Dave Chappelle Netflix Specials

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  • The Age of Spin

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Deep in the Heart of Texas

    Votes: 8 32.0%

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Is there something you know about Lauren boebert the person that the rest of us dont?

Because putting politics aside she seems like a pretty rotten person. And if she’s a normal nice person, you can’t separate the politics because her politics would fly in the face of her personal beliefs.
Is there something you know about Lauren boebert the person that the rest of us dont?

Because putting politics aside she seems like a pretty rotten person. And if she’s a normal nice person, you can’t separate the politics because her politics would fly in the face of her personal beliefs.
I dont know anything about her as person other than what a bunch of clip, snippets and headlines I was given from people telling me NOT to like her. I don't even really know her personal beliefs to say if they do or don't conflict.

Look yall can play the games these folks want yall all you want. I know emotional manipulation when I see it. I aint going. Thats like fighting over sports team, both side look like *****.
Asking the wrong person. If I saw her in particular, I would not be able to separate the person from the politics. Forget saying no to a picture, I would not interact with her what so ever.

If I were a public figure, I'd probably react the same.
This isn't any different from the Fox news watching crowd. Mfs can spin the same tale about Obama being a terrorist and refusing to interact or take a picture with him.

People are human first before their political affiliation.

Yall caught up in this two party facade and they are laughing at yall while they laugh to the bank
The only thing that would be goofy would be letting a stunt like this have any affect on anything. If you know shes on some BS, then you can see past the BS so now we're back at a person taking a picture of with a celeb.
Yep…..video illustrates just the way he stated the way things went with her while at Congress yesterday.

Some of ya’ll need to get off the internet and go outside, live life and be AROUND different people. Folks is too deep in the game to see things for what they are. Talking about as a celebrity you wouldn’t take a picture with someone without a full background history lesson…..SMH.
People are human first before their political affiliation.

Yall caught up in this two party facade and they are laughing at yall while they laugh to the bank
My view isn't based on republican vs Democrat. She is human, yes. And from everything I've seen, which I will freely admit isn't everything that she is or does, but enough to make me confident in this assumption based on actual words coming out of her mouth, is that she is either a horrible human being, an idiot, or a soulless sell out.

This is par for the course for her. To say "she turned this into a political stunt" is to ignore who she has represented herself to be.

It'd be like being surprised Dave made jokes about this happening. If he couldn't see this coming, he's getting too comfortable. Just my opinion.
And thats exactly how we got to where we are today.
I disagree. People get pissy when folks don't see it their way and that's when **** goes left like this human yall defending.

Live and let live don't hurt nobody.
Me: Lauren Boebert is terrible and it's a bad look to take a photograph with her.

Lauren Boebert: *uses pic with Dave Chapelle to push her agenda*

Dave: Lauren Boebert tricked me.

You: Go outside and touch grass. Lauren Boebert is a person, too.
Right. And I believe Dave to be smart enough to not expect anything different.

So either he is letting his guard down around the wrong folks or is just getting a bit too comfortable being a tool.
Or he doesn’t care cuz it’s just a picture.

Dave pretty certified in his stances and isn’t afraid to say something he believes that the majority will dislike. So it doesn’t really matter
Asking the wrong person. If I saw her in particular, I would not be able to separate the person from the politics. Forget saying no to a picture, I would not interact with her what so ever.

If I were a public figure, I'd probably react the same.
This only if you recognize the person.

For some it’s not that serious.
He Prolly Hit.
Like dead ***. All I see are two white women and Dave.
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