every day. A plane crash doesn't happen every day but when it does...well...

I haven't been on a plane since 2004. :lol:
dc is usually unimpressed by most good things such as a little kid making consecutive shots.
I guess that bad things are what impress dc.

He's got to be trolling. I don't get how something as catastrophic as a plane crash, is beautiful.
Man Ionno bout y'all but just seeing planes overhead my house sometimes scares me. Imagine a plane free-falling toward your house & you and your family are all nestled inside asleep.

We have OD'd on plane traffic, no need for all this extra domestic frivolous traveling. Imagine the traffic up there in 20 years.

And **** if we weren't still ************ in Afghanistan this tragedy would've been avoided. Humanity, we do this to ourselves.
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 daaamn that scared me..and I'm flying in a few weeks too
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