Curb Your Enthusiasm season thread Vol. Larry vs. Michael J. Fox (9/11 10PM EST) SEASON FINALE

The little kid being 'pre-gay'
Michael J. Fox vs. Larry, pretty much every exchange they had
Jeff getting hit by the bike
Larry and Leon always bring the lulz when they're on together
Larry having to go to Paris to avoid another event for kids
The parking job confrontation in Paris

This show man
The little kid being 'pre-gay'
Michael J. Fox vs. Larry, pretty much every exchange they had
Jeff getting hit by the bike
Larry and Leon always bring the lulz when they're on together
Larry having to go to Paris to avoid another event for kids
The parking job confrontation in Paris

This show man
Tonight was great, the manner in which the issues were touched on

The ending, Larry and Leon in Paris, the confrontation

Tonight was great, the manner in which the issues were touched on

The ending, Larry and Leon in Paris, the confrontation

this has been the best season ever 

every single episode was complete comedy, and how they ended up in Paris the same way they ended up in NY 
this has been the best season ever 

every single episode was complete comedy, and how they ended up in Paris the same way they ended up in NY 
A classic Larry vs. _____ episode here.

Bloomberg banning Larry from NYC
Leon "If I go up there I will kill this mother #@%%**"
Jeff coming out of nowhere to save Susie
Leon eating a chalupa in France
and the beret

Last week's had me laughing a lot more but this was probably a better overall episode. Very nice end to Curb's terrific season. I don't know if it's a positive or a negative, but this season was great even without a major storyline to carry the episodes. I guess that's a negative since it wasn't building towards any conclusion, but whatever... hilarious season and while I think he'll be back, if this is the last season of Curb I'm satisfied.
A classic Larry vs. _____ episode here.

Bloomberg banning Larry from NYC
Leon "If I go up there I will kill this mother #@%%**"
Jeff coming out of nowhere to save Susie
Leon eating a chalupa in France
and the beret

Last week's had me laughing a lot more but this was probably a better overall episode. Very nice end to Curb's terrific season. I don't know if it's a positive or a negative, but this season was great even without a major storyline to carry the episodes. I guess that's a negative since it wasn't building towards any conclusion, but whatever... hilarious season and while I think he'll be back, if this is the last season of Curb I'm satisfied.
Best Leon quote of the night, "Michael J. Fox about to get Michael J. $@$**# Up".
Best Leon quote of the night, "Michael J. Fox about to get Michael J. $@$**# Up".
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

This has been the best season of the entire series. I never thought he would be able to top the masterpiece of season 6, glad LD proved me wrong.

Best Leon quote of the night, "Michael J. Fox about to get Michael J. $@$**# Up".

I was dying when Leon said that.

Big J 33, CYE will definitely be back for another season.
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

This has been the best season of the entire series. I never thought he would be able to top the masterpiece of season 6, glad LD proved me wrong.

Best Leon quote of the night, "Michael J. Fox about to get Michael J. $@$**# Up".

I was dying when Leon said that.

Big J 33, CYE will definitely be back for another season.
I cant believe people are calling this the best season of the series. I thought this season was good, but best, not imo. The pre-gay line is classic though.
I cant believe people are calling this the best season of the series. I thought this season was good, but best, not imo. The pre-gay line is classic though.
i agree, i didnt like the last 2 episodes and season wasnt the best. it was good, thats about it.

i didnt really watch last nights episode, i just didnt like the fact they were making fun of MJF condition.
i agree, i didnt like the last 2 episodes and season wasnt the best. it was good, thats about it.

i didnt really watch last nights episode, i just didnt like the fact they were making fun of MJF condition.
That gay kid and Leon had me dying, not the best season ever (I think last season was better) but a great finale. Curb always gets it right, I wish Entourage did
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