DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

While I believe JL will make a billi, I'm more doubtful about WW. Not because it's a female lead movie though. My reasons are threefold:

1. It has a lot more competition than JL since it comes out in the summer. The three big movies I could see eating into its box office are Cars 3, Transformers 5, and Despicable Me 3. Ironically, I could see all three of those films making a billi before WW. I'm not even going to mention Spider-Man: Homecoming, which comes out a month after WW. So basically, WW's window is small.

2. DC's reputation. Let's not beat a dead horse. They have a lot of ground to cover and they've failed to live up to expectations 3 films in.

3. While I like Gal, I'm not sure she can carry an entire film by herself. And she's not exactly "star" power.

I'm really hoping for the best though because Wonder Woman is legit one of my fav comic book characters.
:lol: dude is wylin WW will not make a billion, no disrespect to women but this isn't twilight or 50 shades or even the notebook, something that had a huge female cult following before the movie actually dropped. If anything it's going to do about the same if not less than the movies I've named. For WW to do a billion not only are women going to see this with spouses or SO but they have to go with their fellow female friends or at least talk about it as a recommendation to one another to go see it

That may happen on a smaller scale with female comic heads amongst one another but it isn't happening to the general female population. My wife was on the fence about 50 shades darker and I thought I was in the clear until a co worker told her it was a must see(it wasn't) and next day we were in the theater

same thing isn't going to happen with WW, a billion, is repeat viewings, people are going to view it once for sure, but multiple times?? no :lol:

if THIS was DC's FIRST outing and venture into the DCEU though, I'd actually believe it could do a billion, I certainly wouldn't doubt it or bet against it.

DC's current reputation actually hurting this movies chances, sucks WW has to follow SS, just based off of that everyone has lowered their expectations, I mean we already know we getting an unrated version of the film on home release, meaning my wife will have to ask me to see it in theaters, but all i have to tell her is there is an unrated version coming out on home release and she'll wait too :lol:
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DHART makes some good points.

The fact that Batman v Superman couldn't top a billion with arguably the biggest comic book characters in history, no box office competition, and a longer wait since the first movie (Man of Steel); I don't have a lot of faith that WW will be in the 1B club.
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I think it would be a fresh take.

If they are going with a older hal and younger jon have it be like that execpt make it the reverse where the older hal is mptew cowboy and reckless and ypinger jon be be the stick in the mud

No love for Kyle Rayner? Maybe it's just cuz I grew up with him and Wally (white wally, but I'm not mad at him being black now)

The thing I love about the GL and Flash franchises is that they have multiple major characters that you can easily feature in the starring role of GL or Flash. I'd be just as happy with Kyle Rayner as I would with John Stewart or Hal Jordan.

A female lead movie about the most iconic female herione is guranteed to make a billion. Women and girls will flock to that movie multiple times. 

First time superman, batman AND WW were on the big screen together did how much again?

Plus you had almost everyone knowing flash was going be in it too
That's a really bad bet dude. JL is a lock for 1 billion. The biggest difference is is that it has a prime Holiday spot and no competition for a month. It's gonna have thanksgiving and Black Friday all to itself.

Also it's not even a huge leap over BVS. I could see if BVS made like 700 million and the jump to a bill was over 300 million. But BVS was already at the high 800 millions
Thor: Ragnarok does come out like 2 weeks before JL in the same month.

Then it has like 3 weeks to flourish as best it can before Star Wars: The Last Jedi drops.

You know Star Wars is taking all the attention by then.
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I remember when amel asked which would do more box office AofU or Force Awkakens

Wish i would have bet then
Any movie released in Nov/Dec has to compete with a Star Wars film now. It is the law of the land.

Is there a SW movie during the holiday next year when the Han Solo movie comes out in the summer? Or are they sticking to one SW film per year?
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I think they doing on per year cause marvel two movies a year disney don't want to cut legs out from one franchise for another let everybody get they box office.

Plus once a year is enough imo let the hype build every year for a new one
MCU is actually about to launch 3 movies a year, granted this years include SM as it's third film, 2018 has BP, IW and AM2.
MCU is actually about to launch 3 movies a year, granted this years include SM as it's third film, 2018 has BP, IW and AM2.

See there you go where can you put in another star wars if your Disney without harming one of these movies, plus again i think they want that holiday money
Any movie released in Nov/Dec has to compete with a Star Wars film now. It is the law of the land.

Is there a SW movie during the holiday next year when the Han Solo movie comes out in the summer? Or are they sticking to one SW film per year?
Lucasfilm is eventually going to start doing 2 movies a year. Some side/spin-off movie and then the main one. They just need to build momentum to it.

I don't see a conflict with MCU movies cuz it's not like a May or June movie is gonna hurt a July or August movies.

If Disney does it right they can tag team blockbuster summers back to back for years to come.

They're simply not gonna give a **** who is releasing what in the other months.
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Star Wars will stay one per year for a long time, I don't believe they'll jump to 2 a year, no need.

They demand quality and excellence, (now that Jar Jar Lucas is dead) they would never want to "rush" films or cause clutter

8 in 2017
Han Solo in 2018
9 in 2019
3rd spin off in 2020

I don't see them altering any of that, at least not for quite a while.

Mind you, they still have TV stuff they can play with coming up.
Plus Disney still has to make room for their live action adaptation and Pixar films, Beauty and the Beast just came out and they have two Pixar films this year too along with 3 MCU (including Spidey) and SW. There's also the Pirates movie in May.

I think Cruella starring Emma Stone was still slated for a release on December too (22nd I think) which will just be destroyed by Ep8 if it comes out a week later so that might get pushed back which I think already presents Disney with problems on their scheduling if it has to be pushed to the next year.
Disney so stacked that they need a quantum algorithm just to figure out how to keep their movies from cannibalizing each other smh
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