DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Just to give a few impressions. Don't worry, I will not spoil anything!!

Movie was A++. The theater I was in had a pretty good crowd. Everyone was super hyped to see the movie before it started. And so was I. I arrived at the theater at 8:30, and the showing was 10 p.m. once the movie finally started there was a special message from Zack Snyder asking everyone not to spoil or post anything about the movie. Then after that the movie started playing. Now I will say this, IMAX does this movie severe Justice. I won't cover any story elements because again I want you guys to experience what I experienced in the theaters, but I will say that two things really stood out to me.

1. The cinematography was absolutely beautiful! Larry Fong was severely missed in Man of Steel, but he made his presence known in this film.

2. The script by Chris Terrio was absolutely superb. He took what could have been an average script an elevated it to a masterful level.

The casting was on point. I know a lot of people were skeptical about who was chosen, but rest assured that you will be presently surprised. I'll end it here. But I'm sooooo excited for you all to see it. I'm gonna go back and see it about 4 more times this weekend alone.
So does this put dc ahead of marvel???
Like does marvel now have to move their releases around dc schedule???
So does this put dc ahead of marvel???
Like does marvel now have to move their releases around dc schedule???
IMO, this movie puts DC neck and neck with Marvel. And the only reason I say that is because Marvel dropped the ball with AOU. Civil War will be the true test for Marvel, but if it turns out like AOU then all DC has to do is knock it out the park with Suicide Squad and they will have surpassed Marvel in terms of quality films.
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Movie is really good, might be borderline great but I need time to process because the film is just a dream come true. There are just true emotions if you like the comics, yeah Avengers was great with that ensemble but there is just nothing like the trinity. Goosebumps all over.

The film, surprisingly, doesn't feel like a Snyder film which I think many will like. The film actually has somewhat of a Nolan film, dark but has bits and pieces of humor here and there. Pacing is good too, the beginning feels slow but it is scene after scene after scene which is reminiscent of Nolan type of transition. Then it ramps up from there and plenty happens to process but in a good way.

And yes this is tons better than MoS and that's coming from someone who liked MoS more than most here.

With that said, I do kind of see where people are going to criticize and try and demolish this film, there are moments there where you could go... "huh?", thos who scrutinize and nitpick are going to have a field day I think, I hope I am wrong but I think it is more like DD S2, there are some moment you want to say WTH but still very good.

Ben was good (probably the best Bats to date, think maybe Daniel Craig as Bond), Gadot was good and Cavill was good (though he does make some stupid Tobey faces at times so people will hate on him anyways :lol: ) and Amys face doesn't look dilapidated in the film so those all get a thumbs up. Eisenberg was pretty good and he was my biggest concern, he could e real scary and towards the end he was frightening and I think he will just be a pure bad*ss next time we see him.

Now for the spoilers.... And BIG SPOILERS!!!!


To those who want a true comic representation, don't count on it. BATMAN KILLS!!! :lol: Though comic book nerds might hate it, alpha NTers who says what the "f' with these heroes who doesn't kill" will be more than satisfied with this Bats. Dude didn't give a damn. :rofl:

I like it that Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg weren't just easter eggs, they are part of a bigger world building, they gave them more than enough cameo time each.

And that Flash time travel scene (is it a dream or did it actually happen?), oh geez, just nergasm all over. They even made scrawny Supes after a nuclear blast just like in TDKR.

There are plenty of emotions in the end, yes they employed the Death of Superman and I think to even those who hates this Superman, you won't be able to help but feel some part of sadness here.

Was a bit surprised that it is Bats who wants to create the JL, it's interesting to see where they take it.

That is all I am going to say for now, plenty to process. There was no post credit scene but it might be added for the public version like Deadpool? I hope so but I could imagine. Going to see it again Friday.

If I were to guess, just because this is better than MoS that it'll make tons of money.
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I believe he was in my theater, someone yelled out that they missed him on Collider.
Just got home and the movie was great. Started off slow but it gradually builds up.

To those asking for spoilers:

This wasn't even a "fight". It was really just Batman beating Superman's ***. :lol: The whooping he gave Clark Kent, Jesus Christ. :x :pimp:
Welp. See you guys in 4 days.

Boss gave me some vouchers for iPic so I checked and they had one pair at 615 on Thursday. First time going to one of these theaters with recliners but I chose that premium seating where they give you blankets and pillows and also serve a full menu/drinks to your table [emoji]128293[/emoji]
I go to iPic all the time and that's the only way to go. Otherwise, you might as well just go to a regular movie theater.
You'll notice that the regular seats in the front will be completely empty while the recliner seats will be full. :lol:
I feel fortunate enough that some of us got to even see it tonight. Was in total disbelief throughout the night. Didn't hit me until I saw the WB and DC logo on the screen.

Some random guy was spazzing on security asking why we got to see it early :lol:. He could have snuck in though, security was buns. Security did patrol the inside though, one guard with a night vision scope paced around our theater every so often to see if any phones were being used during the movie.

No spoilers on my end, but man some of the stuff in this movie gonna have people talking.

Batleck was RUTHLESS man. Cavill was cool, Gal was cool, Jesse I'm still not completely sold on yet, although I'm glad to hear he won people over. Supporting cast was cool. I expected some cameos, but not in the way they were done, so damn cool.

Action was pure spectacle.

Really though, can't say enough about the Batman aspect of the film, pic those parts out and that in itself would've already been cool pieces for a solo movie.

For me though, despite the 2h31m runtime, I feel like there was alot going on in this movie, pacing kind of bothered me JUST A TAD BIT Some of the movie felt disjointed is what I actually meant to say. I have to see it again this weekend before I place my final verdict. As of right now though, I'm pretty satisfied. And NO POST CREDIT SCENES, not in our advanced screenings at least.

Chris Terrio definitely left his stamp on this. He and Snyder offered up a lot of fan-service with this one. Goyers name was in the opening credits, but no doubt WB just gave him a writers credit in order to keep him away.
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I'm encouraged by some of yall reviews. It's really sounding like they stepped it up from Man of Steel. Hated that movie with a passion.

Glad DC chucked Goyer to the curb. He was probably the biggest part of the problem then. Was especially encouraged by anyone who said that it seemed obvious that they went away from his writing. I guess the heavily publicized rewrites on the og script must've helped.

I actually have expectations for the movie now.
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Does Gal have a thick Israeli accent?

How does the movie compare to Watchmen, Avengers, and TDK?

Most importantly, does Hans Zimmer Da Gawd deliver with the OST???
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Hyped for WW.Wasn't a fan of Gadot just because of her build. From what I'm hearing though, I can't wait to see her in the movie.
Trying to see it next week, middle of the week. Not on the weekend, no way. A nice 6PM showing on a Wednesday sounds much better :lol: .
Hyped for WW. Wasn't a fan of Gadot just because of her build. From what I'm hearing though, I can't wait to see her in the movie.

From everything I've seen/heard, it's good news that people are changing their opinion on her as WW. Between her and the Batfleck casting being announced, I didn't have high hopes for this movie.

And that's coming from someone who highly enjoyed MoS and was looking more forward to seeing a sequel, rather than this.
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