DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

My goatee has filled in a little bit, tempted to cosplay as Mexican Superman and act like a douche.
Man this movie is gonna leave audiences really divisive, I'll say that much.

Seems like most of the screenings had the same type of crowds, def made it more enjoyable.

I know I said Gal was cool, I'll retract that statement and say that she delivered. Held her own out there. Still can't believe we got to see The Trinity together.

As of right now though, besides the surprises, my biggest takeaway is actually the fight between Batman and Superman, man I thought it was reallllly good. I didn't think much of it going in, because to me, it was gonna act as more of a precursor to the other events that went on....But it was :smh: :x in the best way possible, powerful and impactful delivery.
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I do think there are some choices in the film that will leave some people 50/50 but since people were 50/50 on MoS and this one is way better that they'd lean more to liking this.. a lot more.

I think some of the choices works for what it is and executed well enough but this is NT who questions every little thing so I do still expect this thread to be a warzone. :lol:

I will say this though, I do think some will have a hard time being more subjective just because there is an emotional factor in these characters. Again this is Batman and Superman and WW, it's hard to not pull on your heart strings just from your childhood.

To those who has seen it, do you guys agree that the film transitions felt Nolan-esque in which it just bounces from one scene to the other quickly before you can completely process what just happened? Editing probably isn't as refined as Nolans but I definitely got a sense that Snyder kind of tried to emulate it which is a vast improvement to how MoS was editted.

I just don't want people to misconstrue my analysis that it looked Nolan-esque by thinking this is going to be like the next TDK. :lol:
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Gal didn't have the accent or at least it wasn't noticeable.

It's hard to compare this one to Avengers, I agree with Campea when he said that Avengers was good and fun but it didn't have much complexities and layers, it was pretty straightforward. BvS has more depth but that doesn't really mean it is better, it's up to you to decide if it is executed to your liking. This movie is still dark but it isn't shot like MoS where everything was filtered to look brooding and that's why I said it didn't look and feel like a Snyder film, maybe towards the end when everything is going on but it doesn't start that way. Probably also helped that there aren't as many green screen type of landscapes int he beginning so it looks more natural? Again you'd have to judge because I am still processing it all and will see it again on Friday.

Campea also made a valid point in comparing it to Deadpool, BvS is less fun just because DP is pure comedy but he said BvS is a better film and I do agree with that.

I've seen many say this stands toe to toe with TDK but to me I'd still say TDK is better, that movie was just about a perfect CBM and funny enough it really should have been Joker featuring Batman if you think about it. That is just a tough one to beat.

Watchmen, cinematography-wise, you see somewhat Watchmen like style in this one which was is good I though. Is BvS better, I'd say yes. Again it is hard to compare.

Music was good and epic I thought, then again I can't say I am an expert on these and its nuances. It never took me out of the scene which is pretty much what I was looking for.

Yea she has her accent but probably had an acting/speech coach help her out. Definitely tried to have her accent sound a little less distinct, as in not have you know where she was really from.

Like I said, reactions are gonna be divisive.
Almost, and I say that loosely, like Watchmen but with characters we grew up with. Avengers was a more fun film, can't really take away the fact that we saw all those Marvel characters together for the first time, but this was a bit more story driven, a little more grown up. Definitely more graphic-novely than most CBM flicks. And compared to The Dark Knight..? Thats tough, I mean to me that still holds up so well, but like I've read somewhere before (could've been in this thread) TDK was a crime thriller with the protagonist dressed up as a bat, film is still one of the great films to me though...BVS offered us BATMAN, even the first "glimpse" we get of him in this movie is like straight out of a comic page, detective work, ingenuity, all that was put on the table.

Hans MOS score was still there, with some re-arrangement. Junkie XL killed it too. Overall it was legit, definitely captured the nature of the scenes well. WW score during her entrance was cool as hell though. Some people didn't like the soundtrack/score when it released a few days ago, I hadn't heard anything until I saw the movie, but I had no complaints, to me music and the film meshed well IMO.
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Even though they crammed so much story into Watchmen and it felt like it moved from issue-to-issue too fast. That movie's cinematography was really good. Snyder's always been a great visual director. Every little detail, like seeing Niteowl swoop down. When I found out he was doing Batman v Superman, I had the ultimate confidence that the movie would look amazing and the action sequences would be well shot and choreographed.

Which is why I feel like 300 is well received and better received than some of his other work. It's basically a movie meant for action and visuals. Having Terrio rewrite the script was a good call. Pairing Snyder's visuals with a better writer like Terrio sounds like it worked out really well for WB/DC.
Critics embargo lifts at 6pm tonight (pst) so I think that is when it all begins
im curious to see reviews from those who didnt like MOS
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I honestly think they'll like it just because MoS' biggest problem was the flashback transitions and how the whole film was edited. Overall BvS feels more refined and better paced. At least that's how I see it.
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