DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

If going by the original roadmap, the green lantern film wouldn't be until 2020. So it doesn't make sense to have a cameo 3 years until the movie

Anyway, I'd say either Gylenhall or Cooper( I don't think being the voice of rocket has any bearing on a 2020 movie tbh)

But to be honest, I think we all wanna see Cruise Missile
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Justice League 2 was pushed back and Batman forward. It wouldn't surprise me if they moved other projects around. I think we'll see an improved strategy at SDCC.

I think the "plan" before Geoff Johns got there has changed. If there is one thing Geoff Johns is good at, it's taking multiple properties and connecting them, crossing them over, and leading to pay-offs in big events. He's orchestrated multiple series and characters in the comics really successfully. They just need to make sure they keep getting talented actors and find the right filmmakers to make the best movies possible.
:lol: If Tom Cruise becomes Hal. The movie will probably at least do well.

Why does that link have Ryan Reynolds name in it?
They still want Reynolds after the Deadpool success.

I kind of want Tom Cruise to be Gardner, for some reason I can see him being him. Even if someone else gets Hal, he should cameo as a GL about to go nuts... maybe that's I see Tom pulling him off :lol:
Surprisingly, I read somewhere that Ryan Reynolds may be involved in GL still...they said either front of the camera or behind the scenes 

Then this report comes out...maybe he's still connected and wants to right his wrong. I'm on board if they can bring back Mark Strong as Sinestro 
I mean just because DC is interested doesn't necessarily mean Reynolds will say yes.

He has been vocal for his hatred for that film and how it pretty much ruined him calling himself "unhirable" after it so he may not step in that cgi suit again but then again giant sacks of cash speak loud so we'll see.
There's a lot of talented actors that just aren't right for the role. I think Deadpool was a perfect role for Reynolds and Hal Jordan wasn't. When you see him in stuff like Van Wilder or his cameo in Harold and Kumar, that's the kind of ridiculous and juvenile humor that's perfect for Deadpool.

I'd be so down to see Mark Strong play Sinestro again. I wouldn't even care. I can pretend the 2011 movie didn't exist. He crushed that role and the practical effects they did for him were really good.
There's a lot of talented actors that just aren't right for the role. I think Deadpool was a perfect role for Reynolds and Hal Jordan wasn't. When you see him in stuff like Van Wilder or his cameo in Harold and Kumar, that's the kind of ridiculous and juvenile humor that's perfect for Deadpool.

I'd be so down to see Mark Strong play Sinestro again. I wouldn't even care. I can pretend the 2011 movie didn't exist. He crushed that role and the practical effects they did for him were really good.
Mark Strong was one of the only 3 good things about GL 2011.
I think Reynolds was perfectly fine as Hal, it was just the script. His comedy was toned down so it was not a bad performance by any means.
He definitely has serious moments, but it still felt like he was playing the usual archetype he plays in his old rom-coms to me.
Why not? They want to pretend that movie never existed so just announce Strong has been cast as sinestro.
Forget if Reynolds wants to or not you mean to tell me FOX is just gonna get linked like that? DP2 already underway as far as pre-production and they haven't locked him down in some contract?

:lol: If Reynolds ends up being Wade and Hal simulataneously.

With that said, I didn't like Reynolds at all as Hal but given they were going for a more humorous copy Marvel's Tony Stark Hal Jordan he did fit that. Just was not to my liking.
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James Marsden also in the discussion for the role of Hal.

My man teddy :lol:

Well he was given no love back in the day as Cyclops, it would be interesting. You think they go bigger in terms of star power for Hal though
Knowing Hollywood, they'll most likely cast Armie Hammer for Hal.

totally random but I was under the impression that dude was gay for some reason. Like ever since Social Network I could have swore he was a openly gay actor that always played straight roles. The I see him at Globes with his wife and I was like I dunno man dude still lying himself.

I don't know about him as a actor though beyond social network is he really that good a actor? Lone Ranger bombed and he barely been in anything else.
Knowing Hollywood, they'll most likely cast Armie Hammer for Hal.
totally random but I was under the impression that dude was gay for some reason. Like ever since Social Network I could have swore he was a openly gay actor that always played straight roles. The I see him at Globes with his wife and I was like I dunno man dude still lying himself.

I don't know about him as a actor though beyond social network is he really that good a actor? Lone Ranger bombed and he barely been in anything else.
Zik and I agreed that dude is very bland.

He looks like he'd fit in well in 1940s/1950s films as a leading man, but he has no ounce of charisma. His films are very ehh; to give you a reference, Cavill was more charismatic than him in Man from UNCLE.
I saw that Jim Halpert is lobbying for the role. Big tuna still wants to be a super hero :smh:

I think like Momoa and Superman go with a relative newcomer or unknown. No one seems to hate on DC casting choices for most part they seem to get that right with the expection Zuckerberg and Joker.

I'm stkkk holding out hopes of younger Hal and a older more seasoned Jon if they are going the lethal weapon route with Idris being our guy.
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