DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

The first part i get the second with as violent as hong kong action flicks get i dunno.

l SS was still a PG13 film, so something that violent with guns? They also had to remove the word "Suicide" in the title for China and it still didn't pass.

The whole rating thing is weird, like The Wolverine was PG13 without the blood, add some blood splatters with those slashes and it becomes a rated R.

And Logan is actually one of the first movies that got an age restriction warning in it's marketing in China despite all the cuts they had to make.
My bad. 
Star Wars will stay one per year for a long time, I don't believe they'll jump to 2 a year, no need.

They demand quality and excellence, (now that Jar Jar Lucas is dead) they would never want to "rush" films or cause clutter

8 in 2017
Han Solo in 2018
9 in 2019
3rd spin off in 2020

I don't see them altering any of that, at least not for quite a while.

Mind you, they still have TV stuff they can play with coming up.
:lol: @ 2 SW movies a year = rushing.
@ 2 SW movies a year = rushing.
I see what you're saying but Marvel and Star Wars franchises operate differently imo.

With Marvel, yes it's true they release multiple films in a twelve-month period but they have a wider universe and a more diverse set of characters which result in different types of films.

Star Wars isn't at that point..... yet. I mean, let's be real, we are 8 films deep (soon to be 9) and Skywalkers play main characters in all of them still.

I think the smart move is build slowly with regards to SW
To me they're already are at that point.

They just started a new trilogy and the 2 other movies they're doing? Are set decades in the past of that shared universe's continuity.

Lucasfilm can't run parallel production for their SW franchise?

I'm not saying episode 10 and 11 should drop in the same year

You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.
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To me they're already are at that point.

They just started a new trilogy and the 2 other movies they're doing? Are set decades in the past of that shared universe's continuity.

Lucasfilm can't run parallel production for their SW franchise?

I'm not saying episode 10 and 11 should drop in the same year

You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.
It's more Disney. That's it their strategy. They want to release 1-2 live action adaptations, 1 Star Wars, 2-3 marvel movies and 1-2 cg movies a year

Disney doesn't need to release 2 Star Wars movies in a year
You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.
Oh, they definitely could. And in the future, I wouldn't bet against multiple SW films coming out in the span of a year.

I think it really goes back to the lack of stories you can tell in the Star Wars universe. At least, stories that the general audience will gravitate towards. Every single movie would need to reference Jedi/Sith, Rebellion/Empire, and/or the Skywalkers in some form or another. Otherrwise, it'd just be SPACE ADVENTURE film, not Star Wars

You made the point of Han Solo film taking place decades apart from Ep 8. To me though, you're basically going backwards from more than a story-telling perspective. That's basically like Marvel doing a Hawkeye origin story with a younger actor. It sounds decent and would make money but why keep going to a character that's well-established already when they have such a diverse catalogue of Marvel characters to explore?

I know it's an extreme example but it's my way of illustrating how narrow SW really is for the general public. I'd love a crime story or heist film set in the SW universe w/o Jedi or lightsabers. Something new, basically.
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To me they're already are at that point.

They just started a new trilogy and the 2 other movies they're doing? Are set decades in the past of that shared universe's continuity.

Lucasfilm can't run parallel production for their SW franchise?

I'm not saying episode 10 and 11 should drop in the same year

You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.
It's more Disney. That's it their strategy. They want to release 1-2 live action adaptations, 1 Star Wars, 2-3 marvel movies and 1-2 cg movies a year

Disney doesn't need to release 2 Star Wars movies in a year
I don't think it's a need issue. Just a matter of time.

Marvel has started 3 movies a year this year and it'll be that way for now on (as long as Feige is running the show).

When you look at the calendar year for releasing their own movies and where they can do their best there's room for SW, Marvel, and animation (I assume that's what you mean by cg) movies.

You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.

Oh, they definitely could. And in the future, I wouldn't bet against multiple SW films coming out in the span of a year.

I think it really goes back to the lack of stories you can tell in the Star Wars universe. At least, stories that the general audience will gravitate towards. Every single movie would need to reference Jedi/Sith, Rebellion/Empire, and/or the Skywalkers in some form or another. Otherrwise, it'd just be SPACE ADVENTURE film, not Star Wars

You made the point of Han Solo film taking place decades apart from Ep 8. To me though, you're basically going backwards from more than a story-telling perspective. That's basically like Marvel doing a Hawkeye origin story with a younger actor. It sounds decent and would make money but why keep going to a character that's well-established already when they have such a diverse catalogue of Marvel characters to explore?

I know it's an extreme example but it's my way of illustrating how narrow SW really is for the general public. I'd love a crime story or heist film set in the SW universe w/o Jedi or lightsabers. Something new, basically.
I mean movies set in the past is what they're doing.

As far as stories to tell, sith/Jedi/Rebellion/Empire is their bread and butter. There are tons of novels to adapt, tons of comics, tons of new stories being written right now.

So I don't see the issue there.
You telling me episode 8 and Han Solo or Rogue One couldn't have come out in the same year?

I'm not buying it.

Oh, they definitely could. And in the future, I wouldn't bet against multiple SW films coming out in the span of a year.

I think it really goes back to the lack of stories you can tell in the Star Wars universe. At least, stories that the general audience will gravitate towards. Every single movie would need to reference Jedi/Sith, Rebellion/Empire, and/or the Skywalkers in some form or another. Otherrwise, it'd just be SPACE ADVENTURE film, not Star Wars

You made the point of Han Solo film taking place decades apart from Ep 8. To me though, you're basically going backwards from more than a story-telling perspective. That's basically like Marvel doing a Hawkeye origin story with a younger actor. It sounds decent and would make money but why keep going to a character that's well-established already when they have such a diverse catalogue of Marvel characters to explore?

I know it's an extreme example but it's my way of illustrating how narrow SW really is for the general public. I'd love a crime story or heist film set in the SW universe w/o Jedi or lightsabers. Something new, basically.

This is complete hogwash fam.
That's why I followed it up with "stories that the general audience will gravitate towards". I'm aware of the EU (now Legends) and a lot of it was pretty sub-par fanfiction imo

Not to be snarky but could you come up with a Star Wars story that does not involve lightsabers, the already-established characters, or make any reference to the Rebellion/Empire that would generate hype for a general audience?
What? What you even saying? What thw hell would the movies be about they called star wars for a reason there would have to be war.

They just had a billion dollar non light saber movie looks like the general audience likes it lol
What? What you even saying? What thw hell would the movies be about they called star wars for a reason there would have to be war.
You're making my point. The amount of Star Wars stories you can make are pretty limited compared to the diversity of Marvel's. If it were as easy to come up with something fresh and exciting in that universe, you'd think Disney wouldn't limit themselves to one Star Wars film per year. That's all I'm saying.
They just had a billion dollar non light saber movie looks like the general audience likes it lol
That's not really a fair description considering the movie used Darth Vader extensively in the marketing and the movie's most memorable scene literally involved him killing a bunch of rebels with a lightsaber but I get the gist of what you're getting at.

I liked Rogue One tbh. I actually prefer more of these types of SW movies where the Force, Jedis/Sith, or the Skywalkers/Solos aren't the focal point which I hope the Anthology films are headed.
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You're point doesnt make sensd you saying that Disney doesn't have the material to make more than one movie year is based on the fact thwy made a movie connected to overall universe? Thst doesn't make any sense

People WANT to see movies connected, if you end up making a movie without any the characteristics of the franchise then it's not a star wars film. That movie was he ewok film and it sucked

If they have a lack of material why are cartoons, book and comicss coming out like clock work to expand the universe?

Disney isn't putting out two movies a year cause they don't want to. Like someone said they probably will at some point but they just started making these movies again a few years ago
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What? What you even saying? What thw hell would the movies be about they called star wars for a reason there would have to be war.

You're making my point. The amount of Star Wars stories you can make are pretty limited compared to the diversity of Marvel's. If it were as easy to come up with something fresh and exciting in that universe, you'd think Disney wouldn't limit themselves to one Star Wars film per year. That's all I'm saying.

They just had a billion dollar non light saber movie looks like the general audience likes it lol

That's not really a fair description considering the movie used Darth Vader extensively in the marketing and the movie's most memorable scene literally involved him killing a bunch of rebels with a lightsaber but I get the gist of what you're getting at.

I liked Rogue One tbh. I actually prefer more of these types of SW movies where the Force, Jedis/Sith, or the Skywalkers/Solos aren't the focal point which I hope the Anthology films are headed.

That logic doesn't hold up, because it assumes that a company not making more than one film per year could only be because they didn't have the ability to come up with other ideas. There are numerous other factors that could play a role. That'd be like saying because DC wasn't constantly releasing films all these years they were struggling to come up with ideas for films, when the DCU is as rich and diverse a universe as you'll find. Yet they released Man of Steel in 2013, after which they didn't do another film for 3 years, despite the fact that Man of Steel did just fine and was a massive improvement over Superman Returns. For Star Wars, I'd say it could be as simple as Disney just not wanting to release multiple Star Wars films a year right now.

While I agree that you can get more stories out of Marvel than you can Star Wars, I wouldn't say that Disney is exactly hurting for Star Wars stories either. If nothing else, the Expanded Universe proved that they can take any concept from the original three films and spread it into a multimedia franchise. Like, the EU lasted from the 1970s through the 2000s. I don't see why there would even be a question of Disney managing to create just as many stories. As others have mentioned, they're already doing it through their new films, new novels, various comic series, etc. The Star Wars concept moved beyond the Skywalker family quite a while ago, as soon as writers began playing around in different eras that were set thousands of years before either Anakin or Luke was born. Knights of the Old Republic is a video game that didn't involve the Skywalkers at all, featured a completely new storyline in fact, and was massively accepted and praised by the fans. I think that the general rule for pretty much any franchise is to respect the source material, clearly let the fans know that the work is set in the universe they already love, and give the fans a solid, interesting story and you won't have any problems.
Listen, episode VII just did monumental #s and it was a rehash.

Rogue One did great and it was telling a story of a plot point in episode IV that didn't need to be told.

Lucasfilm is giving fans what they want. It doesn't matter that it's all about the same 5 or 6 topics. That's what sells.

The other genres and themes ppl would love to see can still be incoporated in to a movie while also dealing with Jedi, Sith, a rebellion or resistance, empire or new republic
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It doesn't matter, they aren't going to do 2 a year for a long time.

10-12 years from now? Maybe. But not in near future, no.

And :rofl: at limited stories to tell. I could give you 20 movies off the top of my stupid head and not even think too hard. Them as a studio could come up with a hundred and not run out of ideas. It's beyond expansive.

**** 7 gave you all kinds of directions to pursue, Knights of Ren, Snoke, Phasma, Kylo, Republic/New Order, Poe, what Luke/Han/Leia did post RotJ. Rey's origins, I mean..... :lol:

They made Guardians work, Ant-Man, Strange, BP, Cap Marvel, no diff than the stories I listed. They could easily be told successfully.
I don't really care, it won't happen. I already said they surely could do multiple per, if they wanted, no doubt, but they aren't going to. They're gonna keep it one per and flourish off it.
You sound so confident based off nothing.

Makes no sense to start off with 2 per year. You get there after a few years of success. Could happen as soon as 2019.

You not in those annual report office meetings with Kennedy, CP.
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