D Wayde can learn something from Candice Parker.

^ What do you mean?

Did you not read where Dr. 715 already assured us that his medical opinion is highly respectable... because this is stuff he's in school for, and plans tomake a career of it?

I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't know of anyone that could be more credible and respected than... a kid with medical books and hopes of amedical career.

How dare you ask for someone with credibility to come clean this thread up and shed some light on the subject; how disrespectful of you.

I didn't know you need to have a degree to have an educated opinion on a subject? If that's the case, this whole %+!!@*+ forum should be called outbecause everyone here is an expert on everything.

And stop putting words in my mouth. I'm sick of it. To prove a point you act like a person conducted themselves in the way YOU see it and 99% of the timeyou exaggerate it to no end. That's some stright female dog tactics. I was simply saying that these two injuries cannot be compared because there is apossibility that they're very different. Muscle tears, tendon and ligament damage, nerve damage, all of that comes into play.

This guy made a post bringing up an injury that happened last year hoping people would come in and hate - something this message board is flooded with. Insteadof moderating and getting rid of useless posts like this, you decide to get into it with me. Way to go, mod. You're about as useful as an appendix.

If you honestly can't comprehend this then you need to end your life - that pompous persona you carry around makes me sick, it's really patheticHopefully its just how you come across online because I don't see how people can tolerate you. Just thought I'd let you know, guy.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ What do you mean?

Did you not read where Dr. 715 already assured us that his medical opinion is highly respectable... because this is stuff he's in school for, and plans to make a career of it?

I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't know of anyone that could be more credible and respected than... a kid with medical books and hopes of a medical career.

How dare you ask for someone with credibility to come clean this thread up and shed some light on the subject; how disrespectful of you.


You can listen to this "kid's" opinion and my medical books or you can listen to this 30+ year old's opinion who's still in school,going to a community college in hick country and drives around in a yellow truck.

Do you even have medical books? No? Why you talkin'? Oh, that's right. You just like to talk ...
Yo you guys need to chill
No need to see a banning for something like this.
is that gif for real? were the lakers really clowning on dwade? i tried checking the name of th city when it showed the lakers but it was too blurry.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Yo you guys need to chill
No need to see a banning for something like this.

Good advice. I'll leave the WNBA expert be because he clearly knows there is a difference between female and male basketball injuries too.
715 asterisk:
To prove a point you act like a person conducted themselves in the way YOU see it and 99% of the time you exaggerate it to no end. That's some stright female dog tactics.
I agree.

Now please explain to me why you first referred to me as Dr. Ska. If I was legitimately acting like a doctor in here, then just show me how.

If you can't prove how I was acting like a doctor, then you simply THOUGHT that I was, meaning that you were acting like a person conducted themselves theway YOU saw it. And assuming that's true, you then exaggerated things by referring to me as a doctor.
715 asterisk:
Instead of moderating and getting rid of useless posts like this, you decide to get into it with me.
I decided to get into it with you... only after you disrespected me through a sarcastic jab. You could have just respectfully responded to meabout how you thought I was wrong, just as I had initially done to you. In no way, shape or form was I disrespectful to you at first, unless you considerdisagreement to be disrespectful.
715 asterisk:
You're about as useful as an appendix.
*warned* For that, combined with the other disrespectful things you've directed towards me.Disagree respectfully, or be gone.
715 asterisk:
If you honestly can't comprehend this then you need to end your life - that pompous persona you carry around makes me sick, it's really pathetic Hopefully its just how you come across online because I don't see how people can tolerate you. Just thought I'd let you know, guy.
When I need your opinion of me, I'll ask.

But since you're so concerned with me, I'll let you in a little secret: to make my life easier, I do work on being more respectful to arrogant,rebellious, know-it-all, insensitive, stubborn, unapologetic pricks. It's tough, but I'm confident I'll figure it out.

Someone who has a problem with me just because I do something as trivial as moderate a sneaker board is no concern of mine, so don't expect me to be askingyour opinion of me anytime soon... or ever.

And yes, I distinctly remember many of our conversations, and you have always had a problem with me... since day 1. So save the shtick about how you eventuallybecame sick of me; you've had a problem with since we began responding to each other.

P.S. As a fair warning, I have put up with your disrespectful 'End your life' type responses enough; the next time I read it, you're done. Disagreerespectfully, or be gone.
Actually, I just read your last two replies.

Everyone wave g'bye.

P.S. I go to a university, Doc; not a community college.
I thought DWade's was more serious than your typical 'shoulder seperation' type injury.

Also, there's definitely different variations/degrees of injuries.

First degree burn, second degree burn, etc..
man, no need to get banned for this post

715 ur posting style can easily be seen as confrontational and offensive. i doubt you're like that in person...so...you should probably tone it down alittle

edit-too late i guess.

personally....i understand that there can be variations with injuries and stuff like that, but...getting carted off on a wheelchair for a separated shoulderstill seems kinda unnecessary.

and to add something different to the thread, in honor of Chester McFloppy:

@ dude getting banned.

True, getting carted off in a wheelchair is soft, but, if it's true that it was a more serious typical 'shoulder seperation,' I guess I can see whyhe'd need a wheelchair.

Since walking involves your shoulders and such.

But eh, I dunno.
iono, i don't think u really need to move ur shoulders to walk (i've seen this really weird dude at my school who walks with his arms to his sides andhis arms/shoulders never move, and it looks freaking creepy
), but then again, my major doesn't involve the human body at all.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Wait a second, I thought the only people who hated on D-Wade were salty Lakers fans?

Anyway good for her, I heard about this and it is pretty

@ ska not willing to take the L on this one.
How can I take an L when I never claimed to be right?

I simply said that two things didn't make much sense; that's not saying 'Nope, I'm right; this is how it is.'
Damn 715 going hardbody

But I agree there is different levels of pain and damage for the same injury, and therefore since we won't know the degree of pain in dwade's injury,there really is no need to comment...but this is NT so
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

When Derek Anderson seperated his shoulder against the Mavs in the playoffs, he also walked off the floor on his own power.

You talking about the series when Juwon dropped him on the floor like a sack of flour? Dude came back in the 4th game too. Whenever I saw that wheelchairphoto, I always thought it was because of his knee or ankle.
I'm not knocking on her tougness but it's pretty stupid not letting the shoulder heal properly. she is risking her future career.

i walked off on my own, and tried to still play.
Yeah you probably walked off on your own but there is no way you would have gotten back in the game... I've seen it happen to my boy and hewalked off too but there is no chance in hell anyone goes back on right after dislocating a shoulder...
715 was right tho its just like when 2 people have hairline fractures one will be out then the longer cause the one persons maybe more severe then the others

My boy had a separated shoulder and it required surgery but he was still capable of playin on it

I was ballin once got tripped up and banged my knee on the floor really hard tried to get up and walk it off and I almost fainted cause the pain was soo severe

So with each injury their are different ramifications --- no one person has the same body
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