DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Move on from what?
From the posts that you don't like or agree with. Its right there in the post :lol: Ain t no way you missed it.

You can not dictate what anyone else's posts no matter their reasons for it.

You would be better off ignoring it and/or not letting it bother you so much.

I'm telling the people who don't like these movies to move on.
Good luck :lol:

When that applies to me I'll be sure to.

It looks like some people take pleasure in ripping on DC. Like it validates their stance, bias, opinion, or something.
Again this is the go to whiny complaint when things are posted that you don't like or disagree with.

Don't like it, don't read it. You can't tell ppl how to voice their opinion or how many times they can. That's just how it is. Don't matter if you think it's backwards or anything else.

Imagine the reverse of this and you complaining about the constant praise and compliments a movie got and how everybody was rejoicing in the movie's greatness. Saying **** like ppl take pleasure in propping this franchise as if it validates their stance, bias, opinion. They'd tell you to **** off too.

Like I dunno man, stop being so concerned about others and their views that bother you? Definitely more worthwile things to engage in.
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Not trying to dictate anything. Not trying to get wrapped up in this nonsense again either. Its whatever.

Trust me. I know all about ignoring threads. I only ignore posters when they're racist or something. Blocked a lot of people in the Trayvon threads and I've avoided the race threads like the plague since then because of how cancerous they could get. I've unsubbed from other threads because of the suffocating fanboying or hating. We're in here just trying to post about these DC films and a bunch of people have to come in here to play spoiler.

No one is going to say anything about appraisal. You're in here undermining people's intelligence because they liked a movie by saying its smart not to like it. What purpose does that serve other than contempt? It's been 2 and a half months since SS dropped. We get it.
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No one is going to say anything about appraisal.
It's just as much a waste of time as what you're doing.
You're in here undermining people's intelligence because they liked a movie by saying its smart not to like it.
Actually I didn't do this at all. Now I have to question your intelligence, either that or you're purposely lying. If you didn't comprehend what dude said or what I gave him a compliment for you should inquire so it can be explained to you but this whole assume it's something that undermines your intelligence just so you can feel offended and complain about it is complete bull ****.

If you liked MOS or BvS then it would make sense to go see SS. More power to you and obviously what was being talked about would not apply to you at all.

This has nothing to do with intelligence. Just your opinion of the movies. If you feel your intelligence is being undermined because you liked a movie and I didn't then you have severe insecurity issues.
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maybe people trash dcs recent releases because they still hope that one day they will get it right. just because something is put out doesnt mean one should just be glad its out. if you like it good, if you dont thats ok too. doesnt mean that if you dont you should just jump ship. kinda of like sports. good seasons and bad season, one follows hoping one day they get it right.
Some folks haven't liked what DC has put out so far, but in general are still interested in the DC universe since they have some affinity from the comics and older properties. Deal with it man, stop. Just stop. This over-emotional unwarranted defense all the time is getting tired.
If you want to fix the issue of ppl 'piling on' DC then DC should just come out with better movies

Problem solved

It's not rocket science. There is no DC bias conspiracy.

If a movie is good ppl are going to like it and say so

If it's bad, ppl are going to **** on it
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The opposite of a smart decision is a stupid decision. Trust me. I don't feel my intelligence is being undermined. I know people are tired of this discussion. The same way people are tired of the crapping on DC in the DC thread. It's a waste of time to beat people over the head with saying "X and Y are trash". It doesn't contribute diddly.

We got Rick Famuyiwa directing the first ever Flash movie. James Wan directing the first ever Aquaman film starring Jason Momoa. Wonder Woman and Justice League next year. And people still want to remind us how bad DC is doing and how "trash" BVS and SS are. If that isn't worthy of a "move on", I don't know what is. It's whatever though, Zik. You win. I don't want to get pulled in to this back and forth. Go ahead and dissect my post and skew what I'm saying.
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Conversation is healthy, but this whining is getting old. I for one do appreciate ya'll optimistic dudes, as you care enough to keep the thread up-to-date.
In all honesty, I don't understand why ppl can't just agree to stay in their own lanes.

Optimistic dudes stay in one lanes.

Dudes who aren't satisfied with being peddled **** in the other lol
maybe people trash dcs recent releases because they still hope that one day they will get it right. just because something is put out doesnt mean one should just be glad its out. if you like it good, if you dont thats ok too. doesnt mean that if you dont you should just jump ship. kinda of like sports. good seasons and bad season, one follows hoping one day they get it right.

I def fall into this, I'm honestly just disappointed, is it ok to be that?? :lol:

Let's take out all the common complaints i.e. direction, acting, casting, plots etc.

My biggest gripe right now is editing and the fact that 2 out of the 3 movies now have extended cuts. It's also kinda weird that these cuts(at least BvS, SS is yet to be seen footage wise) have made the movie more "complete" as to where the original theatrical release have left many scratching their heads. I mean BvS had roughly an extra hour, right? I dunno about many people but if i know a movie is gonna have an extra hour of footage, regardless of the movie even if it isn't a comic book film I will be waiting for the home release. Especially if you're telling me the movie will make more sense at home than it will in a movie theater. That means they get my money upon theatrical release and then once again to see an extra hour on Blu ray....that just doesn't make sense, especially when it will fill in plot points

Now, the biggest complaint I've heard about SS from people not even pro or anti DC or hardcore fans, is that the film falls apart in the 3rd act, after having a stellar first 2. it'll be interesting if that 13 minutes or whatever is put into said 3rd act to help make it more concise. If it is, it shows that the studio is just putting out whatever cut they want, regardless of quality and then releasing these "extended" cuts that will make the films drastically better. Also keep in mind the SS extended cut doesn't have unrated anywhere near it, so they are obviously hoarding the Joker stuff for some later release, probably some huge movie box set i'm sure, so that's another money grab.

I for one am not for that, don't get me wrong I'm all for extended cuts, unrated, whatever, but I'm not gonna shell out the dough for both the sub par product and the superior product later(still a very happy PS3 owner here) I can afford it, def not an issue, but I don't like feeling finessed out of my money like that and that's how I felt with BvS, I wasn't going to let that happen again for sure. Especially since it seems that now these films will get an "extended" cut every time now

If you liked the films though and have no problem with it, than you're a bigger fan than me and there's nothing wrong with that at all. I do feel that if people are able to praise something in the thread, people should be able to put down the same subject matter(obviously ignore the trolls) but if most people shelled out dough for something they aren't happy with or just want things to be better, they have every right to complain
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Lot of smart well thought out replies I'm reading. Aint even gonna quote them all, just repped :nthat:
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Hole up!! I tried to remain silent, but eff that! Yall better put some respekt on the DCEU's name. Yall don't like the DCEU movies, cool. How about creating the i hate the DCEU thread. Instead of constantly coming here polluting this thread. How many more ways can you say I didn't like BVS or SS? We get it, some people didn't like the movie. But Jesus, do we have to be constantly bombarded with how much you didn't like??  Hell, you don't see me on this thread D riding DC all the time. 
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Hole up!! I tried to remain silent, but eff that! Yall better put some respekt on the DCEU's name. Yall don't like the DCEU movies, cool. How about creating the i hate the DCEU thread. Instead of constantly coming here polluting this thread. How many more ways can you say I didn't like BVS or SS? We get it, some people didn't like the movie. But Jesus, do we have to be constantly bombarded with how much you didn't like?? 

"I'm flattered that you're interested, but I just don't have feelings for you."

That's another way
dc movies aren't special. Why should we create a separate thread? We don't do that for marvel or fox. If something sucks or is dumb we blast it in every thread.
Hole up!! I tried to remain silent, but eff that! Yall better put some respekt on the DCEU's name. Yall don't like the DCEU movies, cool. How about creating the i hate the DCEU thread. Instead of constantly coming here polluting this thread. How many more ways can you say I didn't like BVS or SS? We get it, some people didn't like the movie. But Jesus, do we have to be constantly bombarded with how much you didn't like??  Hell, you don't see me on this thread D riding DC all the time. 
This that safe space garbage.

Respect is earned not given.

You don't know what true bombardment is.
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