Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: 7/11/14

Well if people havent watched why are they in this thread now that the movie has released. I never understood that

Caught Planet of the Apes last night. It was pretty good, Ceaser made this movie. It was more of a character study and rise to power. The humans were more props to push the story forward rather than being  necessary.

A few things

1. Ceasers son was a chump, he didn't do much and for all that you didn't really get a sense of who he was. he was just kind of there for most of the movie until the plot called for him to do something...semi heroic.

2. The reasons the humans were even in conflict with the Apes was ridiculous. The whole reason the war started was because people needed power, even to the point one of the characters says "They don't need power, electricity, thats what makes them strong" Humans have been around for around 5k years, electricity has been around for about a hunded fifty...it's pretty clear in that type of scenario, power wouldn't have big a major concern, we would have started new civilizations. Going to war with the Apes when/how they did was foolish. Humans could have blew up the bridge, built alternative sources of power, then attacked the Apes by ship/all those damn skud missiles they. Send scouts and such to find out exactly where they are. Apes can't swim that well and they were on an island...isolated, ya could have taken your time to dispose of them properly instead of rushing for power...power you don't really need.

3. The "good guy" human was so wack. He wasn't very smart and wasn't a very good character. Plus his son was shallow, "He's seen things no child should have to see" but still is to soft to really make a difference when the Apes attack. Also, why didn't they even attempt to check out Franco's  crib for medical supplies? You knew Ceaser used to live there, so you should expect that there were some supllies in the house, at least have looked.

4. The villian human(Gary Olderman) was wack also. His little plan to blow up the building didn't work...like at all, it' just made Ceasers fight slightly more interesting. He didn't even have that much to do in the story, he was very shallow.

5. Lastly, there were a lot of pot holes, one glaring one, Olderman said "We have contacted someone else" but in the scene right before that he is talking about how he they haven't made contact with anyone...overall the script wasn't very well written. (And I know he heard someone right before he took the radio from the the building when the Apes were attacking, but they never said they were coming, it was supposed to be implied I guess, but thats just convient, one line could have solved it.

Overall, I'm not disappointed, Ceaser was a bad *** and Koba was a damn smart Ape. But...the story was good, it just wasn't very well written; so many cop outs, so many things were convenient. It's a character study... and they had some damn good characters (Ceaser and Koba)

If there is a third one, it better be the ish, they are slowly expanding and I think they could take on a military, they way they fight, they waythey move, we should get to see Ceasers military genius in tihs...

1. I think you have to take into account how young Caesar's son was. Most likely comparable to a young teen.

4. The plan to completely destroy the tower didnt work because they never finished laying down all the c4. They were still wrapping explosives when dude decided to grab the gun and stop them from continuing.
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The first one was dope and this one was weak as hell. Since everyone knows going in that a war is going to crack off, the build up to the battle just had too many convenient things happen.

I didn't care about any of the characters. I thought Caesar, for being the smartest ape, was dumb as hell for trusting too much especially since he got played by both humans and apes in the first movie. Did he forget? Dude was smart enough to give all the apes the green gas in the first movie, make a stand successfully on some f humans biz and in this one he's a pacifist and super accomodating? >D

The human leader was a joke. How did he even get the job? :smh: Dude was short sighted and incompetent. The dam was the ONLY way? And he was panicking because they wouldn't have lights? :lol: Did fire stop working or some ****? So a rush to war if Dopey the electricIan and his wack *** crew didn't make it back in three days was a sound plan? Please... The worst part was his pic showed he was a former military officer and this dude did ZERO recon on his "enemies". :rofl: If worst came to worst blow the dam and drown the apes. I came up with that in one minute. Did their leader even think?

So much wrong with this one from the jump. I couldn't get into it.
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When koba shot caesar tho, i soon as koba grabbed that riffle my chick said "he is goin to kill caesar and blame it on the humans." He a bit** tho, asking to be saved before getting dropped by caesar. i knew he was going to let go "KOBA IS NOT AN APE" :pimp:
Welp. Hope anyone who hasn't seen it finds their way into this thread lol
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can anyone explain how to put text into spoilers? dont wanna just straight up write things that happened in the movie
LOVED this damn movie... I dont know if i anticipated any other sequel movies as much as this one

I have only one tiny complaint tho... Should made the big *** gorillas look more stronger

Caesar = goku

Koba = vegeta

Koba wasn't Vegeta. He wouldn't have begged for his life at the end. Not would he have ever bowed down to Ceaser. Koba was a g in battle, but at the end he punked out.
Loved the film, I was very impressed by Caesar and Koba.

Excited to see if they do another. Wonder how far they'll jump ahead, There's like 5 films from the original they could go pretty in-depth.
Had low expectations going in, and it was :smokin

Movie had a little bit of everything, CGI was dope and story was solid.

:rofl: @ the tank scene
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Well if people havent watched why are they in this thread now that the movie has released. I never understood that

A lot of people come to these threads just to find out if the movie is worth seeing. :smh:

My review, the movie is worth seeing.
I had the :wow: face when Koba picked up the 2 guns and started riding horseback shooting
It just seemed so :pimp: and :lol: at the same time
I think they desperation for getting the lights on was because people just went through a pandemic . Think about how cookie dough soft these kids are now days . They can't do basic survival thubgs
You right bout that. Kids was even soft in the movie. Moutha****** apes is rounding folks up and you on the porch drawing. You better be preparing for war, you wanna draw, draw some battle strategies. I was hoping his cookie dough blood woulda been spilled...dripping nestles all over the streets.
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