Creed (Film Series) | Creed III | 3/3/23

-Great movie. I think it was just as good as the first and I think I like this one better (messages hit me hard).
-The sub stories were executed great and didn't make the movie feel like too much was going on.
-Dude playing Viktor is a damn monster.
-MBJ definitely looked like a heavier fighter in this one than the first.
-Ivan was acting like a c**k.
-My favorite scene was when adonis was in the ring training before the first fight with all the spectators/press watching. Bruh was moving.
-I think it'll be tough to make a 3rd movie as good as the first 2.
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Went to see Creed 2 last night. Man, this movie was absolute flames! The acting was superb all around, the cinematography was on point, and the boxing was BRUTAL. I really appreciate how they made Ivan and Viktor Ddago actual fleshed out characters instead of 1 dimensional villians. But 1 thing I really appreciate about this movie is the moments of raw emotion displayed during certain scenes For example....
when Donnie and Bianca had to give their daughter an auditory test for her hearing, the look they gave each other while she was being tested hit me in the feels hard. So much was conveyed by Michael and Tessa without saying a word

during the last fight when Donnie got knocked down for the last time he slowly started whaling his fists into the mat and started screaming, I definetly felt that scene. That expression of frustration and anger was intense
Went to see Creed 2 last night. Man, this movie was absolute flames! The acting was superb all around, the cinematography was on point, and the boxing was BRUTAL. I really appreciate how they made Ivan and Viktor Ddago actual fleshed out characters instead of 1 dimensional villians. But 1 thing I really appreciate about this movie is the moments of raw emotion displayed during certain scenes For example....
when Donnie and Bianca had to give their daughter an auditory test for her hearing, the look they gave each other while she was being tested hit me in the feels hard. So much was conveyed by Michael and Tessa without saying a word

during the last fight when Donnie got knocked down for the last time he slowly started whaling his fists into the mat and started screaming, I definetly felt that scene. That expression of frustration and anger was intense
Yea man I felt those scenes
Care to explain this?
I thought there could have been some more boxing or fighting/training scenes. There was too much of his personal/emotional side of the story being developed. It’s not a bad thing but made the movie feel like it dragged on at times. Could have been like 15 minutes shorter. It was good thou. I reccommend it.
Movie was good as ****, the fight scenes were amazing! I actually Liked it more than the first one.

If they’re going to keep dropping fire , they can do 20 sequels. Cant wait to see where they go in the next one
Glad everybody’s enjoying this movie as much as I did. I’ve been talking about this movie to a few friends/co-workers all week and I still can’t think of anything I disliked about the movie.

But if there’s anything to nitpick, I guess they didn’t have to tug on my heartstring about Creed’s daughter. I get they’re trying to get Creed to feel like he’s hit absolute rock bottom and it’s a real issue no one really talks about, but I could’ve done without that detail and it doesn’t really doesn’t add anything to the overall story. That was great acting though, on both their parts, in that hospital scene.
Care to explain this?
2 hour movie, 3 fights, first one was short and just introductory, second fight ended in the 3rd round, and last went plenty long but they kinda sped thru 2 or 3 rounds.

Long gaps in between about their relationship, Rocky, family, and then the training scenes if you don't count that as boxing.

Of course I don't know how you could come in expecting different. First Creed was more of an origin so showed a bit more of his come up but for most boxing movies it's not filled with a lot of boxing. Plots are usually about something else not just I want to be the best boxer and be champ.
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Loved it. It’s a toss up between I and II for me. Enjoyed both equally

I would say this one was much more emotional and like y’all mentioned I like how Drago wasn’t an all out villain. Def sympathized with him and felt sorry for him

They def gonna milk this for better or for worst. I predict Creed III will be about Ricky Conlan getting out of prison on early release and rematching with Creed
max kellerman sounded like a voice over in a 2k boxing game :smh: :lol:

Drago's son is da most interesting person in da movie...his interaction with his son and his father attempting to live vicariously thru him was da highlight of da movie.
Not as great as the first but still loved this one. Think they make a third? And if they do, what route?
2 hour movie, 3 fights, first one was short and just introductory, second fight ended in the 3rd round, and last went plenty long but they kinda sped thru 2 or 3 rounds.

Long gaps in between about their relationship, Rocky, family, and then the training scenes of you don't count that as boxing.

Of course I don't know how you could come in expecting different. First Creed was more of an origin so showed a bit more of his come up but for most boxing movies it's not filled with a lot of boxing. Plots are usually about something else not just I want to be the best boxer and be champ.

In these films, the story is always primary while the fights serve as the vehicle.

This is why combat sports films are the perfect genre.
I want a Floyd Mayweather type for the next one or Mike Tyson type. A boxer from NYC that talks mad **** and implies he smashed Adonis' wife :lol:

Bring the dude who knocked Adonis out in the 1st movie back

But I don't think they should have gone to drago so quick.. they should have played the rocky III card with dude from the 1st movie

Have Adonis winning a ton feeling himself becoming a big star and then dude shows back up about he ain't no true champ and he lucky he got hurt.. then have them do 2 fights in the film
I want a Floyd Mayweather type for the next one or Mike Tyson type. A boxer from NYC that talks mad **** and implies he smashed Adonis' wife :lol:
It’s no way they go with him fighting somebody son from rocky again in the next one . Pretty sure they’ll create a new storyline for creed.

Would be trash to keep fighting nemesis of rocky lol
Yea.. drago was the best option easily and would be corny as hell if they keep going with that gimmick

But they really missed it with dude from the 1st movie.. plus you had the side angle of the dude who trained his pops son being that guys trainer
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