DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

I wanna see a Power Rangers-esque morph sequence for Momoa-man

Dude downs a bottle of Jack, the ocean envelops him, water forms the armor on him while dolphins/sharks/humpback whales fly around in the background

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:lol: That BC link is just a joke poll.

Basically saying any of those other options would be better than Snyder.

At least George Miller and Steve McQueen are on the list (although I imagine a McQueen directed superhero film would be closer to something like a PTA movie than Miller).
The newest rumor is that it's Matt reeves. He's directed Cloverfield, dawn of the planet of the apes and war of the planet of the apes
If that's the best they can do, cool I guess.

Not in to the monkey flicks but his movies have looked good.

Not sure how assertive he is with making sure the script is good or making changes if he needs to.

Idk man. Even though we sorely need more black superheroes in films, I kinda hope cyborg gets killed off so I don't have to look at his ****** design anymore

DC trying to make Cyborg their token needs fo stop. Its failed in the comics. Doesn't work anywhere else.

The character only works in Titans Go so far.
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Cyborg... He's REALLY gonna have to do some cool stuff if I'm gonna accept him as a founding member of the Justice League before Hal, John, J'onn or like a hundred others.
Not a fan of aquaman's or cyborg's

Cyborg looks like the busted ultron from the beginning of UOA

Or like Luke's mechanical hand from Star Wars.. which is basically a skeleton style meant to be covered.. like the terminator robots without the human skin over it
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I'm sorry but Snyder's dreary style makes Aquaman look so lifeless.

Cyborg cgi remind me of the GL cgi that looked bad in the trailer and ended up being bad in the movie.
They all look dreadful. Dudes need some damn color in them. They all have to be dark red or dark blue?

AM almost blending into the background.
I don't mind WW coloring just cuz to me I've never taken her costume seriously and a lot of versions of it are just silly if adapted to live action.

I see a woman out in the streets wearing what's mostly the American flag outfit (blue skirt/panties with stars on it and knee high red boots) with some rope I'm assuming she's a Halloween hooker.

The movie look at least leans on the Greece/Rome era warrior attire or basically Xena so the amount of skin showing makes sense.
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Love Cyborg in the classic Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans, he was an undisputed boss in Geoff Johns' Teen Titans revival in the early 2000s, and of course the classic animated series

It's all about how you handle a character, I would go so far as to say no character is inherently "bad", even though there are certainly "good" characters. I don't rock with him as part of the JL, throwing him in there was random and nonsensical. Even still I wouldn't mind in the movie if he friggin actually looked cool.
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Love Cyborg in the classic Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans, he was an undisputed boss in Geoff Johns' Teen Titans revival in the early 2000s, and of course the classic animated series

It's all about how you handle a character, I would go so far as to say no character is inherently "bad", even though there are certainly "good" characters. I don't rock with him as part of the JL, throwing him in there was random and nonsensical. Even still I wouldn't mind in the movie if he friggin actually looked cool.

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I hope WW is good.. but I'm not a fan of making her that level of pessimistic, especially with everything going on

Was my issue when DOA came out and the film was announced and they said they would be going so far back.. how would they justify her laying low for the almost a century

With cap, obviously dude was frozen.. they gotta come of with something good to explain it
DC movies, tv and comics obsession with Cyborg is bizarre to me.
It's either 1 of 2 things. Either somebody at WB/DC really advocates and loves the character and they are in a position of power, or they are trying to shoehorn in a black character and the only known black D.C. Heroes are Static, GL Jon or Cyborg. And they can't use static due to licensing issues.
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I think they feel his popularity in the Teen Titans cartoon will also help attract more kids in the theaters.
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