DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Just have the squad trying to stop a coup in some African country. Mission turns sideways, they are stranded and have to get out (think The Warriors). They somehow stop the coup on the way out. Coup Leaders escape

Mid Credit stinger: Leaders of the coup are desperately trying to escape and discover the Tomb of Teth-Adam
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What do you guys think of SS 2 focusing on the team trying to stop Bane and his super serum in South America?

Something in the vein of that Young Justice episode
Naah, i'm good on that. Bane needs to be fighting Batman if anything.
I think they should leave Bane out of the movies in general for a while. We've had Bane twice. I hope they go deep in the roster for some of the villains.
I really wanted to see Ventriloquist in the Nolan films because of the multiple personalities and the realism in that...I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for them finding a way to do it without it being super cheesy.


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They need to fill Arkham with random goons and some of the lowest tiered Batman villains. They should have Condiment King in that joint. Even if we only see him for 30 seconds. I think it would be hilarious to see him rob a store while spraying people with ketchup and mustard. :lol: :rofl:
Mid to late 50s man who happens to be a Acrobatic martial arts expert with crazy agility, y'all gotta be realistic with these characters man some **** doesn't translate to flesh and blood people :lol:

My ***** he took a super soldier serum :rofl:. Da ****? Why da hell are you questioning this very specific aspect of comic book fantasy? :lol:
My ***** he took a super soldier serum :rofl:. Da ****? Why da hell are you questioning this very specific aspect of comic book fantasy? :lol:

Same reason you want Jim Halpert to be Booster *****

Dammit I got dreams too ***** Scott would be dope as Desthstroke
:stoneface: Booster Halpert slander will not be tolerated

And :wow: at whoever suggested Ed Helms as Blue Beetle :wow:

Blue and Gold could be Oscar-worthy as a comedy :wow: Rainn Wilson as the villain
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