Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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this is proof that kim and ye are a business partnership moreso than a loving marriage.

if my spouse was in a downward spiral i'd do something about...i'd go above and beyond to help the one i love. but im guessing that isn't the case with the Kardashian, those girls get resold more than yeezy boosts...

i feel bad for kanye..sorta.
this is proof that kim and ye are a business partnership moreso than a loving marriage.

if my spouse was in a downward spiral i'd do something about...i'd go above and beyond to help the one i love. but im guessing that isn't the case with the Kardashian, those girls get resold more than yeezy boosts...

i feel bad for kanye..sorta.

They filmin the episode right now
this is proof that kim and ye are a business partnership moreso than a loving marriage.

if my spouse was in a downward spiral i'd do something about...i'd go above and beyond to help the one i love. but im guessing that isn't the case with the Kardashian, those girls get resold more than yeezy boosts...

i feel bad for kanye..sorta.

They filmin the episode right now

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: savage
Hope Kanye ends up being ok ...timing seems like a pr move tho , he knows ppl been talking bout him wildin the past couple days
Hope Kanye ends up being ok ...timing seems like a pr move tho , he knows ppl been talking bout him wildin the past couple days
I would think that becuase he a celeb. But everything mention that happen to him is a perfect mix to go manic and have a psycotic episode.
All jokes aside, I'm wishing him the best.
Mental health is an important topic, especially in the Black community, and it's rarely talked about because people are just so quick to chalk it up to "that ***** crazy". But mental health is real. Dude is prolly just going through an episode right now, or just has some inner issues that he doesn't know how to handle. We all go through it at some point, but all to different extents. Maybe he feels like he doesn't have anyone close he can share his feelings with? Hence why he's so upset with Jay not calling him? Idk. We're quick to call these dudes crazy, which is easy cus we hold em to a high standard, they're rich, supposed to be "perfect". But when you got that many people following you, depending on you, living vicariously through you and idolizing you, on top of having your own issues, and feeling like you're alone/might not have anyone to talk you, that can take a toll on you. That's just my theory though. At the end of the day though, son need help

As far as all that Trump rant ****, I can't justify that :lol:
If kanye would watch total recall at this state of mind right now, he would lose it
All jokes aside, I'm wishing him the best.
Mental health is an important topic, especially in the Black community, and it's rarely talked about because people are just so quick to chalk it up to "that ***** crazy". But mental health is real. Dude is prolly just going through an episode right now, or just has some inner issues that he doesn't know how to handle. We all go through it at some point, but all to different extents. Maybe he feels like he doesn't have anyone close he can share his feelings with? Hence why he's so upset with Jay not calling him? Idk. We're quick to call these dudes crazy, which is easy cus we hold em to a high standard, they're rich, supposed to be "perfect". But when you got that many people following you, depending on you, living vicariously through you and idolizing you, on top of having your own issues, and feeling like you're alone/might not have anyone to talk you, that can take a toll on you. That's just my theory though. At the end of the day though, son need help

As far as all that Trump rant ****, I can't justify that :lol:

Son needs to take his wife and his kids and get out of Hollywood then. Cop a crib in Jersey or something. Get his mind right. See a doctor.

Talk to his gotdamn wife if he doesn't already. If you can't talk to your own wife, then who the hell can you talk to?

Att this point in his life, your number 1 BS crusher should be your wife. You need to put your trust in her, and vice versa. Take your kids, take your wife, move out the neighborhood and get grounded.

If son needs help, then get help. But someone needs to call him out on his ****. Someone needs to set his head straight, the first step IF he has an issue is addressing the elephant in the room and working with him to come to terms with the situation.

But I need receipts, b. Proof for them fax

And I couldn't get through that Kanye interview, man. **** gave me a headache trying to get through it.
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These dudes, man. :lol:

Both these dudes need to just quit and go live life.

Looking like you and ya homeboy after having a drunk fight
Wired differently =/= mental illness...

Ain't nobody say dude isn't wired differently. We ALL know dude is wired differently..

Son is a habitual line stepper, an over exaggerator, much like someone who can't stop stealing or lying. If you don't call him out on his ****, he'll keep doing it. He see's no repercussions for his ****, he'll continue to press and press until he gets what he wants. He's a grown *** child.

You know what thats called? Being ******* spoiled. He's a grown *** spoiled man child. This is the type of **** that happens when ya father ain't around.

A lot of people don't call this **** for what it is cause they aren't parents.

This ***** acts like my 2 yr old. Straight up.

Cut all the excuses as you want for the dude. I deal with a 2yr old and a 12 yr old every day. It ain't no different.

Nobody calls him out on his **** because he's a grown man. When you see a grown man acting like a child, you leave him to his self. More than likely, people around dude don't take him seriously when he goes off on his rants, so he continues to do this nonsense.

Hope his son learns his own way. Emotional father and a attention *** mother.
That man is man is damb near 40

All this crazy...depression....mental issues....cmon son.

Hes just annoying
Hes in the hospital? ???

For what??? Millionaireitis ????

Theres little kids who have a worse life than him and dont complain.

Man **** this dude man.
He is not "mentally ill" tho.

Theres ************ who are actually mentally ill who dont live in a mansion and drive around in murcielagos.

A part of me thinks he's doing all this in purpose

But a bigger part of me is thinking

"Do u realize how many people on this planet have it worse than this ********** and dont complain??""

I cant respect a man like that i dont give a **** how famous u are.
What is he mentally ill from???????

Regular cats have gone thru worse and have stayed focused.

Is he that weak of a human being?

Mentally ill????? Really???

He is not "mentally ill"
Man wat the **** are u talkin about lol.

Eye to eye he dont measure up b real tawk.

Granted he's a HUGE celebrity but cmon. We all have our own personal struggles.

Some cats on here MORE than his lol.
Again. Mentally depressed from what??? Lol

Theres cats who are broke with no car who aren't "mentally depressed"

He needs to ****** man up

I hope this is not the hill he dies on because i still have some respect for him.
There are people who have it waaaaay worse than this guy

Why should we keep this guy above standards to other human beings???

Because he made mbdtf?????lol becuz he made some shoes? ?????

Dis ************ bleeds just like you and i

Why cant it just be so simple as to say "hes ******* up"

If he WASNT famous there would be no sympathy

Just make music and shut the **** up.
U know what.

I honestly wasnt trolling. But now that i think about it....im not one to talk about things i dont have a firm grasp on. And i really dont know about mental illness.....sorry if i offended anyone....so ill take that back.

**** it i dunno what the deal is with ol boy.....

I hope he gets back to making good tunes again.
I'm glad you finally came to your senses because you were doing a REALLY good job of proving you have no idea whatsoever what you were talking about and those words were a huge reflection of the stigma regarding mental illness.

I'll make it clear that I'm not a Kanye fan and thankfully I haven't dealt with mental illness myself but having a lot of insight into it, the really unfortunate thing is attitudes like what you were displaying and the impact it has on people with mental illness and aside from what they're battling, even when they have moments of true clarity, so many are unwilling to get help because of the attitude that they should just "man up" and get past it.  It's not that simple.  It's sad that depending upon the specific illness it essentially prevents many people from recognizing that they're sick but that is compounded by the fear of being labeled as CRAZY.

Mental health issues don't decide who to affect based upon individual circumstances, it's not like "Well, he's rich and famous, has a mansion and a Lambo, I'll skip him and **** with someone who has it a lot harder instead."  There are way too many examples of people in similar circumstances as him, though maybe not as polarizing of a figure in a genre/culture that generally isn't accepting of any sign of weakness, who've dealt with similar problems.  Some have gotten better and some haven't before it was too late.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of the guy and all of this aside if he had stopped making music, clothing or shoes, whatever just voluntarily, I wouldn't be mad but I hope for his own sake and his children' sake he's able to get well.
pablo 2020 we gone do it.

but yeah 'ye aint been right since donda passed on 
 this month make it 9 years
He's on anti depressants he says it on one of his songs it's a pretty specific I mean who raps about lexapro.

Dude is burning himself out not to mention in sure his marriage is crumbling, that chick is not marriage material.

He is just another stepping stone and she will leave him for an athlete and her mom will keep feeding negative stories about him To the press.

That family is ruining this guy, this dude was woke and now he's just sleep walking

I don't like when people come down hard on Kim for stuff, at least things that are in no way related to her.

I've said it probably a handful of times in this thread, but I'll say it again; Kanye is a grown man.

Kim has nothing to do with his actions. He was this way before they got married. Granted her family has a lot of wild **** going on, but that more than likely isn't whats causing Kanye to act how he acts. Thats just how dude is.

And this is just my opinion, but I honestly don't think Kim is as bad as what people think In the grand scheme of things, she hasn't really done anything wild to the point where I look at her and say "whats wrong with her?". Outside of her dad turning into a ******* chick, there are normal everyday families who act just like them, only its not televised. People have family problems that are probably 2x as worse as they do, but since its glamorized and smashed in your face, its "their fault".

I honestly think if Kim would have gotten with a low key dude, someone who may be filthy rich but not an entertainer or an athlete, her life would be way more chill.

Kanye is at fault for Kanye's words, actions, feelings, etc. He's his own man, and I don't care how "crazy" ya girl family is, you should never let other people make you act the way you act. You're an adult, not some impressionable teenager. Kanye makes Kim look as normal as I think she probably really is when them cameras ain't rolling.

Bruce was a grown man too
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