DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Schumacher Batman films > Burton Batman films


theyre gon count each time you turn on the film to continue watching as another view

its genius really, you may take a break every hour and that’ll count as 4 views

I peeped how when they did the report for how many ppl watched the first weekend it was how many ppl watched for at least 5 min :lol:

You basically can tally a new view if you stop and play every 5 min.
For me it was at hour 2. At that point it felt like 4 hours even with 2 sittings

I was actually quite enjoying it and stopped after Flash grabbed the hot dogs and realized it was only at the halfway mark:lol:

I don't see how 10% slow-mo is a knock. That's par for the course for all of his films, no? 300 and Watchmen felt the same to me. Can't remember much from Sucker Punch though.
I was actually quite enjoying it and stopped after Flash grabbed the hot dogs and realized it was only at the halfway mark:lol:

I don't see how 10% slow-mo is a knock. That's par for the course for all of his films, no? 300 and Watchmen felt the same to me. Can't remember much from Sucker Punch though.
Yeah. I remember thinking “they still haven’t showed flash yet??”. Movie was overly long for the wrong reasons. Every music video could of been cut out. Speaking of music, it mostly felt out of place.

Which is to be expected. WW was actually a new movie and on Christmas Day

WW-2.2 mill
Snyder Cut -1.8 mill
Falcon and winter soldier -1.7 mill
Wanda Vision- 1.6 mill
Tom and Jerry - 1.2 mill
Why are you including Disney+ shows?

Samba tv tallied the viewers differently for the Snyder cut compared to the rest. They only logged in for ppl that watched at least 5 minutes of the Snyder cut :lol:
JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder Confirms That He Did Offer Daniel Day-Lewis MAN OF STEEL Role

Yes, Daniel Day Lewis really was in talks to play General Zod in Man of Steel.

A rumor claimed that the multi-time Academy Award-winning actor was being "looked at" for a role in Warner Bros.' then untitled Superman reboot back in 2011, and during a recent interview with MTV, director Zack Snyder confirmed that there was some truth to the report.

"Daniel Day-Lewis can play any part he wants. If Daniel Day-Lewis called you up and said, 'I want to be in your movie... want to be Lois Lane.' You'd be, like... 'Yeah, ok," the director joked. "But yes, we did talk. We had hoped that Daniel Day-Lewis would be interested in the movie."
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