Dallas Mavericks Off-Season Thread: Welcome Dominique Jones.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

We just need to get out of the 4-spot... I'd rather not have to worry about playing the Lakers in the second round...
Well, if we're going to get out the 4th spot, I think we either go 2 or we don't go up at all.

I think Utah and Denver will stay relatively close to one another, but this upcoming stretch of games is our best chance at separating ourselves from them.
Denver's next 11: @GSW, DET, @LAL, @PHX, OKC, IND, POR, @MIN, @NO, @MEM, @HOU ... The last two months of their schedule is kinda brutal.

Utah's next 11: @SAC, HOU, @LAC, @PHX, LAC, @CHI, @DET, @MIL, @OKC, WAS, MIN

Utah ain't too much tougher than we are but Denver is really gonna be tested coming down the stretch...
great win for us last night, especially without caron & dampier!

am i the only one that isn't a big fan of najera? seems like humphries coulda been a little better.

. . dude missed so many easy layups last night.
Originally Posted by ireminisce

great win for us last night, especially without caron & dampier!

am i the only one that isn't a big fan of najera? seems like humphries coulda been a little better.

. . dude missed so many easy layups last night.

I hate Najera as well, but I didn't like Humphries either.

Word, my dude JJ wasn't himself last night.
I liked Najera in his first stint. I wanted him back for a while, but when he started playing this season, I realized he wasn't what we needed.

And what happens?

We traded for him.

My GOD...

These Hawks look TERRIBLE.

20-1 run.

Jason Terry looking like Wade out there creating for others and playing cutting through the post players in the paint.
Too many defensive breakdowns in the 2nd quarter. No communication, players are running to guard the player with the ball instead of staying home on their man and the Hawks are getting open threes as a result
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Too many defensive breakdowns in the 2nd quarter.

Cause Rick had that ****** lineup on the court
The streaky Mavs are back!
This is a big time in the game, the Hawks might pull away because when the Mavs are cold, they are COLD

Jason Kidd is turning it up right now
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