DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

The JL actors actually look like they have great chemistry...Ezra looking like he's having the time of his life :lol:  

Seeing this makes me really wish they had a GL in it though, might just be me wishing for a JL Unlimited live action replica.

I think a lot of people want to see the JLU roster. Maybe they'll add Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter in the sequel. I've got a strong feeling we'll see one of the GL's in this first one. Probably after the final battle.
Looks less NiteOwl-ish here:

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at least it looks like they're having fun

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I had never seen BvS or MoS when I saw suicide trash in the theater. Gave my opinion in here I believe, got accused of being a DC hater/sheep/marvel Stan etc.

Went back and watched BvS and thought it was equally as terrible. Went back and watched MoS and while I didn't think it was AS bad, it was still pretty garbage. NOW you can accuse me of having a DC bias or at least a Zach Snyder bias because after watching all 3, I won't do it again and I'll bash all newer projects with the bias I gained from being extremely dissappointed in these projects.
Well since there hasn't been a villain announcement (I think) I would assume it would be earth based, just as all the members of the current JL (cept Supes obv). once we get the galactic villains I think GL MM and HG would come thru. maybe GL chasing the villain and comes up on earth. villain gets is overcome by by the numbers of the JL, dipsets to Mars boom MM is there. 

Pay me now hollywood.
I had never seen BvS or MoS when I saw suicide trash in the theater. Gave my opinion in here I believe, got accused of being a DC hater/sheep/marvel Stan etc.

Went back and watched BvS and thought it was equally as terrible. Went back and watched MoS and while I didn't think it was AS bad, it was still pretty garbage. NOW you can accuse me of having a DC bias or at least a Zach Snyder bias because after watching all 3, I won't do it again and I'll bash all newer projects with the bias I gained from being extremely dissappointed in these projects.
Perfectly reasonable.

Only thing I look forward to is Batffleck.
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Oh yeah, you weren't in here on your bull **** when BvS came out.

Yes, I did see it in theaters. My review is in the thread.

well then i guess you werent that smart
Actually I did not pay to see the movie :lol: Friends brought me. Only thing I wasted was time but the night ended well. Coming off MOS which I did not like, I was willing to give them one more chance given they were only 1 movie in to their shared universe. I was going to see it either way but it just came down to in theaters or waiting for it to end up on HBO.

That's how it works with movies for me. Give a little rope to see if things will improve and if there is none do not support the trash.

But again you would've had been in here at the time.
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We're 3 movies deep. If you don't have any faith or interest in the upcoming films, what's the point of further consuming or talking about them if it's going to make you guys bitter and disappointed? All it takes is a trailer for a blu-ray to trigger people. :rofl:

Well since there hasn't been a villain announcement (I think) I would assume it would be earth based, just as all the members of the current JL (cept Supes obv). once we get the galactic villains I think GL MM and HG would come thru. maybe GL chasing the villain and comes up on earth. villain gets is overcome by by the numbers of the JL, dipsets to Mars boom MM is there.

Pay me now hollywood.

We've known the villain for a long time. It's not an Earth threat. First movie is going to be Steppenwolf which is going to help set-up a future Darkseid movie. If MM exists/is introduced into the DCEU, he won't be on Mars. All the Martians are as dead as the Kryptonians.
We're 3 movies deep. If you don't have any faith or interest in the upcoming films, what's the point of further consuming or talking about them if it's going to make you guys bitter and disappointed?
I said so a few posts up, Batffleck :pimp:

Last thing I was disappointed by was BvS which was this year.

Honestly, if it's one thing I'm a fan of from DC it's Batman so even if this version sucked I'd still check his movies.

All it takes is a trailer for a blu-ray to trigger people. :rofl:
I'm not one to be swayed like that. All trailers are intended to show the best of any movie.

But yeah, it's only been 3 movies so far and that just let's you know how I felt about the first 2 that I wasn't willing to risk to see the 3rd one (and I was never particularly fond of it when it was announced anyway).

The only other hope they got is they've worked to get somebody (2 actually) with a vision to run a tighter ship. So movies in the future might be better than from how they started. Some rumors sound good but they're just that for now. I'd have more hope if Snyder got fired though but seems they wanna risk it again and think a few changes will make it so he makes a good movie.
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That Batfleck movie probably won't be dropping earlier than 2018. We're getting Wonder Woman and Justice League next. Then Momoaquaman and Flash. If you've already written off everything until Batfleck, what's the point in consuming/discussing them?
I really haven't been though. What posts are you reading?

Definitely not "consuming" since you know none of those movies are out yet and the last thing I discussed was peeping the extended SS movie since I wasn't gonna bother to pay to see it and how other ppl were smart for not continuing to watch movies if there's a pattern of them all being ****. You know the saying, fool me once....., fool me twice.......

Before that commenting on the video of poor dude reenacting movie scenes :lol: and before that a Bryan Cranston vid.

Not sure what you think I've written off that I'm still consuming and discussing.
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You're in here patting people on the back who are throwing shade on DC. Same people who only post in here to remind us that DC movies are "trash". If I don't like something, I'm not going to waste energy following a thread, watching trailers, or posting my misery about it. There's no point. People complain about the team Iron Man vs. Team Cap stuff in the MCU thread, but it's nowhere near as old and tired as the DC pile on.
You're in here patting people on the back who are throwing shade on DC.
Correction, I was praising wise decisions on movie viewing habits.

Same people who only post in here to remind us that DC movies are "trash".
I'm not aware of the ppl I quoted being ppl who only post here to say the movies are trash. You gonna have to provide some posting history evidence for me to believe that. Can't take your word for it.

There's a consistent type of behavior of certain posters in here being extremely sensitive and touchy about anything they don't agree with.
If I don't like something, I'm not going to waste energy following a thread, watching trailers, or posting my misery about it.
This to is wise. If I ever get to the point of "posting my misery" I would stop too. Sort of like I did with the TWD thread and others, granted it never got to the point of misery :lol:

There's no point. People complain about the team Iron Man vs. Team Cap stuff in the MCU thread, but it's nowhere near as old and tired as the DC pile on.
I don't really care. When I don't like something I find old and tired being posted I ignore it or don't read it.

Just move on.
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Move on from what? I'm telling the people who don't like these movies to move on. If you don't like the taste of something. Why keep eating it or going to where its served? It's backwards as hell.

It looks like some people take pleasure in ripping on DC. Like it validates their stance, bias, opinion, or something.
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