DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I don't even remember him murking fools. Keaton was a boss though.
Batman killed all those henchmen in the chemical factory in the first movie when the batmobile dropped the bomb and blew the place up. I personally don't have a problem with it.
I'm pretty he killed this guy and quite brutally I might add :lol: dudes guts must be all over the place


I liked this discussion. It also cements my belief that this movie is nowhere as horrific as people are making it seem
Yeah, just sounds like people didn't get what they wanted or expected going in. It sounds like they did a good job setting up the universe though, which was the most important thing.
Yeah, just sounds like people didn't get what they wanted or expected going in. It sounds like they did a good job setting up the universe though, which was the most important thing.
I could argue that setting up the JL should not have been the most important thing, but if you name your movie "Dawn of Justice" then yeah, I can see what you're trying to say...at this point it's hard for me to say anything until tomorrow night, but I hope this isn't a "set up for future movies" type of thing...I want something that can stand on it's own, with baby steps towards something awesome and organic...
Michael Keaton stayed killing fools in the 90s Batman films. When Batman locked on to the Joker with batwing he was firing real rockets and bullets. If he were a better shot he would've killed the Joker before he had a chance to shoot down the batwing.
To be fair Nolan did instill that philosophy to his Batman and it was an integral part of that story, especially the best one of them TDK.

So I see that being what most are used to and what they remember the most.

But even Nolans version has loopholes. "I won't kill you but I don't have to save you."
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I do think he does, parts of BvS looks like a direct response to the criticism of MoS, like they tried to make sure the audience knows that the destruction of the third act had no civilians. I have to watch it again but I a not even sure if Doomsday destroyed any of the helicopter flying around him :lol:

Snyder spend the last 3 years defending MoS and dude's gon' spend more defending BvS til JL comes out then he'd probably defend that til JL2 comes out :rofl:
Yeah, just sounds like people didn't get what they wanted or expected going in. It sounds like they did a good job setting up the universe though, which was the most important thing.
I could argue that setting up the JL should not have been the most important thing, but if you name your movie "Dawn of Justice" then yeah, I can see what you're trying to say...at this point it's hard for me to say anything until tomorrow night, but I hope this isn't a "set up for future movies" type of thing...I want something that can stand on it's own, with baby steps towards something awesome and organic...
I agree. They may have got a little carried away in trying to fast track to a full DC universe. The main thing I was worried about was this being the set up and not delivering. If that was the case, and it was just a ****** setup I'd be worried. I'm more excited for movies like the standalone Batman, Aquaman, Shazam, Flash. Not a huge Superman fan, so I was kind of expecting to not 100% love it. Let's be honest 

I'm just very happy to hear that we still have all these movies to look forward to. Hearing that this is more than likely the best Batman we've seen yet is what's most important to me, and I love the angle they took and the response I'm hearing to Batfleck.
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Zack probably cares to some extent. He truly seems invested in his projects, especially the comic book ones. I would think it'd be hard to step back after so many months of work and say, "whatever, I don't care what people think."

The low ratings on RT actually have me optimistic. The lower my expectations are heading into the theater, the better.
Just a guess based on general audience reaction I've seen, the cinemascore on this is probably going to be an A or A-.
Anything Batman related is great really and if there's a complaint about Alfred is that he doesn't have enough screentime.

i dont think this was covered...

how was Simon Gruber as Alfred?
  Some have said that the chemistry between Jeremy Irons and Ben Affleck is pretty spot on...almost like Batman: TAS spot on...

  Take that with a grain of salt.
If ANYTHING is on par with TAS, I'm going to be giddy. Some of the best Batman material in that series. Holds up, too.
Depending on who's writing them, sure they are.  Batman and Superman have just as many bad stories as the Transformers do, a lot of them even worse.

I'm just saying...if I walk into a Transformers movie expecting anything but trash...fun trash, to me, but trash nonetheless, whose fault is it when I walk out disappointed?  Do I blame the director, the writers, the actors for making the exact movie they set out to make, or do I blame myself for not paying attention to what I was sold?
So ppl should just expect Batman and Superman movies to be complete **** and if it's not the worst we should be happy.


I can get lowering expectations but damn :lol:
I think one consensus on almost every critics review is that Ben Affleck is great as Bruce/Batman and if you're a Batman fan it is just a must see just for that portrayal alone.

I've seen it mentioned more than once that Snyder really wanted to do a Batman movie but was saddled with Supes :lol: :smh:
Do you guys think Snyder even cares about these reviews?

dog he made sucker punch...
as long as those checks are coming in i couldn't imagine him caring...

He seems the type that'll be satisfied with his version and not entertain ppl trashing his work since that's been the case most of his career. His reply will commonly be I did the best I could with what I had to work with :lol:

And going off him not even being in the top 5 choices for directing MOS I can't blame him that much. Seems somehow for creative minds out there that Superman and some of the other JL stuff is something most do not want to touch especially given the pressure. Even experienced directors can see what went down with Trank :lol: and be like that could happen to me.
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